
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Bilpha Hargroove
at Joseph Simmon's
Natural Causes February 1, 1847

do say upon there oaths, That after a thorough examination of the body we find no marks of violence or bruises on the body, we after a full examination of the testimony we are of opinion that the Deceased came to her death by appoplectic fit or some suffocation.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Negro Woman near Swansey's Ferry
near Swanseys Ferry
Suicide May 25, 1845

do say upon there oaths that the said negro woman not having god before her Eyes, but being seduced & moved by the instigation of the devil at the place aforesd then and there being alone, in a common river called Saluda voluntarily & feloniously drowned herself...

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant child of Ellen, enslaved by Robert Workman
at a grave yard near Odells Mill
Homicide July 6, 1855

upon their Oaths do say that the said Infant came to its death by violence by the hand of some person unknown against the peace and dignity of the same State aforesaid and that the negro woman that Doct J.J. Boozer was sent for to see is an Idiot.

The State vs. the Dead Body of unknown Negro
at the plantation of Saml. Todd
Homicide October 24, 1865

upon their Oaths do Say that these two negroes came to there death by being shot by some person or persons unknown to us, from the evidence we think one of them is the boy Squire. . .

The State vs. the Dead Body of Squire
at the plantation of Saml. Todd
Homicide October 24, 1865

upon their Oaths do Say that these two negroes came to there death by being shot by some person or persons unknown to us, from the evidence we think one of them is the boy Squire

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Salter
at the old Colemans Quarter
Homicide June 7, 1872

upon their oaths do say that Isaac Salter came to his death, upon their oaths do sayeth by a pistol shot in the hands of Amos Anderson

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Nickle
at the House of David Owens
Homicide October 30, 1853

upon their oaths do say That after having the body of the Decd. John Nickle exposed & after examining the body & all the circumstances that the sd. John Nickle came to his death from a severe whipping inflicted upon the body of the sd. Decd. On the 24th of October Inst (Monday) about 3 or oclk in the afternoon by William Hazle of the state & District aforesaid and that the said whipping as proven by witnesses examined & as exhibited upon the body as exposed to the undersigned, was inflicted... willfully by the sd. William Hazel against the peace the humanity & dignity of the same State aforesd. This Inquest concur in the opinion that as before stated that as the sd. Decd. John Nickle was but a youth - he being about six years of age - his health at the time of the infliction of the whipping as before state being feeble, & suffering with disease are of opinion that the diseased health of the boy & the whipping as a secondary cause...

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Ann
at the plantation of Henry Pitts on Walnut Creek
Accident July 2, 1855

upon their Oaths do say that the said nego Girl, Mary Ann, her lying dead came to her death by drowning in Walnut Creeke on the night of the first of July

The State vs. the Dead Body of Reeves Homicide February 23, 1855 Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah Owens
at David Owens's
Suicide October 9, 1866

upon their oaths do say - That we the undersigned Jurors after having investigated by examination of the witnesses thru courses peculiar to her natural Temperament which was "child-like" - that the sd. Sarah came to death by voluntarily hanging her self with her own hands.

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Hitt
at Mary Hays
Suicide April 1, 1857

upon their oaths do Say, they find a severe cut on the inside of the right Thigh and a cut on the head appears to have been inflicted by a knife but where done, or by whom done is to them unknown but upon their oaths do say that the Deceased came to his death from wounds inflicted upon his person as above stated by some person & means unknown to them...

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Certain Mail Bastard Child
at the house of Joseph McConathy
Homicide January 16, 1838

do say on these oaths that the said child came to its death either by being smothered or for the want of that attention which was necessary to sustain life and which was Intentionally withheld from it. And that the mother of the child (viz) Martha McConathy was the principle in the crime and that Isabelah McConathy Accessory to it.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Nann Williams
at Nelly Sanders
Homicide February 4, 1889

upon their oaths do say. And so the Jurors aforesaid do say that the said infant came to its death by the hands its mother Nann Williams, by strangulation at Nelly Sanders in Laurens County and State aforesaid, on the the morning of the third day of February AD 1889.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Infant, supposed to be of Amanda Simpson
at James Brewsters
Homicide December 1, 1846

upon there oaths do Say, That the said infant, came to its death by violence, unknown to us, (and from reports, supposed to be the Child of Amanda Simpson, against the peace and dignity of the same State afforesaid.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bob
at Francis Thomasson's
Homicide January 16, 1847

upon their oaths do say, that the said Bob came to his death by a blow on his head with a stick by Henry Hill at Francis Thomasson's in the district aforesaid on the 15th Jany 1847. And do the Jurors aforesaid upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the said Henry Hill did kill the said Bob in self defence in witness thereof I C.G. Franks Coroner aforesaid and the Jurors aforesaid so this inquisition have interchangeably put out hands and seals the day and year above mentioned.

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Bill
at HN Carters
Homicide September 29, 1861

upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death at Clement Wells on the night of the 27th inst by means of a blow upon the head with a stick in the hands of a negro man slave named Lank the property of John G. Turner.

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Margaret Coats
at Williams Coatses
Accident April 6, 1865

upon their Oaths do say that the said Margaret Coats came to her Death by the accidental dis charge of gun, in the hands of the deceased and in the hands of Lieutenant Young

The State vs. the Dead Body of Willie Adair
at D.A. Glenns
Homicide May 25, 1875

upon their oaths do say, that Willie Adair, was killed and murdered at the house of Charley Adairs on the plantation of D.A. Glenns by blows with a large hammer, in left temple, mashing in the skull badly, after the blows, by hanging with a split to a ladder, also by blows with stick, all by the hands of Rachel Fowlers, the nurse of Wille...

The State vs. the Dead Body of Kitty
at David Owens's
Homicide April 27, 1865

upon their oaths do say. That they have thoroughly Examined the body of the decd Kitty and find no marks of violence on the body sufficient to cause death, and so the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid do Say that the deceased came to her death by some cause unknown to them...

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Susan Strain
at Cross Hill
Unknown May 18, 1858

upon their oaths do say, that the sd. Decd. Susan Strain came to her death by cause, or causes unknown to this Inquest.

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. G. Finney
at the Residence of John Finney
Accident February 13, 1877

upon their oaths do Say that the said deceased J G Finney came to his death by concussion of the brain caused by a fall from his horse on the 11th day of Feb 1877.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Male Child of M.C. & Bella Moody
on the plantation of M.B. Pool
Accident May 13, 1889

upon their oaths do say that the child died by strangulation accidental.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Hudson
at Laurens Court House
Accident December 3, 1889

upon their oaths do say. That the said John Hudson came to his death, by Accident while drunk in a Scuffle with John Ray.

Head Trauma
The State vs. the Dead Body of Handy Papley
on the plantation of Thos L Badgett
Accident November 3, 1889

upon their oaths do say - that the said Handy Papley came to his death "by the Explosion of an Engine boiler."

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Blakely
at Tom Youngs
Natural Causes August 23, 1889

upon their oaths do say that George Blakely came to his death "Natural Causes"


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    University of Georgia
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