
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Samuel McCulley
in Broadway Creek
Accident December 29, 1839

do say that sd, Samuel McCulley on the 28th day of December 1839 was found dead in Broadway Creek . . . and had no marks of violence on him and died of the [?] of God partly by intemperance partly by cold and partly by drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Edward Lawrence
at Pendleton village
Accident March 29, 1856

do say that he came to his death by accidentally falling from a wagon heavily loaded with stone, and one of the wheels running over him inflicted severe injuries, which caused his death in a few minutes

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Davis
at Mr. Jeb Davis's residence
Suicide June 11, 1881

do say that the deceased came to his death by a pistol shot fired by his own hands.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John King
at plantation of the deceased John King
Suicide May 1, 1833

do say upon thare [sic] oaths they do say. . . Sd John King cut his own [throat/wrist?] with a sharp pocket knife held in his Rite hand as he lay on his face on the ground with the knifes edge to his arm

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jack
at Andersonville
Accident November 21, 1835

do say that Elias E. Harrison ... a certain gun of the value of seven dollars then and there charged with gun powder and leaden buck shot, which he the said Elias E. Harrison then and there had and held in both is hands, then and there accidently and by misfortune and against the will of him the said Elias E. Harrison discharged and....and shot out of the said gun him the said negro man in and upon the right arm, shoulder and back of the head....ten wounds with said shot, which were mortal wounds

The State vs. the Dead Body of Julia Long
at the residence of David Long
Homicide November 22, 1883

do say that the deceased Julia Long came to her death by natural causes.

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Joe Jenkins
at the residence of Matilda Rud
Natural Causes October 8, 1881

do say that the deceased came to his death upon hart [sic] disease

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jim Mason
near the residence of William Poole
Accident January 9, 1850

do say that he was of extremely intermperate habits, and altho there is no positive proof that he was drunk when last seen, the jury and unanimously of opinion before all the circumstances, that he was laboring under the influence of drink, and came to his death from the effect of his habits and exposure to the weather, during the rain and storm of Sunday night and monday last.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Vandiver
at residence of Daniel Gentry
Accident March 28, 1845

do say that the Deceased came to his death by accidentaly falling from his horse which produced an extensive fracture of skull about an inch and a half above the year [ear] on the left side and copious affusion on the same side within the cranium thereby producing fatal compressions of the brain.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Moses
at Clayton Webb's Plantation...near the Spring Branch
Homicide April 10, 1844

do say that Moses died?we are of the opinion that Sd Moses came to his death by a wound that we have seen below the back bone of the rightshoulder inclining to the right nipple rather downward made by a leaden ball or buck shot shot out of a double barrell Clayton Webb the owner of Moses

The State vs. the Dead Body of Israel
on the plantation of David Gentry
Natural Causes November 3, 1845

do say that the said Israel came to his death by mischance, and not from any injury inflicted by the hand of another, but by the act of God.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Thompson, Allen Johnson, N. W. Lafoy, M. J. Wilson, Jefferson Kitsinger
at Broadway trestle on the line of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad
Accident June 17, 1876

do say that their deaths were caused by accident by an engine and car falling through a defective trestle over Broadway Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Thompson, Allen Johnson, N. W. Lafoy, M. J. Wilson, Jefferson Kitsinger
at Broadway trestle on the line of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad
Accident June 17, 1876

do say that their deaths were caused by accident by an engine and car falling through a defective trestle over Broadway Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Thompson, Allen Johnson, N. W. Lafoy, M. J. Wilson, Jefferson Kitsinger
at Broadway trestle on the line of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad
Accident June 17, 1876

do say that their deaths were caused by accident by an engine and car falling through a defective trestle over Broadway Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Thompson, Allen Johnson, N. W. Lafoy, M. J. Wilson, Jefferson Kitsinger
at Broadway trestle on the line of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad
Accident June 17, 1876

do say that their deaths were caused by accident by an engine and car falling through a defective trestle over Broadway Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Thompson, Allen Johnson, N. W. Lafoy, M. J. Wilson, Jefferson Kitsinger
at Broadway trestle on the line of the Greenville and Columbia Railroad
Accident June 17, 1876

do say that their deaths were caused by accident by an engine and car falling through a defective trestle over Broadway Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of Peter Knox
near Calrandellers[?] Ferry on Tugalo River
Accident July 23, 1878

do say that Peter Knox . . . in Tugaloo River came to his death accidentally by drowning in attempting to cross said river

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Wilson
at the house of Alexander Moorehead
Natural Causes March 27, 1846

do say that the said James Wilson came to his death by the hands of Providence causes unknown to the jury.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nancy Steele
at the Poor House
Suicide December 11, 1842

do say upon oaths that the said Nancy Steele . . . at the Poor House of said District was found dead that she had no marks of violence upon her except what was caused by the rope around her neck by which she was hanging from a limb of a tree about half a mile from the house & that she evidently came to her death by her own hands.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam Williams
in the streets of Pendleton
Homicide May 30, 1876 Other
The State vs. the Dead Body of Aaron Hardin
at plantation of Mr. Moses Chambles
Accident June 24, 1845

do say that they believe the said Aaron Hardin came to his death by mischance and accident by the hand of God, the body being in such a state of putrifaction and mutilation as to prevent a discovery of any marks of violence or other causes of death.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas D. Cook
at Stover's Ferry on Savannah River
Accident April 10, 1854

do say that Thomas D. Cook came to his death by accidental drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of John M. Bonds
at Isom R. Bond's
Natural Causes December 16, 1850

do say having understood that the said John M. Bonds died very suddenly on the mornign of the 15th of this Instant while going as a boat hand on Savannah River. . . .we the jury report that we fully concur in the opinion of the said doctors as reported by them to the coroner...that is to say that John M. Bonds came to his death by a diseased action in the Larynx producing or giving rise to suffocation.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Patsy Wilson
at the residence of Robert Wilson
Suicide June 17, 1857

we do find that she came to her death, by hanging herself that the said Patsy Wilson in manner made from aforesaid, then and there voluntarily and feloniously herself did hang and kill, against the peace and dignity of the same State aforesaid.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary May
at J. W. May's
Natural Causes April 14, 1854

believe came to her death by the hand of Providence.


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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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