Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Kellett |
at the residence of John Kellet
Homicide | July 24, 1876 |
upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid John Kellet in manner and form aforesaid on the morning of the 19th inst was shot by some person or persons unknown by us |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Will Simpson |
at Ella Nelson's residence
Homicide | July 30, 1894 |
upon their oaths do say that Will Simpson came to his death by a pistol shot on the 29th day July 1894 at the house of Ella Nelson, by W.H. Henderson in self defence and the verdict of the jury is justifiable homicide. |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary McDaniel |
at Burnside
Accident | January 13, 1891 |
upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Mary McDaniel came to her death by accidental drowning |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jeff Evins |
at the residence of Jeff Evans
Homicide | March 24, 1895 |
upon their oaths do say that Jeff Evans came to his death by Pistol Shot fired from the hands of Will Smith, and so the jurors afore said do say that the afore said will Smith in mann. And form then and there feloniously did kill against the peace and dignity of the State afore said... |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Bessie Marshal |
at Henry Foster's
Natural Causes | November 22, 1893 |
upon their oaths do say "that Bessie Marshal came to her death by the hand of Providence, at the house of Henry Foster, on the 22nd day of November 1893." |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Emma Campbell |
at Frank Williams residence
Suicide | March 30, 1893 |
upon their oaths do say that She came to her death By Drowning, by her own acts. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Wade Burnside |
at Wade Burnside's residence
Homicide | December 7, 1893 |
upon their oaths do say. We do find that deceased Wade Burnside came to his death from a pistol wound, at his house in Waterloo the jurors aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Wade Burnside in manner and form aforesaid Semore Anderson then and there feloniously did kill against the peace and dignity of the State aforesaid. |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Isham |
at Mrs Martha Mitchells
Suicide | December 7, 1846 |
uppon their oaths do say that the Said boy Isham came to his death willfully by hnaging himself to the limb of a white oak tree with a trace chain on the night of the Sixth |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Borough |
on the high Road near Marengo
Natural Causes | August 21, 1853 |
upon their oaths do say that he had no marks of violence upon him and that he died by the visitation of God & not otherwise. |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Cane Garlington |
at C M Kellets Plantation
Homicide | March 19, 1877 |
upon their oaths Do say that the afforesaid Cane Garling in the manner and form aforesaid was shot in the head on the Right sid [sic] & coming out on the back Part of the Head & Braken the scull [sic] by sum [sic] Person un known to us |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Whitworth |
at Isaac Whitworths
Homicide | March 8, 1840 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Decd. Came to his death by blow recd. By a stick in the hand of Negro boy named Willis, the property of Jas Watts Esq. on the on the 7th Inst |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Cole |
at Milton
Other | February 4, 1848 |
upon there Oaths do say, that the Decd. Came to his Death from the use of intoxicating spirits. |
Alcoholism | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Pope |
at the house of James Watson
Accident | August 29, 1828 |
do say upon there oathes (after hearing all the testimony and Examining the body of the afore Said John Pope) all are of opinion that the afore said John Pope were intoxicated by spirituous liquors and received a fall from his horse which occasioned his death... |
Fall | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Lewis |
at William Young's darm
Accident | July 13, 1860 |
upon their oaths do say; that the said boy came to his death by a stroke of lightning |
Act of God | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Spencer |
in the woods on Mr R S Hendersons plantation
Suicide | May 9, 1858 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Spencer, in manner & form aforesaid, then & there, voluntarily & felloniously himself did kill by hanging |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Edom |
at the house of James D. Thomason
Suicide | March 6, 1845 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Edom, not having God before his Eyes but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil in the aforesaid Dist at and in the kitchen house of James D. Thomason his owner, the said Edom being then and there alone, with a pair of cotton plow lines, of 18 cts value, which he then and there had and held in his hands, and one End Whereof he then and there put about his neck and the other End thereof he tied about a Joist or beam of said Kitchen, and himself then and there with the cords aforesaid voluntarily and feloniously and of malice aforethough, hanged and suffocated... |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Winchester |
at Clinton
Accident | October 15, 1890 |
upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid John Winchester came to his death by being thrown from a train at or near the switch gate at Clinton |
Transportation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Elisa Wilson |
at Edward Wilson's
Suicide | October 14, 1841 |
We the above named Jurors do say on our oaths, that Eliza Wilson now here lying dead came to her death by her own act, by hanging herself with her apron and petty coat by the neck on a dogwood tree, in the forrest near her Father Edward Wilson's House on the 12th October 1841. |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Elizabeth South |
at the dwelling House of William South
Homicide | June 23, 1839 |
do say upon their oaths that some person unknown with certainty not having God before his eyes but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the Devil on the twenty second day of June in the year Eighteen hundred and thirty nine with a murderous weapon in the District afforesaid in and upon the person of the said Elizabeth South then and there being in the peace of God and of the said State feloniously voluntarily and of his own malice aforethought made an asalt [sic] - and that the afforesaid persown [sic] unknown with certainty. Then and there inflict a number of wounds on the person of said Elizabeth South then and there on her throat crosswise one of them passing through to the neck bone of which mortal wounds the afforesaid Elizabeth South did then and there in a short time die... |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jenny Smith |
at the Dwelling House of John Smith
Unknown | December 8, 1838 |
do say uppon their Oaths, that from bruises apearant [sic] on the Body of said Ginny Smith, one on her abdomen one on her breast, some on her neck, and one on her left ear that some Person, or Persons unknown did Kill and Murder the said Jenny Smith in the south east room of the Dwelling House of the aforesiad John Smith - and the said jurors uppon theire Oaths aforesaid further say - that the said Person or Persons Unknown after the commission of said Feloney and Murder did flee away contrary to the Peace and dignity of this state... |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Rachael Watts |
at W.B. Fullers place near Cross Hill
Natural Causes | July 29, 1889 |
upon their oaths do say that near the Residence of W. B. Fuller in above state and county on the 29th July 1889 the said Rachael Watts came to her death by "Visitation of God." |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Matildy Posey |
at Charles Poseys
Suicide | July 13, 1831 |
do say that the said Matildy Posey not having God before her eyes but being Seduced by the instigation of the devil at the River then & there being alone in then called Redy River herself voluntarily & feloniously drowned. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Abby |
at Thomas Carters
Natural Causes | February 28, 1840 |
do Say upon their oaths that the said negro woman Abby, on the 28th Inst 1840 at Thomas Carters in the District afforesaid was found dead and that She dyed by the visitation of god in a natural way & not otherwise. |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of James Barksdale |
at E.P. Francis
Unknown | January 6, 1859 |
upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death from some unknown cause to the Jurors |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant enslaved by William Philson |
at the plantation settlement of William Philson
Homicide | September 11, 1858 |
upon their oaths do say that the said child came to its death at the residence of Wm Philson in Laurens District by the Hands of Naty & Maria Negro women slaves the property of Wm Philson against the peace & Dignity of the State aforesaid. |
Infanticide |