
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah Lucas
at Mr. M L Holson
Accident October 30, 1890

upon their oaths do say that She came to her death by being Burned to death by fire from accident

The State vs. the Dead Body of Willis Cumings
at C. M. Lanhams
Accident October 10, 1890

upon their oaths do say that the said Willis Cumings came to his death by a gun shot Wound in the hands of John Cumings by accident

The State vs. the Dead Body of Anderson B. Branham
at the plantation of M. C. Parker
Unknown January 6, 1892

upon their oaths do say That the said AB Branham died from Heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Martha Lanham
at Wilts[?] Curryes place
Natural Causes January 29, 1892

upon their oaths do Say that Marsha Lanham Came to her death from hart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of John H. Anderson
at Tom Anderson place
Homicide March 21, 1891

came to his death by a gun shot Wound in the hands of one Henry Ryan

The State vs. the Dead Body of Cland Elam
at A. J. Norris Place
Accident March 17, 1892

upon their oaths do Say that the Child Came to its death from a wound inflicted by fire accidentily

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant child
at a colored cemetary
Accident December 9, 1891

upon their oaths do say that the child came to its death from the burns that was found upon its body

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah Jowls[?]
at Mrs Mary Ann Keys
Suicide November 16, 1858

upon their Oaths do say that the said Sarah Jowls[?] died of her own hands by hanging with a Rope.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charles
at Scotts Shoals on Savannah River
Accident February 27, 1850

Upon their Oaths do say, that he was drowned by accident, and that the body was too much decayed to admit of examination.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ryal
at Mr Thos McKies Batteau landing on Big Stephen's Creek
Accident July 28, 1851

upon their oaths do say that they boy Ryal went in the creek of his own accord and [?] to swim drowned

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harry
at Col Arthur Sinkins[?]
Homicide December 25, 1858

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Harry a slave belonging to Mrs Mary Crooker in an affray at Col Arthur Sinkins. . .by a knife or sharp pointed instrument in the hands of Elbert a slave belonging to Col Arthur Sinkins

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Richmond
at V[?] Elbert Blands residence at Edgefield Court House
Homicide March 3, 1857

upon their Oaths do say, by a wound in the head inflicted in the left temple, coming out in the left side of the forehead in Mr J.[?] H. Goodes black Smiths Shop . . .by a pistol shot by the hands of Joseph Williams

The State vs. the Dead Body of Dave
at Kilcrease's Ferry
Accident March 16, 1849

Upon their Oaths do say, that the said Dave came to his death by being drowned. . .by accidently falling out of a boat used for carrying and other produce to Market

The State vs. the Dead Body of Solomon Ellenberg
near the Residence of G.M. Ouzts[?]
Suicide February 18, 1859

unanimously determin and conclude that the said Solomon Ellenberg in maner and form afore said then and there volunterly and feloniously himself did kill by hanging himself by the neck

The State vs. the Dead Body of Curry
at Mrs Elizabeth Middletons Plantation
Accident March 17, 1856

upon their oaths do say that the said Curry came to his death by accidental drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Basil M. Boone
at the residence of Daniel Boone
Suicide November 4, 1855

upon their oaths aforesaid do say that. . .they did then and there find the body of Basil M Boone of said District, prostrate upon the ground with his face upwards with a mortal wound in his forehead, which we believe was inflicted by a Rifle ball, finding a rifle gun there lying, with the muzzle, under the left leg of the deceased ... we believe that the said Basil M Boone ... himself did shoot and Kill

The State vs. the Dead Body of Rebeca Eidson
at the Residence of William Eidson
Natural Causes May 29, 1861

upon there oaths do say that it is made evident to theme that the said deceased came to here death. . .from Congestion Pneumonia

The State vs. the Dead Body of Doublin
at the Residence of Mrs Delila Philips
Natural Causes April 5, 1857

upon their oaths do say. . .that the deceased Doublin in manner and form aforesaid came to his death by a Providential occurrence under the influence of an apoplectic fit.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Rhoda
at Dorn's[?] Mill
Natural Causes July 4, 1857

upon their oaths do say, they believe the said slave Rhoda came to her death by some invisible and unknown cause or causes; perhaps a disease of the heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of negro man
near Kilcreases Ferry
Accident April 10, 1850

upon their Oaths do say, that the negro here lying dead, was Killed or drowned by some means to the Jurors unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Pink Williams
at or near Mr E.F. Pickles residence
Homicide October 6, 1898

upon their Oaths, do Say that Pink Williams came to his death by Gun Shot wounds in the hands of Lawyer[?] Holoway[?]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Baze
at the D. J. Howls
Homicide March 31, 1863

do say upon there oaths that said Baze came to his death. . .by reason of two blows from a chop axe in the hands of Anderson another slave belong to said T.D.J. Howl

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant, (male)
at Potterville
Homicide April 29, 1857

upon their oaths do say. . .from the effects of Laudanum. . .administerted by Mrs Matilda Reynolds. . .the aforesaid infant (male child) in manner and for aforesaid, Matilda Reynolds, then and there feloniously did Kill

The State vs. the Dead Body of Eugene McCarty
at Edgefield Court house
Homicide May 11, 1861

upon there oaths do say that the said Eugene McCarty the deceased came to his death this day by a wound received from a pistol in the hands of William A Murrell

The State vs. the Dead Body of Duke
near Dennis Carpenters
Accident March 25, 1855

upon their Oaths do say that the aforesaid negro slave name Duke. . .did come to his death from intemperance and exposure


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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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