Chesterfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Chesterfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 533
Name Deceased Description Datesort descending Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
Unknown Infant Unknown Infant [no location given] Natural Causes
Wallace [no location given] Accident automobile
Jason Hendrick [no location given] Homicide
Rena McFarlow [no location given] Suicide
Unknown Unknown [no location given] Unknown
Mac Adams [no location given] Unknown
Infant of Solomon Huguy Infant of Solomon Huguy [no location given] Accident
Infant of Susie Redfern Infant of Susie Redfern at Mt. Croghan Natural Causes
Unknown male Unknown male August 28, 1866 at the old tool house Unknown
Abner Evans June 14, 1867 at P.A. Parker's place Accident
Clement D. Wallace November 28, 1867 at Gopher Hill Homicide
Simney Harrington August 7, 1868 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Archibald Nicholson July 26, 1869 at the residence of Archibald Nicholson Homicide pistol
Lydia McKay September 2, 1869 at Burches Spring branch near the residence of Mr. B. T. Ellerbe in Steerpeu township Homicide stick
J. J. Gulladge December 24, 1869 at the house of J. J. Gulladge Accident
Nathan Moore April 1, 1870 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Hannah White December 25, 1870 near William Pitts' dwelling house Accident
Peggy McLeod December 25, 1870 at George Rorie's dwelling house Accident
Peter Redfearn December 28, 1870 at Hornsboro Accident
Mariah Teel December 30, 1870 at the Poor House Accident
Sarah Sweat February 4, 1871 at the dwelling house of Sarah Sweat Homicide
Harriet M. Melton April 18, 1871 at the residence of Robert Melton Homicide
Robert Melton April 19, 1871 at the residence of Robert Melton Homicide
N. C. Smith July 19, 1871 at N.S. Smith's residence Accident tree fall
George Bracy August 19, 1871 the plantation of Wm Cassady Natural Causes
Ransom Hinton March 29, 1872 at Purvis' Bridge Accident
Aaron Rogers May 14, 1872 at Isham Johnson's Plantation Accident
Sarah Ratcliff January 3, 1873 at Mr. Isaac Smith's Accident
Washington Cash March 8, 1873 at Cash's Depot Accident
Macomb Campbell March 10, 1873 at R. E. Evans' Accident
William Fortune November 24, 1873 at Jerkens Stabberd Accident
Benjamin Anderson December 22, 1873 at Cheraw Accident
Edward Bownes April 30, 1874 at Cheraw, S. C. Natural Causes
Luis Ratcliff May 1, 1874 at C. A. Mores Accident
Maggie Ratcliff May 1, 1874 at C. A. Mores Accident
George Ratcliff May 1, 1874 at C. A. Mores Accident
Jackson Cartlidge October 21, 1874 at or near the Brewers gold mine, near the waters of Big Lynches Creek Natural Causes
Furman Smith December 16, 1874 at Snow Hill Accident
William Smith December 16, 1874 at Snow Hill Accident
Harry Fort January 6, 1875 at Cheraw Accident train
Isaac F. Swinney March 12, 1875 at Chesterfield C. H. Natural Causes
Johnson Johnsons infant June 18, 1875 at Roberts Tuckers Homicide
Sally E. Hanna October 19, 1875 at Chesterfield C. H. Accident
Mary Love January 17, 1876 at Mrs. Clovers Spencers Accident
Nancy Therrel February 19, 1876 at Mr. John Therrels Natural Causes
Joseph Hancock June 22, 1876 at Mr. Joseph Hancocks Suicide
William Coker June 23, 1876 at Mrs. Sutter Tolbert Homicide
B. G. Hunter December 23, 1877 at B. G. Hunters Accident horse
Allan G. Chapman December 31, 1877 at the Residence of Allan G. Chapman Homicide brick
Samuel F. Evans Sr. January 23, 1878 at Chesterfield C. H. Accident

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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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