Fairfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Fairfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 201 - 250 of 286
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Tom near the Catawba River Unknown
Thos P. Milnor February 5, 1849 at Winnsboro Natural Causes
Sallie Walker at M.J. Steel's[?] place Natural Causes
Aggey September 14, 1830 near the house of Edward P. Mobley Accident
Patsy Johnston at Bell plantation Natural Causes
Henry July 6, 1834 at the house of John Holly Accident
Unknown March 26, 1877 at James McGill's Accident
Dolly Glenn at the Doly place Natural Causes
Hattie Smalls at C.B. Blair's Accident
Phillis August 18, 1831 at the house of Charles P. Stone Natural Causes
Ida Suber at Lyles Ford Accident
Wade Chappell at William Steele's Natural Causes
Lucilla S. Gresham Chester Co., at Shelton Depot Accident
Mary Robertson at the Gailiard grave yard Accident
Priner Davis near Simm Davis' Spring Accident
Martha Stevenson at Daniel Stevenson's Natural Causes
Milly Thomas October 8, 1878 at Winnsboro Accident
Manuel Coleman at Manuel Coleman's Natural Causes
Loney November 20, 1848 at Harrisons Ferry Accident
Thomas Thompson at Capt. Manus' place Accident
John November 24, 1829 at the house of Robert G Bagley Accident
Pinkie Lemmon at J.H. Aiken's Natural Causes
John Young October 1, 1857 in Winnsboro Accident
Bettie McConnell near Lyles Ford Natural Causes
Sallie Bell Suber at Lyles Ford Accident
Flemming Taylor at Jack Taylors house Accident
Joe Coleman near Willing Homicide
Amilia Ruffin August 7, 1880 at S.W. Ruffs Natural Causes
Sam September 15, 1861 at Joseph Hurts'[?] Suicide
Wesley Smith at Winnsboro Homicide
Hardy January 17, 1848 at the house of I.B. McCall Natural Causes
Bob May 31, 1831 at Rocky Mount Accident
Edward Young December 26, 1833 at the house of Mrs. Mathews on the waters of Wateree Creek Accident
Lewis Hall in Fairfield County, South Carolina Homicide
Stephen December 6, 1833 at Ephraim Morgan's house Homicide
Unknown at Davis Lyles'[?] place Natural Causes
Thomas Yongue near Strother Accident
Crosby Irby at Perry Irby's Accident
Albert Trapp near Blairs Homicide
Unknown February 14, 1874 at Thos Watt's Unknown
George Fisher March 14, 1826 on the bank of the Broad River Accident
James Walls at the Tevin Pines' Homicide baseball bat
Mary Robertson Homicide bed slat
Richard Roberts January 15, 1826 at the union meeting house Homicide bullis vine
Spencer Bradford November 2, 1840 at the house of Spencer Bradford Accident horse
Isaac December 31, 1832 the house of Mrs. Jane Brown of Horse branch of Wateree Creek Accident horse
William Penny March 5, 1839 at Mr. Thomas A. Rabbs Accident horse
William Bonner Jr. August 20, 1832 at the house late the Residence of William Bonner Jr. Accident horse
Jacob July 31, 1861 at the residence of Dr. G.B. Pearson Homicide knife
John Rowland August 22, 1825 at the Presbyterian Church known by the name of the Ebenezer meeting house Homicide knife

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    University of Georgia
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