Fairfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Fairfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 251 - 286 of 286
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Doctor James Glenn June 8, 1831 on the high way Suicide laudanum
Absalom June 26, 1829 at Nathaniel Holleys Accident lightning
Charles Brown at the house of Simon Jones Accident lightning
Alias July 14, 1838 at the plantation of Samuel Mobley Accident lightning
Matt July 14, 1838 at the plantation of Samuel Mobley Accident lightning
Henry Jinnings August 31, 1839 at Mr. William Martins Accident mule
Charles Goins at T.D. [?] plantation Accident mule
Hilliard Brown at Washington Ashford's house on the Boyd place Accident mule
Rose Ford at Winnsboro Accident opium
Nelson Davis at Blythewood Homicide pistol
Huey A Stevenson Homicide pistol
Jor.[?] Seabrook JUST TESTIMONY Homicide pistol
Andrew Caldwell at Rockton Homicide pistol
William Wallace at Beau's Homicide pistol
Phillip McDonough December 13, 1829 at the house of Thomas Nelson in the town of Winnsborough Suicide razor
Andrew Thompson December 19, 1859 at Andrew Thompson's house Suicide razor
Captain Andrew Feaster February 6, 1808 at the house of Abner Fant Homicide rifle
Vincent Hanes Homicide stick
John Kirk November 28, 1826 near the house of Ezekiel Jenkins Homicide stick
W. Bone[?] Durham at Winnsboro Accident train
H. Martin Brown at Blair's Accident train
Wilson Clark at Winnsboro Accident train
John Henry Butler[?] at Blythewood Accident train
Willis Gary at James Mockins[?] Accident train
W. H. Parker at Blythewood Accident train
S. W. Murtishaw December 22, 1859 at Alston Depot, G & C R. Road Accident train
Thomas Elliott Wilson near Strother Accident train
Porter Hampton Accident train
David M[?] Elkin at Alston Accident train
Tom Griffin at the freight depot in Winnsboro Accident train
William Brewer at White Oak Accident train
Charles February 25, 1832 at the house of Littleton Kelly Accident tree fall
Phebe February 25, 1832 at the house of Littleton Kelly Accident tree fall
James Sims August 23, 1877 at Lyles Ford Accident wagon
Hary January 10, 1857 at Winnsboro Accident wagon
Bacchus September 28, 1840 at the plantation of John Lowery Homicide whip

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    University of Georgia
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