J. P. Sloan

First Name: J.
Middle Name(s): P.
Last Name: Sloan

J. P. Sloan Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 55
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort descending Death Method Inquest Finding
John Weston December 31, 1890 on the plantaion of Robt Bailey Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said John Weston came to his death "From the Effects of a gun shot wound accidentally discharged in his own hands, on the 29th day of Decr inst."

Georgianna Watts October 11, 1891 at R.O. Hairstons Laurens County, SC Accident

by their oaths do say, that she came to her death, By being burnt in the house, it being burnt on her By Accident.

L. W. Warren July 26, 1894 in Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident train

we the jury find that he died from the effects of a fall from the Lever, it being fastened by the flagg [sic] staff in the hands of himself, and a man on the RR car, running at great speed, causing a jack to fall from Lever and jump it up throwing Mr Warren and hands from car. We also find that he alone was the sole cause of the accident and the RR in no way to blame.

John Owens January 31, 1891 at the Lem Williams place Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death on the 20th day of Jan by misfortune in a corn crib that was consumed by fire, from some cause unknown to this Jury.

Evans Campbell March 14, 1892 at Rhett Copelands Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Evans Campbell came to his death by Accident or Misfortune, By the burning of the house he was in

William Moore April 15, 1893 in a lake near little river Laurens County, SC Accident

Being a lawful Jury of inquest and being charged and sworn to inquire for the State of S.C. how and by what means the said Wm. Moore came to his death on the 14th of April inst. In Laurens County By Accidental drowning, in a lake near little river.

John Watson May 23, 1892 at Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death "by Accidental Gun Shot in his own hand on the 22 day of May 1892

Unknown Colored Man about 60 years old Unknown Colored Man about 60 years old May 15, 1893 on the plantation of D.D. Simpson Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oathes do say that the said colored man came to his death from inflamation of the left hand and arm of phlegmonous character and for want of proper attention, that he died some time about the 13th inst.

Female Child of Press & Lindy Beasley Female Child of Press & Lindy Beasley August 30, 1890 on the plantation of Capt Alex Henry's Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said female child came to its death from "suffocation"

Jane Forgy March 10, 1896 on the plantation of Mattie McPherson Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that she the said Jane Forgy came to her death from the Effects of a gun shot wound from the hands of Tom Forgy by Accident on the 9th day of March inst.

Cora Boyd May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Church Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that She came to her death from the Effects of fire, That She died on the 17th inst. Having been burnt in a house on the plantation of M.B. Pool that was accidentally burnt down on the night of the 16th inst.

Butler Farmer December 20, 1890 on M B Pools Plantation Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that said Butler Farmer came to his death "from a gun shot wound from the hands of James Gowan or Henry Jones, supposed to be an accident."

Andrew Dawkins June 25, 1895 at Laurens CH Laurens County, SC Accident

From testimony produced, I find he died from a fracture of the skull received from a fall while engaged in unloading a Lumber car, at the Factory at Laurens County. I also find that there was no one to blame for same.

Duff Gist June 20, 1893 at Beaver Dam Church Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oathes do say that the said Duff Gist came to his death from Congestion of the Bowels.

Euphemia Jones child February 6, 1894 on the plantation of Mr. Stroud Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say the said Euphemia Jones here deceased came to her death from being burned, by accident, whereunto we the jurors and coroner here set our names and seals.

Infant of Adeline Teague Infant of Adeline Teague August 18, 1894 at Laurens County Court House Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that it Died in Laurens Co. on the 17th day of Aug. AD. 1894 from accidental suffocation.

Alfred Gage May 21, 1890 at Milton Laurens County, SC Accident

by their oaths do say that the said Alfred Gage came to his death "By Accidental Drowning in little river at the Mills at Milton.

David Fowler October 2, 1891 on the Pyles place Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say. That the said Daniel Fowler, Came to his death on the 1st day of Oct 1891 - in Laurens County, by being accidentally caught under a falling tree, mashing his head.

Infant child of Laurens & Nelly Simpson Infant child of Laurens & Nelly Simpson June 18, 1890 at Laurens Simpsons Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said infant child came to its death by "Accidental Smothering."

David Adkinson June 9, 1894 on the Harris plantation near Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident train

upon their oaths do say that he (David Adkinson) Died from the Effects of a severe blow upon the right side of the head, being accidentally struck by the passing 10 oclock train on the G.C. &N. R.R. At the place known as the Harris place 3 1/2 miles N.E. of Clinton.

George Grant January 16, 1894 at Laurens County Court House Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Geo Grant came to his death from the effects of a gun shot wound accidently inflicted by the hands of Edward Martin.

Janie Watts October 11, 1891 at R O Hairston Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Janie Watts Died in Laurens County on the 11th day of Oct. 1891 by being burnt to death in a house that was burnt by accident when the Mother was away.

Emma Williams January 8, 1894 at J.O.C. Fleming's mill Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Emma Williams came to her death By accident, having been caught in the machinery of the mill.

Lewis Bradley Laurens County, SC Accident

we the jury find in our opinion that Lewis Bradlet Died in Laurens County on the 29th day of Decr. 1894 from great Exposure in the [extreme?] cold, and that no one is to blame as far as we know, for his death.

Emma Hunter May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Church Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths Do say from the Testimony given that Emma Hunter Died from the Effects of fire; That she died on Tesday the 17th inst having been burnt in a house, that was burnt down on the plantation of M.B. Pool on the night of the 16th inst. All Accidental...

