
Unknown Inquests

Displaying 151 - 196 of 196
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Unknown November 5, 1857 Fairfield County, SC
infant May 26, 1829 Kershaw County, SC

do say upon their oaths . . .that upon the examination of the dead body [it] was found in such decayed state that nothing could be seen to satisfy us.

Patsy Ervin April 14, 1869 Spartanburg County, SC

after making all the enquiry. . .come fully to the opinion that she came to her death by the hand of Providence

John Westmorland August 1, 1847 at James Hopkins's, Spartanburg County, SC

do say upon their oaths that it was by the act of God

Edmond Price April 30, 1892 at Kennys Graveyard, Edgefield County, SC

upon their Oaths do Say that he Came to his death from Natural Cause

Unknown male Unknown male August 28, 1866 at the old tool house, Chesterfield County, SC

upon [???] says of the body of a [calico?] [person?] there by [???] dead and how he came to his death Foul [page rip] [????] as yor'e well aware the [Consequences?] of your peril

George April 21, 1838 Laurens County, SC
Friday slave September 10, 1840 at Thomas [?] plantation, Kershaw County, SC

we the jurors are of opinoin that the said negro Fry Day came to his Death by Drowning.

Miles Hart Union County, SC
W. L. Tolson June 22, 1938 [no location given], Chesterfield County, SC

[No official declaration]

slave slave November 1, 1864 at the depot in Camden, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do say that he died from causes unknown to the jury

Unknown April 11, 1860 at or near W.J. Walkers, Edgefield County, SC

upon there oaths do say The person above refered to came to his death by some cause unknown

Unknown at Ridgeway, Fairfield County, SC

upon their oaths, do say, That some time during the night of Marh th 16 the man came to his death by means unknown to the Jurors

John slave November 20, 1829 on the Bank of the Wateree River at the plantation of Col. James Shesnut, Kershaw County, SC

do say that from every information they can obtain the said black or coloured man to have been the slave of a Mr. Chappell of Charleston who was a boat hand in the employ of Mr. Thomas J. Kerr by the name of John and that he came to his death by drowning from cause to them unknown.

Alpha Wingo May 7, 1869 on North Pacolet River at Harry Wingo's, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the sd. Alpha Wingo came to her death by providential means, unknown to the jury

John Covington October 26, 1849 at the house of John Covington, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death by the hands of God with an Apoplectic fit

infant child infant child July 24, 1892 at Promised Land School house, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do Say From Strangerlation due to the accumulation of Phlegm in the throat

Unknown February 25, 1832 at the house of Littleton Kelly, Fairfield County, SC
Bart October 30, 1822 Laurens County, SC

do say upon their oaths, that the aforesaid Negro Bart, was killed, or came to his death, either by an accidential fall from a horse, or some other misfortune.

Venus slave March 20, 1842 on the side of the public road leading from the Charleston Road to McCallum's fairy, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the said negro woman died from causes unknown to the jury but from appearances and from the situation of the body the jury are of opinion that she died elswhere and that the body was placed where found by some person or persons unknown

John Goff April 4, 1843 at the house of Holly Goff, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do saythat the deceased John Goff came to his death by natural causes

Jake slave November 10, 1855 at William Brownings old field, Union County, SC

upon their oaths do say that . . .it appears that Jake was on Saturday the 3rd Instant laboring under slight mental derangement, that he left home without his permission or Knowledge, and that he had been complaining for about one month before he left home, and was under the medical care of Doct Jesse Lamb, ... the deceased Jake was laboring under an attack of Typhoyd Fever, and had been for several weeks and that he was laboring under a fit of mental derangement when he left home, and that he must have died at [?] in a day or less after leaving home

James Banfield February 27, 1939 near Patrick, S. C., Chesterfield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that James Banfield received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by Shot Gun Wounds in the hands of own hands by accidental means

infant March 30, 1874 at Silas Kay's, Anderson County, SC

do say that the said child came to its death by injurys [sic]?by violence or otherwise unknown to us.

