Chesterfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Chesterfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 533
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
F. H. McNair February 2, 1899 on E.M. Wells' Plantation Accident
Fannie Dennis March 6, 1950 at Cheraw, S.C. Accident automobile
Farquer Ratliff August 11, 1941 at Chesterfield Homicide
Faye Bennett February 6, 1938 at Chesterfield Accident automobile
Finley Hall November 30, 1912 at Ansleydale Natural Causes
Fleetwood Moody May 20, 1936 at Patrick Accident
Fletcher Boan October 25, 1947 at Chesterfield Accident tree
Fletcher Forest Hankins June 18, 1941 at Jefferson, S.C. Accident automobile
Fletcher McFarland January 17, 1881 at Davis McFarlands Accident
Flora Bell Ford October 18, 1948 at Cheraw Accident automobile
Ford Rayfield August 17, 1935 at Patrick Homicide truck
Frank Flowers January 31, 1921 [no location given] Homicide
Frank Little May 16, 1886 at G. J. Malloy's Residence Suicide
Fred Demby October 12, 1945 at Pageland Accident automobile
Fred Hanna November 27, 1939 at Ruby, S.C. Accident automobile
Fred Walker February 10, 1929 at Cheraw Accident train
Furman Smith December 16, 1874 at Snow Hill Accident
G. B. Kelly December 16, 1896 at Chesterfield Court House Homicide
G. D. Gullege June 14, 1909 near clus Rallings Natural Causes
G. W. Knight May 27, 1910 at Residence of G. W. Knight Suicide
George Blakeney February 12, 1896 at Chesterfield Court House Homicide rocks
George Bracy August 19, 1871 the plantation of Wm Cassady Natural Causes
George Gardner January 22, 1935 in Chesterfield County Accident
George Lindsay May 7, 1945 at Chesterfield, South Carolina Accident
George Myers October 21, 1894 at Hornsboro Natural Causes
George Ratcliff May 1, 1874 at C. A. Mores Accident
George Smith December 27, 1914 at Mr. Geo. Smith's Residence Suicide
Georgia Brower December 27, 1879 at A. E. Evans Accident
Gilbert Crawford July 22, 1921 at Pageland Natural Causes
Glenn Strong August 31, 1941 at Cheraw Accident train
Grafton Mims December 14, 1936 [no location given] Accident automobile
Grover Cassidy December 3, 1885 at W. F. Pates Natural Causes
H. F. Nivens January 1, 1893 at John Parker Natural Causes
H. M. Smith September 23, 1940 at Pageland Accident motorcycle
H. R. McLeod June 7, 1932 at McBee Accident automobile
Halloway Thomas June 5, 1940 at Cheraw Homicide chair
Hampton Stokes October 13, 1941 at McBee Accident automobile
Hannah Lee March 7, 1893 at Moor Church Accident
Hannah White December 25, 1870 near William Pitts' dwelling house Accident
Hardy Lindsay February 16, 1937 at Chesterfield Accident automobile
Harriet M. Melton April 18, 1871 at the residence of Robert Melton Homicide
Harry Fort January 6, 1875 at Cheraw Accident train
Harry Horton October 8, 1889 at Harry Hortons Natural Causes
Hart Byrd September 11, 1933 at Cheraw Accident automobile
Harvey Black July 8, 1941 at Cheraw Accident automobile
Hattie Threatt McManus February 1, 1934 at Dudley Homicide pistol
Haup W. Oliver June 9, 1912 [no location given] Homicide
Hayes Brown May 11, 1935 at Cheraw Homicide pistol
Hazel Keith December 18, 1939 at Pageland Accident automobile
Heck Curry January 22, 1940 at Chesterfield Accident automobile

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    University of Georgia
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