Fairfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Fairfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 201 - 250 of 286
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Typesort descending Death Method
Sallie Manigo at Mrs. E.M. Turner's place Natural Causes
Unknown at the Gailiard Plantation Natural Causes
Thomas Stevenson at the Jesse Wayride place Natural Causes
Dinah Jackson April 29, 1880 at Joseph Thompson's Plantation Natural Causes
Jane Owens at Ms. Helen Smith's Natural Causes
Patsy Johnston at Bell plantation Natural Causes
Anarky Thompson at Joe Freshleys Natural Causes
Nettie Frazier at the plantation of Mrs. Nancy Youngue Natural Causes
Ed Caldwell at Jas. McFir's[?] place Natural Causes
Andrew Boney July 26, 1879 at Ridgeway Natural Causes
Pinkie Lemmon at J.H. Aiken's Natural Causes
George Jefferis near Crosbyville Natural Causes
Bettie McConnell near Lyles Ford Natural Causes
Maria Powell at the Paggitt place Natural Causes
Hester Mobley June 27, 1868 at David Gladney's Natural Causes
Martha Stevenson at Daniel Stevenson's Natural Causes
Lucinda Scott September 9, 1878 at P. Hastings' Plantation Natural Causes
Emanuel Thomas at Winnsboro Natural Causes
Jonathan June 5, 1826 at the plantation of Wm Ader[?] Natural Causes
John Wallcot at Winnsboro Natural Causes
Sarilla Coleman August 5, 1880 at the residence of Henry Jeffares Natural Causes
Mary Knopp Natural Causes
Calline Crosby Natural Causes
Clarence Rodgers at the [?] Quarter[?] Natural Causes
Sopha Bolz April 2, 1876 at John Wolf's Place Natural Causes
Rachell Smith at the McDowell place Natural Causes
Rachel Manigun at Feasterville Natural Causes
Robert Vandever May 16, 1879 at Winnsboro Natural Causes
Manerva Proctor September 19, 1876 at Thomas Anderson's place Natural Causes
Andrew Caldwell at Rockton Homicide pistol
Unknown May 2, 1862 at the house of Washington Hathcock Homicide
Arthur Jordan at W.B. Dixon's place Homicide
James Walls at the Tevin Pines' Homicide baseball bat
John R. McMillan March 5, 1879 at Winnsboro Homicide
Haigood Mirfan[?] Homicide
Unknown September 6, 1827 near the house of James Walling Homicide
Richard Roberts January 15, 1826 at the union meeting house Homicide bullis vine
Harry Shelton March 28, 1871 in the County aforesaid Homicide
Joe June 26, 1837 at the house of John Holley Homicide
Rachel February 18, 1834 at the grave of a female Negroe Slave named Rachel near the house of Benjamin Boulware Homicide
Joe Coleman near Willing Homicide
S. P. Martin Homicide
John Kirk November 28, 1826 near the house of Ezekiel Jenkins Homicide stick
John Rowland August 22, 1825 at the Presbyterian Church known by the name of the Ebenezer meeting house Homicide knife
Abram November 15, 1826 Homicide
Stephen December 6, 1833 at Ephraim Morgan's house Homicide
Wesley Smith at Winnsboro Homicide
Vincent Hanes Homicide stick
Sam Pratt at Woodward Homicide
George W. Barker December 27, 1854 at Winnsboro Homicide

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    University of Georgia
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