
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Manerva Sanders
at Webb S.C
Accident March 22, 1890

do say that Manerva Sanders came to her death. . .by a Storm or Cyclone. . . blowing down a house in which she Was in and the falling timbers Kill her

Act of God
The State vs. the Dead Body of Andy Padgett
near Ridge Spring
Homicide July 5, 1891

upon their oaths do say that. . .was deceased stabbed to death With a Knife in the hands of one[?] Rufus Dent

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Whit Terry
J.K. Corleys Place
Homicide October 19, 1894

the said Whit Terry came to his death upon the plantation of J.K. Corley. . .from a gun shot wound inflicted by some one of the searching party, to the jury unknown inflicted in self defense

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzie Darian
at Waldo Richardsons
Accident November 21, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that the said Lizzie Darion came to her death by mischance, the burning of the house it was left in by what means it caught on fire is unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Harrison
at Dornville
Accident September 10, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that the said Mary Harris, aforesaid, came to her death. . .by accidental scalding with hot Water

The State vs. the Dead Body of Dave Parkman
at Cheatham place
Homicide December 16, 1897

upon their oaths do say, that Dave Parkman was killed by a pistol shot in the hands of Solomon Moss

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jim McKie
near John starks
Homicide October 26, 1898

do say that Jim McKie came to his death from gun shot wounds in the hands of some unknown parties

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Ross
at Adoms[?] place
Homicide June 29, 1898

upon their oaths do say, that George Ross, came to his death by a pistol shot wilfully in the hands of Ed Hood

The State vs. the Dead Body of Louisa Wooden
at Mose Woden
Accident October 13, 1893

upon their oaths do say that the deceased Louisa Wooden came to her death by an accidental gunshot wound in the hands of Moses Wooden

The State vs. the Dead Body of Wily Royal
at J.S. Hancocks
Accident January 7, 1895

upon their oaths do say, that Wily Royal came to death. . .by Pistol shot wound accidently inflicted by Walter Deale

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Peterson
at Ridge Spring
Accident June 13, 1893

upon their oaths do say That the deceased Henry Peterson came to his death by being crushed [?] while passing between two sections of freight cars

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sindy Brighthop
on S.W. Gardners place
Homicide August 21, 1898

upon their oaths do say, that Sindy Brighthop came to her death, from a dislocated neck done by th parties in the house

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Jones
at Ridge Spring
Natural Causes July 1, 1881

upon there oaths do say that the deceast came to his death from Nattural Causese the visitation of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Blocker
at R H Parks
Accident December 6, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that Mary Blocker came to her death by taking a dose of Strychnine

The State vs. the Dead Body of E. M. Whatley
at E M Whatley's
Suicide August 31, 1893

upon their oaths do say that the Said E.M. Whatley came to his death from a Gun shot wound inflicted by his own hands with suicidal intentions

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nancy Weaver
at Edgefield Court House
Accident December 20, 1893

upon their oaths do say that we the jurors aforesaid do say that Nancy aforesaid, came to her death, by a gun shot wound in the hands of Savanah Gray accidently

The State vs. the Dead Body of James S. Aiton
at J.S. Aiton deceased
Suicide June 19, 1893

upon their oaths do say that deceased. . .died. . .from the effects of two pistol shot wounds. . . inflicted by his own hand and with Suicidal intent on his part

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ned Dozier
at MJ Holsteins
Homicide September 27, 1893

upon their oaths do say that. . .the said Ned Dozier aforesaid came to his death from the effects of a gun or a pistol shot wonds at the hands of Fred singleton

The State vs. the Dead Body of Esther Jeter
at Huiets x Roads
Accident April 17, 1893

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Esther Jeter came to her death by accident. . .burned to death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Will Collens
at Gaines SC
Homicide October 20, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that the said Will Collens came to his death by gun shot wound by the hands of Jack Harrison

The State vs. the Dead Body of Kisiah Frazier
at the plantation of T S Rainsforde
Natural Causes December 17, 1893

upon their oaths do say that Kisiah Frazier came to her death from natural causes. . .Rheumatic trouble of the heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Martin
on the premises of W. E. Friday
Homicide May 24, 1891

upon their oaths do say that the deceased Wm Martin came to his death from a pistol shot wound and that Augustus Dearing firered the pistol

The State vs. the Dead Body of Fannie Ford
at Trenton S.C.
Accident March 5, 1893

upon their oaths do say that. . .Fannie Ford came to her death from being run over by a train

The State vs. the Dead Body of W. W. Miller Sr.
at J M. Mays place
Accident July 10, 1891

upon their oaths do say that the Deceased came to his death from Heart failure and Exposure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Tandy Holmes
at or on Dr. W.C. Prescotts Plantation
Homicide September 21, 1894

upon their oaths do say, We find that Tandy Holmes, came to his death by a blow on the head, with a gun in the hands of T.K. McKenny and that the said McKenny struck said blow in self defense and was justifiable in so doing

Blunt Instrument

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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