Laurens County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Laurens County, SC Inquests

Displaying 51 - 100 of 350
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
Clarrisa Boyd May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Accident
Clem Davis August 31, 1894 Near Barksdale station of the Greenville and Laurens RR Homicide
Cora Boyd May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Church Accident
Corvie Bowers July 24, 1885 at J S Blalocks place Accident lightning
Cris Little November 9, 1884 at Laurens CH S.C. Homicide
Cuffy April 19, 1853 at Dorroughs Mill Suicide
Dan Richardson June 28, 1890 at T.J. Sullivans Residence Accident
Daniel September 17, 1816 at Reuben Meadows Natural Causes
Daniel April 5, 1854 at a graveyard in Laurens District near Mrs Nancy Parks Suicide
Daniel October 8, 1834 at Maj. John Blacks Accident
Daniel Bragg February 6, 1815 at the plantation of Daniel Brag Accident
Daniel Williams January 3, 1822 at Mrs. Mary Williams Suicide
David Adkinson June 9, 1894 on the Harris plantation near Clinton Accident train
David Fowler October 2, 1891 on the Pyles place Accident
David Jeans March 5, 1870 Natural Causes
Dick August 13, 1818 on the plantation of John Boyd Natural Causes
Die December 23, 1836 at the corner of Mrs. Sarah Young's field Accident
Dillard Higgins September 29, 1837 at the house of David Higgins Suicide
Dobydick Golding May 12, 1875 at Office Trial Justice Bird Accident
Dozier Anderson June 16, 1882 at Clinton Accident train
Dr. E. C. Shell November 5, 1868 at Henry Shell's Homicide
Drusilla Philips June 18, 1840 at Abram Philips Natural Causes
Duff Gist June 20, 1893 at Beaver Dam Church Accident
Edmond May 5, 1828 on the premises of David Higgins Accident
Edom March 6, 1845 at the house of James D. Thomason Suicide
Edward Norris December 26, 1882 at the residence of Aaron Wells Accident
Elias Earl January 22, 1867 at Boyds Mills Homicide
Elisa Wilson October 14, 1841 at Edward Wilson's Suicide
Elizabeth Brown May 3, 1859 at Daniel Browns House Suicide strychnine
Elizabeth Brown May 2, 1839 at Daniel Browns House Suicide strychnine
Elizabeth South June 23, 1839 at the dwelling House of William South Homicide
Elliott Allan Walker August 9, 1867 at the home of J.P. May Unknown
Elsie Sloan November 17, 1889 on the plantation of J H Sloan Natural Causes
Emily Griffith January 12, 1896 in Young's Township Accident morphine
Emma Campbell March 30, 1893 at Frank Williams residence Suicide
Emma Hunter May 18, 1892 at Beaverdam Church Accident
Emma Williams January 8, 1894 at J.O.C. Fleming's mill Accident
Ephram Neetles February 1, 1890 at the residence of Ephram Neetles Homicide
Euphemia Jones child February 6, 1894 on the plantation of Mr. Stroud Accident
Evans Campbell March 14, 1892 at Rhett Copelands Accident
Fanny Sullivan at JS Martins Natural Causes
Female Child of Press & Lindy Beasley Female Child of Press & Lindy Beasley August 30, 1890 on the plantation of Capt Alex Henry's Accident
Female Infant of Milly Campbell Female Infant of Milly Campbell October 17, 1867 at Laurens C.H. Accident
Francis Stuart May 8, 1883 in a house occupied by Henry Langford on the plantation of W.S. Pitts Homicide
Frank Dillard September 24, 1890 on the plantation of William Patterson Homicide
Freeman Cook March 18, 1896 at John Cook's Natural Causes
George February 6, 1815 at the plantation of Daniel Brag Accident
George October 9, 1822 at John Williams Suicide
George May 6, 1849 at C... Garlington Mill pond Accident
George April 21, 1858 at Dr J G Tragham's Natural Causes

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    University of Georgia
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