Richard Williams November 23, 1880 Kershaw County, SC
Joshua negro man slave June 26, 1860 at Harmon Gallman, Edgefield County, SC

upon there oaths do say that. . .Joshua a negro man slave of Harmons Gallmans came to his death very sudenly by some internal disease unknwon

Unknown August 1, 1840 at the plantation of Benoni[?] Robinson, Fairfield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by Causes unknown to us

Esther slave October 24, 1834 at Camden, Kershaw County, SC

upon inquiry find the decased came to her death by the visitation of God

Hannah Eves colored July 23, 1872 at D.J. Turt[?]'s, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that she came to her death from cause unknown to the jury

Edward Johnston December 26, 1892 at William Bushes, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Edward Johnston. . .came to his death by a cause unknown

Unknown February 25, 1832 at the house of Littleton Kelly, Fairfield County, SC
Nancy September 20, 1830 at Banks creek, Laurens County, SC

we are of the opinion that the said Nancy came to her death by wandering about And being willfully Neglected by her owner.

Ned slave April 22, 1843 at Chesnut's Ferry, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the said negro slave Ned the property of the estate of John Chesnut came to his death by drowning about six weeks ago

James infant October 31, 1855 on Col Tho. Dawkins[?] Plantation in his field, Union County, SC

upon their oaths do say that they believe the Sd Infant came to his fall[?] & Came to its death by some means to the Jury unknown

Benjamin Frank April 13, 1943 at Pageland, Chesterfield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that Benjamin Frank Laney received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 32 pistol in the hands of Gus Gruggs

Mary Magdalene Saxton December 6, 1876 at the house of Enoch Saxton, Anderson County, SC
Jim Cantey July 20, 1900 Kershaw County, SC
Hurnon[?] April 4, 1862 at Doct H R Cooks Plantation on Savanah River, Edgefield County, SC

upon there oaths do say that the said person came to his death by misfortune or accident unknown

Unknown January 20, 1877 at the residence of Thomas Mongomery Col'd on Capt. Hayne McMakens[?] Plantation, Fairfield County, SC

upon their oath do say that the Infant came to its death by causes unknown to them

negro negro March 16, 1834 at the big Raft, the body lodged in the river Wateree, Kershaw County, SC

do say that the said negro came to his death by drowning[?] from [?] mischance unknown. The body was clothed with two pair of pantaloons -- outside wool & cotton with one leather[?] coarse cotton shirt, patched round coat filled with white wool

Viney Miller November 23, 1874 at the house of Daniel Swinney, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oath do say that in their opinion she came to her death from causes unknown

Joel Etheridge November 29, 1893 at Joel Etheridge Residence, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say, that the said Joel Etheridge came to his death from gun shot wounds, from the evidence before us with in his own hands

Unknown Infant Unknown Infant June 5, 1893 at C. B. Collins, Chesterfield County, SC

upon there oaths do say that the Infant came to its deth By means unto the Jurors and that it was deposited where it was found By Sum person.

Jenny Smith December 8, 1838 at the Dwelling House of John Smith, Laurens County, SC

do say uppon their Oaths, that from bruises apearant [sic] on the Body of said Ginny Smith, one on her abdomen one on her breast, some on her neck, and one on her left ear that some Person, or Persons unknown did Kill and Murder the said Jenny Smith in the south east room of the Dwelling House of the aforesiad John Smith - and the said jurors uppon theire Oaths aforesaid further say - that the said Person or Persons Unknown after the commission of said Feloney and Murder did flee away contrary to the Peace and dignity of this state...

Caroline A. Kinnan January 13, 1872 at L. C. Neals[?], Anderson County, SC arsenic

do say that said Caroline A. Kinnon . . .came to her death by the act of God

Griffin Mays November 20, 1897 at W. H. Pordew, Edgefield County, SC pistol

upon their oaths, do Say: That Griffin Mays came to his death by a pistol Shot in the hand of John Mays

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