Calhoun Templeton February 3, 1892 at Laurens CH Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Calhoun Templeton came to his death on the 3rd day of Feb. A.D. 1892 at Laurens CH. By Accident, being burnt in a burning house on the plantation of JD Watts.

Will Metts March 16, 1895 at Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident train

we the jurors impaneled find from the testimony produced that the said Will Metts came to his death By being caught between Box Car and platform, crushing his body. In our opinion there could be no Blame attached to any one.

W. H. Searsey October 21, 1890 at Laurens CH Laurens County, SC Accident train

by their oaths do say that We the undersigned Jurors find that the deceased WH Searsey came to his death Oct 20th 1890 at Laurenns SC by accident - caused from Jumping from the Engine on account of a collision, caused by service Train, and from the Evidence, it was carelessness upon the Part of the Engineer and conductor of Service Train, and RR authorities of PR and WC RR.

Will Harris June 16, 1896 in Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident train

We the Jury of inquest Empaneled in the case of the state vs dead of unknown colored man (supposed to be William Harris) found dead on or near the track of the G.C. & N. R.R. at Clinton S.C. find that said unknown man came to his death from bruises and shock supposed to be received by jumping or falling from train no 41 on Georgia Carolina and Northern Railway about midnight June 16th 1896 while trying to steal a ride.

Charley Campbell March 14, 1892 at Rhett Copelands Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say "that Charley Campbell came to his death. By Accident or Misfortune, By the burning of the house he was in

Clarrisa Boyd May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that she came to her death from the Effects fire being in a house that was burnt over her all by Accident or misfortune.

Lillie Washington December 22, 1892 on the plantation of J.O.C. Flemming Laurens County, SC Accident train

upon their oaths do say that she came to her death "By the train running against her throwing her off the track, and in our opinion unavoidable.

Wade Adair December 13, 1891 at Clinton Laurens County, SC Accident train

upon their oaths do say that he said Wade Adair came to his death by being accidentally run over by the C N & L Train No. 151 P.C. Gailard Conductor and we find Railroad Company in no wise responsible for his death.

Alice Miller November 16, 1893 in Alice Miller's house Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that she came to her death from Heart Disease and that no violence of any kind was used by any person.

Austin King October 27, 1890 at Laurens CH. Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

by their oaths do say that the said Austin King came to his death "From heart disease."

W. W. Rodgers January 7, 1893 at Clinton Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oathes do say that the Aforesaid W W Rodgers came to his death on this 7th day of Jan, about 8, 10 Oclock AM, at Clinton, S.C. from Hemorhage and Blood Clot on the Brain.

Josephine Smith October 12, 1890 on the plantation of M.B. Pool Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the said Josephine Smith from some natural cause unknown to the jury.

John B. Garrison February 21, 1894 in Clinton, Laurens Co Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say, that the said John Garrison died from mitral Insufficiency.

Thomas J. Fuller October 5, 1894 at T.J. Fuller's Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the said T.J. Fuller came to his death "From Natural Causes."

George Roberts May 2, 1896 Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

we the Jury Empannelled in the case of the State vs dead body of George Roberts find that he died From Heart failure

Charley Young June 17, 1893 on the plantation of Henry Young Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oathes do say that the said Charley Young came to his death from (Heart Failure).

Thornton Nance August 7, 1891 at Milton Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that he the said Thornton Nance came to his death by Pistol shot wound in the hands of Jim Young - & his accessories - Jno Adams - Perry Adams Jno Atkinson, Lige Atkinson - Tom Atkinson Jack Williams - Henry Suber, Monroe Young - Henderson Young & Allen Young.

Perry Rook May 28, 1894 in Clinton, Laurens Co Laurens County, SC Homicide

we the jury find that the deceased Perry Rook came to his death from the effects of a gun shot wound, said gun being in the hands of Dennis Rook.

Jno Fuller October 6, 1890 on the plantation of Melmoth Hooker Laurens County, SC Homicide

by their oaths do say that the said Jno Fuller came to his death "From Gun Shot wounds in the hands of Perry Gray without cause."

Infant male child of G.Y. Jennings Infant male child of G.Y. Jennings April 10, 1893 behind Elihu Bullock's stables Laurens County, SC Homicide

We the Jury of inquest... find that this child came to his death. . .By the hands of G.Y. Jennings, By some means unknown to us, And aided And abetted by Elihu Bullock Clara Bullock and wife of G.Y. Jennings against the peace and dignity of the state of So Car.

Clem Davis August 31, 1894 Near Barksdale station of the Greenville and Laurens RR Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that Clem Davis came to his Death by Gun shot wounds at the hands of Parties to us unknown.

William Roster June 9, 1891 on the plantation of Go Y Young Laurens County, SC Homicide rock

upon their oaths do say that the said Wm Roster alias Berges came to his death From a blow received by a rock thrown from the hands of Rafe Dickson this the 9th day of June 1891.

Frank Dillard September 24, 1890 on the plantation of William Patterson Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that the said Frank Dillard came to his death by "a gun shot wound in the hands of W.B. Patterson

Unknown Colored Man Unknown Colored Man July 5, 1892 at Will Davis Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that the unknown man came to his death from Gun Shot wound in the hands of A B Blakely in self defence.

William Evans July 4, 1894 on the Foley plantation Laurens County, SC Homicide hoe

we the jury find that Wm Evans Died from the Effects of repeated blows on the head, with a hoe, in the hands of a four year old boy, John Stevens, who had been left to nurse it. And we think from his age, that he is not, intelligently responsible to the law for the said act.

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