Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Robert H. Pettigrew |
at James H. Wiles house
Homicide | December 27, 1872 |
do say from a wound on his left side between the second and eight ribs penetrating to the. . .by a knife |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant |
at Silas Kay's
Unknown | March 30, 1874 |
do say that the said child came to its death by injurys [sic]?by violence or otherwise unknown to us. |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Freedwoman |
at Anderson Court House
Homicide | October 23, 1867 |
do say that the said infant came to its death by strangulation by the hands of its mother Clary Williams, a freed woman in the town of Anderson . . .immediately after its birth |
Infanticide | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Robert H. Holliday |
at Calhoun
Homicide | January 20, 1874 |
do say that?Robert Holliday was wounded by a pistol shot, inflicted by a pistol in the hands of John Henry Vermillion; of which wound said Robert Holliday did die?John Henry Vermillion then and there maliciously did kill. |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Eli David Junkins |
at or near the hosue of John Martin (colored) near Richard Robinson Mill
Accident | July 24, 1871 |
do say that the said Eli David Jenkins came to his death by being shot with a small single barrelled shot gun in the hands of Leslie Martin a colored boy some 16 or 17 years old. . .the said Leslie Martin did not intend or had any idea of the gun going off or doing the boy any injury whatever and believe it was entirely accidental |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Giles Guess |
at the hosue of John Smith
Homicide | February 2, 1882 |
do say that the deceased was willfully killed by the hand of one Isaac Putnam by shooting deceased with a pistol and that Silas Putnam was accessory to the killing about seven or eight oclock in the afternoon at the house of one John Smith |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Willis Watson |
at the river bank on Saulda one mile above Gambell old Bridge
Accident | June 14, 1876 |
do say that said decd came to his death by accidental drowning in the River of Saluda. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Seawright |
on the public road leading from Craytonville to Anderson Court House
Natural Causes | October 22, 1881 |
do say the said came to dis death from disease of the heart. . .the deceased came to his death by some providence of God. |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Cobb |
at Warnock's Crossing on the Anderson Branch of the Greenville & Columbia Rail Road
Other | December 16, 1868 |
do say that he came to his death by intoxication with spiritous liquours. |
Alcoholism | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Saylor |
at or near the Ridge road near E. R. Cobb's residence
Natural Causes | August 6, 1870 |
do say that said John Saylor. . .died we think and believe from some disease of the heart or an appoplectic [apoplectic] fit. |
Brain | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Franklin A. Ragsdale |
at the house of Franklin A. Ragsdale
Unknown | July 23, 1867 | |||
The State vs. the Dead Body of John W. Meeks |
at Brown & Rice's Mill
Homicide | May 4, 1872 |
do say that. . .the said John W. Meeks was killed by gun-shot wound, and violent battery with gun on the back of his neck |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Lila Gambrell |
at the house of Ran Duckworth
Natural Causes | October 21, 1875 |
do say that the said Lila Gambrell came to her death by mischance produced by personal epolepsy [sic]. |
Brain | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Adeline Agnew |
near the residence of Ephraim R. Cobb
Homicide | May 14, 1871 |
do say that. . .the said Adeline Agnew was killed and murdered by a knife in the hands of Shadrack Webster. |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Magdalene Saxton |
at the house of Enoch Saxton
Unknown | December 6, 1876 | |||
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Williams |
at the house of Newton Perry [?] on the plantation of Thomas Cox
Natural Causes | February 9, 1879 |
do say, that deceased [John Williams] came to his death by dropsical affiction. |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William McCode |
at Luke McCoy's [?]
Accident | January 20, 1870 |
do say that he came to his death . . . from exposure in the rain & cold on the roadside . . . and came to his death by accident. |
Exposure | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Samuel A. Geer |
at David Geer's House
Homicide | January 15, 1866 |
do say that the said S. A. Geer was killed by blows over the head producing five separate fractures of the skull, near the residence of David Geer. . .by some metalic instrument in the hands of some person or persons unknown. |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sally Williams |
Natural Causes | July 19, 1880 |
find her lungs badly affected and diseased came to her death from consumption & had consumption badly. |
Lungs | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of P. W. Morris |
at Anderson Court House
Suicide | April 27, 1872 |
do say that the deceased came to his death by his own act to wit by drowning himself in the well in the Hotel yard at the Wavesly House?after first having made several attempts to destroy his life by stabbing himself upopn the neck, and left-side, under temporary insanity. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Nancy Drake |
at Mrs. Elizabeth's Anne Keaton's
Suicide | August 21, 1872 |
say that the deceased came to her death by her own act. . .by drowning herself in the well of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Keaton. . .in a fit of derangement |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of George C. Mitchell |
at residence of Marion Mtchell
Suicide | September 19, 1874 |
do say that George C. Mitchell came to his death by his own act..either falling or by jumping from the house top into the yard while laboring under derangeme |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Smith |
near R. H. Anderson's Tanyard
Accident | June 9, 1876 |
do say that . . .the said Smith was accidentally drowned in a race dith; that is to say the said Smith in manner and form aforesaid, came to his death by misfortune or accident. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant |
at Anderson Court House
Natural Causes | January 13, 1868 |
do say that the infant was a premature birth and born dead |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Major Crawford |
at Anderson Court House
Accident | July 21, 1880 |
do say that Major Crawford came to his death by accidentally falling from the trestle at Rocky River while in a state of intoxication |
Fall |