Horry County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Horry County, SC Inquests

Displaying 1 - 42 of 42
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Martha G. Herring October 27, 1857 at the House of Chauncy Willard Unknown
Fanny July 22, 1856 at "Gressetts Landing or Store Landing" on the Waccamaw River Accident
unnamed infant unnamed infant January 21, 1868 at Conwayboro Homicide
William Milligan June 7, 1852 at Conway borough Homicide
Hollan April 29, 1856 at Conwayboro Accident
Titus July 19, 1857 at the Thoroughfair landing Accident
Willis Rabon September 4, 1849 at William Rabon Sen.r Homicide
Jim April 26, 1856 on the Public Road leading from Conwayboro, to Bull Creek Ferry Homicide
Lucy E. Louremore January 27, 1873 in Horry County Natural Causes
Toney Moore November 29, 1865 at Conwayboro Accident
John Rhodes July 13, 1853 at Feathery Bay Homicide
unnamed infant unnamed infant May 18, 1870 at and near Cools Spring Homicide
Elizabeth M. Skipper June 5, 1857 at the House of Abraham B. Skipper Homicide
Ebby September 7, 1867 at Cooperville Unknown
Daniel Johnson May 19, 1871 at John T. Johnsons Natural Causes
Isabella McClain September 15, 1873 at Conwayboro Accident
unnamed infant unnamed infant September 8, 1855 at the Plantation of the late William Montgomery Natural Causes
William Johnson Senior December 30, 1869 at the first Swamp on the Road leading from the public Road to Hughes Landing on Little Pee Dee River Accident
Charlotte February 22, 1862 at Conwayboro Homicide
Gabriel Rabon October 9, 1862 at Turf Camp Bay Homicide
Amos M. Williams January 2, 1874 Homicide
Allagood Suggs April 4, 1860 at the house of Alfred Jernigan Accident
Irving Stallings March 3, 1857 at Court House Homicide
Polly December 25, 1866 at Darlings Lake Accident
Absalom Causey September 27, 1863 at Reaves Mill Branch Homicide
Enoch Stevens August 2, 1859 at Stephens Mill Homicide
Elijah February 8, 1860 at the house of D.r J. H. Norman Accident
unknown negro unknown negro April 24, 1855 at Savannah Bluff Accident
Nancy Suggs September 15, 1863 at Seth Belleme's . . .and continued by adjournment and taken at M.r J. J. Worthams Homicide
Ludley February 8, 1860 at Conwayboro in Horry District (near the River Landing) Accident
Silvia October 10, 1857 at the House of J.s. W. Holliday Natural Causes
Bookey January 26, 1863 at Conwayboro Homicide
Eli Thompkins September 5, 1860 at Conwayboro near the residence of Samuel Bell Homicide
Wilson M. Gilligan July 25, 1855 at the Jail of the Districtaforesaid in Conwayboro Accident
Jethro July 27, 1857 at the residence of Cornelius B. Sarvis Accident
John G. Tyler January 28, 1868 at M.r Allens Store Accident alcohol
Edward Faircloth March 2, 1855 at the house of Edward T. Richs Homicide ax
Gilbert Grissett December 20, 1867 at Snow Hill Accident boat
W. H. Gordon March 5, 1855 at the house of Alex.r Hampton Accident buggy
Michael Pertell August 2, 1858 at Conwayboro Homicide knife
Abraham Rabon Senior September 8, 1872 at the residence of Joshua J Long Homicide shotgun
Jack December 30, 1851 at Big Bay Homicide stomped

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    University of Georgia
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