Fairfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Fairfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 286
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Typesort ascending Death Method
W. H. Parker at Blythewood Accident train
Unknown July 13, 1830 at Rocky Mount Ferry Accident
William Hopkins at J. Feaster Lyles' plantation Accident
Flemming Taylor at Jack Taylors house Accident
Cornelius Johnson at Samuel Johnson's Residence Accident
Proph[?] Fryday at Willson Fryday's Accident
Loney November 20, 1848 at Harrisons Ferry Accident
Lizzie May Crosby at Feasterville Accident
S. W. Murtishaw December 22, 1859 at Alston Depot, G & C R. Road Accident train
Abby Davis May 29, 1877 at Quarly[?] Davis Accident
Hilliard Brown at Washington Ashford's house on the Boyd place Accident mule
Margret Ann Kinncade at W.B. Murry's Place Accident
James McCants December 8, 1836 at the residence of the deceased Accident
Priner Davis near Simm Davis' Spring Accident
Ida Suber at Lyles Ford Accident
Edward Young December 26, 1833 at the house of Mrs. Mathews on the waters of Wateree Creek Accident
Ella Davis at the dwelling house of Alice Simms Accident
Unknown March 26, 1877 at James McGill's Accident
Hattie Smalls at C.B. Blair's Accident
Henry July 6, 1834 at the house of John Holly Accident
Thomas Elliott Wilson near Strother Accident train
Sallie Bell Suber at Lyles Ford Accident
Milly Thomas October 8, 1878 at Winnsboro Accident
John Young October 1, 1857 in Winnsboro Accident
Porter Hampton Accident train
Alias July 14, 1838 at the plantation of Samuel Mobley Accident lightning
Tom Griffin at the freight depot in Winnsboro Accident train
Crosby Irby at Perry Irby's Accident
Jeff Bird January 8, 1878 at G.B. Pettigrews' Accident
Rachal McKinstry December 2, 1873 at the plantation of Thomas Sloan Accident
Thomas Yongue near Strother Accident
Oscar Matthews November 23, 1877 at C.H.[?] Matthews' Accident
David M[?] Elkin at Alston Accident train
Lizzie Coleman at A.P. Irby's plantation Accident
William Brewer at White Oak Accident train
Oscar Latter at the Nancy Rabb place Accident
Mattie Woods at Jim[?] Sawyer's Accident
W. Bone[?] Durham at Winnsboro Accident train
Matt July 14, 1838 at the plantation of Samuel Mobley Accident lightning
Pauline Paulding[?] at Captain John Thomas' Place Accident
Willis Gary at James Mockins[?] Accident train
Peggyann Goings at S.R. Rutland's Accident
Absalom June 26, 1829 at Nathaniel Holleys Accident lightning
Jim Rice on James Jones' place Accident
H. Martin Brown at Blair's Accident train
Unknown June 6, 1829 at the plantation of John Holinshead on Broad River Accident
infant of Sam Coleman at the residence of Sam Coleman Accident
Jesse Goings at S.R. Rutland's Accident
H. T.[?] Davis at Alston Accident
Henry Jinnings August 31, 1839 at Mr. William Martins Accident mule

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    University of Georgia
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