Fairfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Fairfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 286
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Charles August 2, 1846 [near the house of David L Milling] Homicide
Sindy Simmons at Winnsboro Natural Causes
Willie Featherston December 29, 1875 at Ridgeway Accident
Abe Dubose Jr. at the old[?] mill place of S.D. Dunn Homicide
Thomas R. Bell December 23, 1876 at the late residence of Thos R. Bell Natural Causes
Andrew Boney July 26, 1879 at Ridgeway Natural Causes
Abram November 15, 1826 Homicide
Jonathan June 5, 1826 at the plantation of Wm Ader[?] Natural Causes
Mary Brown's infant at William Brice's place Accident
Ned February 15, 1831 near the house of Joseph Gladney Little River Accident
Mary Cook at Henry Cook's Natural Causes
Sam Clark near Lyles Ford Natural Causes
Sarilla Coleman August 5, 1880 at the residence of Henry Jeffares Natural Causes
Emma Beser November 24, 1877 at Broom's Mill Accident
Maria Powell at the Paggitt place Natural Causes
Unknown March 26, 1875 at the residence of Mr. John Murpheys Natural Causes
Harry December 3, 1826 at McClures Creek on the plantation of Martha A Dickson Suicide
Thomas Stevenson at the Jesse Wayride place Natural Causes
Doreas Mobley May 18, 1870 at the house of Mrs. Doreas Mobley Natural Causes
Mary Belton at the Sylvia Brice Place Homicide
Robert Willingham October 6, 1876 at the residence of Mrs. L.E. Kirkland Accident
Lizzie Coleman at A.P. Irby's plantation Accident
George W. Barker December 27, 1854 at Winnsboro Homicide
Adaline Cason at Kase Williamson's Accident
Jeff Bird January 8, 1878 at G.B. Pettigrews' Accident
Rachel McBurney October 21, 1833 in the house of Major James Barkley Accident
Unknown at the Gailiard Plantation Natural Causes
Ely Edwards at Ridgeway Natural Causes
Nancey Means December 22, 1879 at D.T. Gibson's Natural Causes
Oscar Matthews November 23, 1877 at C.H.[?] Matthews' Accident
Rachal McKinstry December 2, 1873 at the plantation of Thomas Sloan Accident
Elisha Farless[?] September 15, 1847 at Robert Youngers Mill house Natural Causes
Oscar Latter at the Nancy Rabb place Accident
Madison Harper September 23, 1867 at the residence of R.E. Ellison Natural Causes
Chas. Youngue at the plantation of Dr.[?] B. Estes Accident
Unknown January 20, 1877 at the residence of Thomas Mongomery Col'd on Capt. Hayne McMakens[?] Plantation Unknown
Unknown February 25, 1832 at the house of Littleton Kelly Unknown
Unknown May 2, 1862 at the house of Washington Hathcock Homicide
S. P. Martin Homicide
Calline Crosby Natural Causes
George Craig January 19, 1825 at the house of Mathew Richmond Accident
Peggyann Goings at S.R. Rutland's Accident
Sallie Manigo at Mrs. E.M. Turner's place Natural Causes
Addora Wallace Accident
Cudjo Johnson November 29, 1875 at the Poor House Accident
Pauline Paulding[?] at Captain John Thomas' Place Accident
S. B. C. Lowney March 5, 1873 Homicide
Jesse May 15, 1850 at Lyles Ford on the Broad River Accident
Anarky Thompson at Joe Freshleys Natural Causes
Frank Young in Fairfield County, South Carolina Accident

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