
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Meredith Crawford
At the residence of Meredith Crawford
Unknown July 3, 1861

do say that said Meridith Crawford died. . .cause unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph Poor
at William Holand's residence
Other December 17, 1857

do say the said Joseph Poor. . .came to his death most likely by intoxication.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Hayne
At the house of Capt. John Hayne
Suicide May 16, 1861

do say that he came to his death by an leaden bullet from a rifle gun of the value of five dollars which from all appearances was fired by himself

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah Martin
at residence of Mrs. Sarah Martin
Natural Causes July 14, 1844

do say that the above named Sarah Martin came to her death by the hand of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas J. Geer
Thomas J. Geer's residence
Accident November 23, 1860

do say the said Thomas Green did . . . in the fore noon of the same day came to his death by fits and accidental drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Barbary Havard
in the house of Mark Havard
Suicide November 5, 1840

do say that the deceased came to her death as they believe--by hanging herself

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah McCulley
at the house of Barney McCulley
Accident September 1, 1841

do say that she the sd deceased died of violence on the night of 31 Augt 1841 in her own house & by her own husband Barney McCulley

The State vs. the Dead Body of female daughter of
at graveyard at Hammonds Old Field
Homicide November 28, 1841

do say on oaths from the evidence before us and examination of the body that it came to its death by the improper interference of the mother Rebecca Mullinax cutting the string of the naval omiting to cord the same

The State vs. the Dead Body of Hutson B. Sulivan
at Kely Sulivan's [?] residence
Suicide August 13, 1866

upon oaths say that the deceased came to his death by self murder by hanging himself with a rope, or cord supsended to a rafter of the house where he was found

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charity Norris
at B. F. McGee's residence
Homicide May 29, 1869

do say that she was killed, and brutally murdered, in a most shocking & barberous manner by some person or persons unknown, by shooting her in diferent [sic] places, two of her fingers shot off of one hand, and one finger from the other hand, and a large wound on her right arm, with her throat cut from ear to ear

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary M. Williams
at William William's residence
Suicide March 20, 1860

do say that from the evidence itself shown that the deceased Mary M. Williams came to her death by an act of her own by drowning cause[ed by] mental estrangement.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Brownlee
at Williamston
Natural Causes June 7, 1863

do say that the deceased came to his death, not from any violence but by the visitation of God to the best of our knowledge and belief.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Cyrus
at the shanty [?] upon the grounds of the Blue Ridge Rail Road Company at Anderson
Accident September 15, 1860

do say that the said Cyrus came to his death by reason of coming into contact with a bridge over the track of the Blue Ridge Rail Road known as Hanson's [?] Bridge about seven miles from Anderson C. H. . . while on the top of of [sic] a freight car attending to the brake conguardely raised himself erect just as the train of came over & under said Bridge, causing his head to come in contact with the bridge from the affect of which blow his death ensued and...came to his death by misfortune or accident.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Davis
at Anderson Courthouse
Accident October 30, 1857

are of the opinion that Henry Davis came to his death by excessive drink, cold and a fall which rendered him unable to take care of himself.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Alfred
At Williamston
Homicide June 16, 1862

do say that within the incorporation of Williamston on the night of the 15th of June. . .that he came to his death by some person or persons unknown to the jurors by hanging by the neck until his body was dead.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Morriss unknown
at Grief Tater's residence
Natural Causes January 7, 1858

do say the said that Morris (a free man of color)?more than probably came to his death by dropsy of the heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas W. Harrison
At Pendleton
Homicide November 23, 1860

do say that the deceased was killed by a pistol shot, fired by Francisco Tapapso[?], at Pendelton.

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Hembree
at the house of Jesse Hembree
Homicide September 24, 1835

do say upon their oaths that the said James Hembree?was killed and murderd by Nancy Black and Samuel Black by striking with a club or stick on the neck and shoulders and stabbing with a knife or dirk through the muscular part of the left thigh

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of white child
at Wilson's Bridge
Homicide January 20, 1871

do say that it appears that the deceased was willfully killed, by some person or persons unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Dalton
at Williamston
Accident February 8, 1882

do say that in their opinion the said Thos Dalton by abcess on the[?] part of the head which was accidentally[?] effected and caused his death.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Martha Morris
at the residence of Warren Morris
Natural Causes January 9, 1881

do say that the deceased came to her death from disease of the lungs . . . at the residence of Warren Morris.

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant Homicide June 12, 1872 Infanticide
The State vs. the Dead Body of T. J. Blaydon
at or near Hugh Mahaffey's on the Greenville and Columbia Rail Road about two miles below Williamston
Accident November 30, 1878

do say that the said T. J. Baydon came to his death by being under the influence of liquors and being on the Grenville & Columbia R. R. Trac [sic] and was run over by the down freight train (No. 6) and instantly killed

The State vs. the Dead Body of Anna G. Goodrich
at Pelzer, SC
Accident November 10, 1881

do say that. . .near Pelzer Depot. . .Goodrich was then and there killed by the Greenville and Columbia train having accidentally run over her.

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Jenkins
at Robert Spence's [?] Mill
Accident May 30, 1875

It appears that deceased came to his death by mischance or misfortune or accidental drowning in the mill pond at Robert Spences


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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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