
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Bramblet
at Laurens Court House
Accident May 28, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said Thomas Bramblet came to his death by being accidentally struck by the Hose Reel, near the Greenville Laurens RR trestle on the evening of the 27 of May 1889.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jack Dendy
at Jack Dendys
Natural Causes October 25, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said Jack Dendy came to his death "From Providential Causes."

The State vs. the Dead Body of Barnett S. Langston
at Lanfords station
Homicide August 8, 1889

upon their oaths do say; that the said Barnett S Langston came to his death by Pistol shots in the hands of Jno. W. Lanford

The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Man on Badgett's Plantation
on Badgetts plantation
Unknown November 18, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said unknown dead man found at Badgetts Xing 2 1/2 miles from Larens C.H. by Charley Robertson M.C. Cassy and Green Cassey came to his death by his neck being broke by some means to us unknown. . .

The State vs. the Dead Body of Monroe Nathan
at Allen Dials
Homicide June 5, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said Monroe Nathan came to his death by gun shot wounds by a Pistol in the hands of Constable Jno D Watts he acting in self defence on the 5th day of June 1889.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bluford Papley
on the plantation of Thos L Badgett
Accident November 3, 1889

upon their oaths do say that Bluford Paply came to his death ("by the Explosion of Thos L Badgetts Boiler")

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Williams
at the Plantation of C.C. Garlington
Natural Causes October 13, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said Henry Williams came to his death by "Natural Causes."

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charley Martin
at Lanfords station
Natural Causes June 23, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the said Charley Martin came to his death by "Heart Failure."

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Lucy Fowler
at the Barrieing [sic] ground near the Residence of John Ball
Accident April 23, 1870

upon their oaths do Say the said child came to its death by accidental suffication [sic].

The State vs. the Dead Body of Murian Walker
at or near Highland house
Homicide December 17, 1872

upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Murian Walker in manner and form aforesaid Nelson Barksdale then and there feloniously did kill agains the peace and dignity of the same state aforesaid.

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Aaron McMahan
at Eden
Homicide October 14, 1872

upon their oaths do say that the said Aaron McMahan came to his death by means of a dirk knife in the hands of John Kellett at or near Eden

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Man
at or near Tylers Ville
Unknown June 17, 1872

upon their oaths do say That the said person came to his death by means unknown to them the body being being in such putrid and decaid [sic] condition that the cause of death could not be ascertained.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Infant
at Martins Depot
Homicide April 8, 1873

upon their oaths aforesaid do say, that the aforesaid Infant came to its death by the hands of Rebecca East, against the peace and dignity of the same state aforesaid.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Martin Wheeler
on the plantation of Thos L Badgett
Accident November 3, 1889

upon their oaths do say "that he came to his death from the Explosion of Mr Badgetts Boiler."

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mell Barksdale
near Eden
Unknown March 17, 1873

upon their oaths do say that the said Mell Barksdale came to his death by means unknown to them as all the body was not found

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Noble
at the residence of Thos Noble
Natural Causes March 30, 1872

upon their oaths do Say That Thomas Noble in the manner and form aforesaid came to his Death by the act of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Edmonson
near the road leading from Anderson Court House to the Double Branches.
Other July 26, 1854

the verdict of the above jury is that he came to his death by intoxication or some other unknown cause.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harry
at Jesse Gray's residence
Natural Causes December 17, 1855

do say that he came to it by manner and means to them unknown, but believe it was by the visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Matthew Gambrell
at James Mattison's
Suicide August 12, 1843

do say upon their oaths . . . in a certain woods standing and being the said Matthew Gambell being then and there alone with a certain manilla rope of the value of 12 cents which he then and there had and held in his hands and one end thereof he then and there put about his neck and the other end thereof he tied about the bough of a certain tree and himself then and there with the cord aforesaid voluntarily and feloniously and of his malace a forthought hanged and suffocated

The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown
At Pendleton
Accident April 15, 1861

do say that the deceaced came to his death, they believe by taking Laudanum

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harry
at Pendleton village
Natural Causes July 7, 1855

do say that we believe he came to his death by the visitation of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Caleb Chappell
at or near house of John Ledbetter
Other January 22, 1835

was seen to fall from his feet by two Evidences who gave in their testimony on oath before us and that he died immediately and that he had no mark of violence upon him and died by the visitation of God by excessive use of ardent spirits.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry
on public highway from Pendleton to Pickensville [modern-day Easley]
Accident December 25, 1830

do say that the said Henry did come to his death?on the night of the 24th instant, by intoxication, or being intoxicated and lying out in the wet died of expsoure or?.came to his death by misfortune by the act of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Truman Miles
at Anderson Courthouse
Accident October 22, 1839

do say that said Truman Miles. . . .at Anderson Court House was found dead that he had no marks of violence afore him and died by the [?] of God from the many severe falls he received when in a state of intoxication and not otherwise

The State vs. the Dead Body of Reuben Parker
at house of Edwerd Sherman
Homicide August 22, 1830

do say upon their oaths, that in their opinion are that the death of Sd Parker was brought about and occationed [sic] by Edward Sherman who struck Sd Parker with a chair on the left side of the head?.and further that Robert Sherman struck Sd deceased in the forehead with a little wheel...but on the whole we are of the opinion that the wound in the forehead was not of itself alone mortal.

Blunt Instrument

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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