
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam Burton Accident December 9, 1876

do say that Sam Burton came to his death by the voluntary use of laudanum taken by himself, and taken from the hands of his brother John Burton

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bill Reese
at Pendleton
Homicide December 12, 1872

do say that Bill Reese came to his death from a wound inflicted by a knife held in the hands of Sam Minse[?]

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Strather Freeman
at Flat Rock Church
Natural Causes March 2, 1876

do say deceased came to his death by disease of the heart.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Daily Thompson
at Daniel Thompson's
Suicide December 8, 1876

do say that the said Daily Thompson at about the hours of between . . . 10 and 12 oclock . . . deceased came to her death by her own hands by hanging herself by the neck until it was broken.

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Coleman
at or near Mrs. Fantt's residence and one and 1/2 miles south east of Anderson
Natural Causes September 16, 1873

do say that the deceased came to his death by the act of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lena Hutchinson Accident October 20, 1873

do say according to their knowledge and belief according to the evidence that she came to her death by accident by being burned to death

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Maddox
at Williamston
Accident June 15, 1881

do say that the aforesaid John Madox came to his death by his own act of going into the Saluda in said county^ River and getting drowned.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Peter Williford
at Daniel Williford's
Natural Causes May 2, 1876

do say that some time between the hours of 3 oclock on the 1st of May 1876 and 8oclock on the 2d day of may May 1876 that the deceased came to his death by the act of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant
at residence of M. A. Snipes
Natural Causes January 23, 1873

do say that it came to its death by the act of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Calhoun Clemson
at Pendleton
Accident August 11, 1871

do say that the deceased came to his death . . .by the unavoidable running of the lumber train of the G & C R Road into the passenger train of the Blue Ridge Railroad

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nelson Right
at or near...Darm Creek
Homicide September 6, 1873

do say that the said Nelson Right . . . [came] to his death from a wound in left shoulder in . . .knife or some other sharp instrument. The wound was in between the sholder blade and in a downward direction towards the heart?the said wound was inflicted by the hand of Robert Robertson

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Caroline A. Kinnan
at L. C. Neals[?]
Unknown January 13, 1872

do say that said Caroline A. Kinnon . . .came to her death by the act of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Hammond
at Provosts Mill Pond
Accident June 24, 1871

do say that the said . . .by accidental drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant
at Anderson Court House
Homicide March 10, 1865

do say that it came to its death ^at the house of Wm Shanachans[?] in the town of Anderson^ by violence inflicted by its mother Adelia C. Parker

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ephraim Mayfield
at the plantation of Ephraim Mayfield
Suicide April 1, 1847

do say upon their oaths that the body of Ephraim Mayfield was found laying about two hundred and fifty yards from his dwelling within about seven feet of where a quantity of blood was discovered with his shirt collar unbuttoned and neatly rolled down. both hands very bloody with a wound across his throat some eight inches in length and two + half in depth having the appearance of four strokes. A small double bladed knife with the big blade open and was bloody....Our verdit is...that he purpetrated the dead himself.

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Eber B. Stevens
at Pendleton
Natural Causes March 5, 1873

do say . . . by a visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Daniel Brown
at the plantation of Willis Watkins
Natural Causes October 8, 1881

do say that the said Daniel Brown died. . . in the cotton field on the plantation of Willis Watkins by no act of violence or foul means but by heart disease.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John G. Gorley Homicide July 26, 1866

the said John G. Gorly came to his death?by having been hanged by the nexck until his body was dead, by means of a certain of a certain grass rope fastened to the limb of a certain oak sapling near to the spot where the bones then lay....and that Henry J. Knauff of Pendleton village...and John Baskins and Thompson Oliver...did there and there feloneously hang and murder the said John G. Gorly

The State vs. the Dead Body of colored
at Dr. J. A. Todd's
Accident April 24, 1874

do say that infant child came to its death by pressure on preroted[?] artery by stran of beads. . . by misfortune or accident

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jane Laniere
at the residence of G. B. Whiton
Natural Causes August 13, 1880

do say that the said Jane Lanier died in the woods near the public road leading from Pendleton to Williamston at the 4 mile post . . .by no foul means but by a disease of the heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Norris
at Anderson Courthouse
Natural Causes November 23, 1876

do say that the said George Norris by act of God died (Consumption)

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charity Bozeman
at the house of Aby McAlister
Natural Causes June 11, 1880

do say that Charity Bozeman came to her death by Harte Deaseas [sic]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Clara Burress
at the house of Caty Burress on the plantation of Dr. A. G. Cook
Homicide February 25, 1878

do say that she Clara Burriss came to her death by a pistol ball fired in the hands of William Pringle Cook fired at Caty Burress . . .do say William Pringle Cook did kill.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Beller McAlester
at house of deceased
Natural Causes March 11, 1876

do say that she came to her death by the act of God in a applect fitt [sic]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Allen S. Barksdale
at the house of Robert A. Gray
Homicide June 23, 1876

do say that Allen S. Barksdale came ot his death by an axe in the hands of Mary A. Gray on the night of 22nd June 1876 in self-defense in her own house and yard with several wounds with a mortal wound inflicted with ^the edge of^ an axe upon the top of the head to length of 3 inches severing in the skull bone.

Sharp Instrument

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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