
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Wesley
at the residence of Sophia A Tilman
Homicide October 5, 1857

upon their oaths do say that they believe that the said male slave Wesley came to his death by blows given by Joe a slave the Property of F Oconner

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Abram
at the Residence of Gen[?] Jas B. Griffin
Accident August 17, 1860

upon there oaths do say that the deceased Abram came to his death by being bitten twice by a snake

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Styson
at R. M. Fullers
Homicide June 22, 1856

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by a wound inflicted on the Right Side of the head with a hoe in hands of the boy Clem; slave of R M Fuller

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ransom Hollaway
at Ransom Holaways
Accident May 14, 1862

do say upon there oaths that he was killed by Lighting during a Thunder storm

Act of God
The State vs. the Dead Body of Cooper
at the plantation of L.H. Mundy decd
Natural Causes March 17, 1852

where & when & by what means the Said Slave, Cooper came to his death By acute Gastro Duodinitis[?]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jacob Horn
at the hous of Jacob Horns
Homicide February 25, 1866

upon there Oaths do say that Jacob Horn came to his death by a Malicious discharge of a Gun or Pistol entering the left Groin from which wound he [?] langushed and languishing died in about half an hour

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam
at the Carolina Hotel, Edgefield C.H.
Unknown October 10, 1857

upon their oaths do say-that the deceased Sam came to his death by a sudden and unexpected disease or causes unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Emanuel
at Matthew McGraw's plantation
Accident March 12, 1856

upon their oaths do say-that Emanuel was Killed by the fall of a tree

The State vs. the Dead Body of Tom Waldrum
in the woods near Mr Avory Franklins
Accident January 20, 1857

upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Tom Waldrum in manner and form aforesaid he was frozen to death in the woods. . .some time during the snow storm

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Harlin
at a new place sitting by Mr James Swearingem(Jr) on the Akien Road
Accident February 19, 1856

upon their oaths do say the deceased William Harlin, came to his death by the cavin in and filling up with dirt the well in which he was engaged digging on the Siken Road

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Matthias Jones
at the house of Lewis Jones (Sr) at Edgefield C.H.
Homicide October 14, 1858

upon their oaths do say that the deceased I.M. Jones was kill by Thomas Markey, in the Public Square in front of Truman Roots store. . .by a knife in the hands of the aforesaid Markey

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Seigler
at J.H. Christians
Accident February 13, 1856

upon their oaths do say, that John Seigler came to his death by fall or jump, from his buggy, while his horse was running away

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Thurmond
at Edgefield Court House, Planters[?] Hotel
Homicide February 14, 1856

upon their oaths do say, that he the deceased was Killed, by a blow with a chair, in the hands of William P Jones ... inflicted on the head

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry
at Arthur Glovers House, Horns Creek
Accident May 1, 1857

upon their oaths do say. . .from drinking an [?] quantity of water when heated. . .came to his death by misfortune

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Randall
at the Residence of John Randall
Homicide October 19, 1857

upon their Oaths do say, that the said Mart Randall came to her death from a large cut or gash across the throat made by a Razor in the hand of her husband John Randall

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam
on the track of the South Carolina Rail Road between the Paper Mill and Marsh's
Accident October 19, 1856

that said boy came to his death. . .by being Run over by the night express train

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizza
at the house of Thomas S. Miller
Natural Causes October 7, 1866

upon there oaths do say that the deceased died from a desease of the Heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harry
at the residence of the Rev. J. L. Brooks
Accident September 9, 1858

say upon their oaths, that. . .the said boy name Harry. . .while in the business of driving the mules to work the machinery of the Cotton gin by some careless action of his own he was caught by wheel or wheels of the machinery and crushed to death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph Riddle
at Hamburg
Homicide April 10, 1856

upon their oaths do say, that the said Riddle came to his death by a wound or stab with some cutting instrument inflicted just under the left ear by some hand to this jury unknown

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Clem
at Tabitha Abney's
Accident October 3, 1858

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid Lem[?] came to his death by the accident firing of a gun in his own hands

The State vs. the Dead Body of Dudley Roundtree
at the dwelling house of the late Dudley Roundtree
Natural Causes August 10, 1856

the said Dudley Roundtree came to his death. . .that the said death was by the visitation of God, and so the jury sworn and [?] as aforesaid upon their oaths declare

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joel Etheridge
at Joel Etheridge Residence
Unknown November 29, 1893

upon their oaths do say, that the said Joel Etheridge came to his death from gun shot wounds, from the evidence before us with in his own hands

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant
at the Rinheart Grave yard
Unknown December 18, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that the said Infant came to his death by carelessness and mismanagement by some one unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joel W. Warren
at Joseph Mirren[?] House
Natural Causes November 9, 1894

upon their oaths do say and belief that he Joel W. Warren came to his death by heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Frank Milton
at Sanders Loricks
Natural Causes January 26, 1894

upon their oath do say: that said Frank Milton aforesaid came to his death from natural causes, that is to say from inflammation of the lungs


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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