
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ana May Blocker
at Ben Boatwrights farm
Natural Causes December 2, 1894

upon their oaths do say: That the child Came to its death from causes unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Emaline Jackson
at Dr Childs Plantation
Natural Causes August 27, 1894

upon their oaths do say, that from the evidence before us by misfortune and that said misfortune was caused by the bursting of an artery And So the said jurors aforesaid, do say, that the aforesaid Emaline Jackson came to her death in manner and form

The State vs. the Dead Body of Julia Banks
at Mr Banks Plantation
Natural Causes September 4, 1891

upon their oaths do say that. . .Mrs Julia Banks . . .Supposed to have died from heart decise

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Perry
at Mt Enon Church
Accident December 27, 1894

upon oaths do say that the said Jim Perry aforesaid came to his death from the firing of his own Gun. . .by first fireing of his gun at a Rabbit Broke his gun stock threw up the Barrel and discharged the other load which caused his death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charly Washington
at the house of George Washington near Bauknights ferry
Accident November 22, 1891

upon their oaths do Say that the Said Charley Washington Came to his death by the accidental discharge of a pistol ball from the hands of James Bobo[?]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Dave Gillam
at the house of Cal Smiths
Homicide August 25, 1892

the Said Dave Gillam Came to his death from a gun Shot wound inflicted by the hands of Eliott Johnson

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzie Carson
at John J Carson Coleman Township
Suicide January 29, 1892

upon their oaths do say that the Said Mrs Lizzie Carson Came to her death. . .by a pistol ball wound in her own hands

The State vs. the Dead Body of Eddie Watson
at Bob Stevens
Natural Causes April 25, 1892

upon their oaths do Say that the Said Eddie Watson came to his death from Natural Causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph Ruffington
at Thos O Attaways
Accident January 9, 1893

upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph Ruffington came to his death accidentally by the falling of a tree cut by Pick Deloach

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sis Bonham
at M.B. Davenports
Accident February 18, 1894

upon their oaths do say: that the child came to its death by having a quilt over it face and in our opinion sufficated

The State vs. the Dead Body of Polly Vines
at the house of Ben. Holt
Natural Causes April 20, 1892

we find that the decesed Came to her death. . .from the [?] of age and Probealy as Stated by the Dr from Heart Failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bluford Abney
at M.A. Colemans plantation
Natural Causes November 14, 1894

the said Bluford Abney came to his death by natural causes or colic

The State vs. the Dead Body of Johnson Peterson
at Deny[?] S.C.
Homicide March 9, 1892

upon their oaths do Say - that this Jury of inquest believes that the Said Johnson Peterson Came to his death ... by a gun Shot wound Said wound being Made as we believe by a pistol in the hands of Pickens Smith

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Samuel
at Scima[?] Hill Church
Homicide April 26, 1891

upon their oaths do say that. . .the decease William Samuel Came to his death ... by a Gun Shot Wound in the hands of Henry Glover in Self defince

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jack Taylor
at the house of Hal[?] Miles
Natural Causes April 11, 1892

upon their oaths do say that the said Jack Taylor. . .came to his death by the act of God. He having died from old age 84 years and having hearty failure bleeding Hemorage of the lungs and asthma

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. F. Styron
at residence of J. F. Styron[?]
Accident April 21, 1891

upon their oaths do say that the said J. F. Styron dropped dead in his field from being over heat while engaged in burning logs and in such heat drinking big drought of cold water and as the Physician tells us from heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Julia Van
at the plantation of Mr Joe Thurmond
Homicide June 20, 1892

Upon their oaths do say that Rial Williams Killed the said Julia Van by misfortune and contrary to his will

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant Boy
at [?] Coleman
Natural Causes October 29, 1894

upon their oaths do say that the said infant didid from natural cause or by the hand god

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Jennings
at the residense of diceased
Natural Causes September 14, 1891

upon the oaths of the Jury aforesaid do say that the said Henry Jennings came to his death from Heart Disease

The State vs. the Dead Body of Reubin Weaver
at Elijah Boatwrights Plantation
Natural Causes December 28, 1895

upon their oaths, do say, that Reubin Weaver aforesaid came to his death from heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charles Cobb
at or near Johnston
Homicide March 13, 1893

upon their oaths do say. . .that Charles Cobb, did come to his death. . .from injuries inflicted by the hands of one Thomas Cherry, with an umbrella

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant, child
at the plantation of J. P. Roton
Natural Causes November 29, 1894

upon their oaths do say that. . .the said Infant aforesaid. . .came to its death from natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bridgett Etheridge
at John Etheridges Residence
Homicide June 26, 1893

upon their oaths do say. . .that the said Bridgett Etheridge aforesaid came to her death from a blow on her head with a [?] Hoe thereby fracturing the scull bone at the hands of Bill Gasten

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Caroline Coleman
at Brisel[?] Blacks Residence
Natural Causes July 25, 1893

upon their oaths do say. . .that the said Caroline Coleman aforesaid came to her death from heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Bowers
at Kenards bend
Accident May 26, 1891

upon their oaths do say that George Bowers came to his death by misfortunes or being thrown from a Mule getting his foot hung in trace and dragged to death


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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