
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Whitlock
at Grainteville
Accident September 8, 1869

upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death by an act of Providence being subject to fits

The State vs. the Dead Body of Hartwell Roper
at the residence of Rev. J.P. Mealing
Natural Causes June 17, 1869

upon their oaths do say That the said Hartwell Roper fell dead in the field at his plow

The State vs. the Dead Body of Auson Peeler
near Kalmia[?] Mills
Accident July 25, 1868

upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death by an accidental fall from his horse

The State vs. the Dead Body of Andrew Trapp
near Trapps Mills
Homicide December 4, 1869

That the deceased came to his death from a Knife in the hands of a colored boy named Sam formerly the property of John Trapp and now living on his premises . . . upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Sam Trapp in manner & form aforesaid Andrew Trapp then and there feloniously did kill

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of George Low
at Sand Bar Ferry
Accident June 6, 1869

upon their oaths do say That they find that the said George Low came to his death through drinking a tea made of the stems of the yellow Jessamine having mistaken the same for the cross Vine of which he intended to make tea

The State vs. the Dead Body of Dilsey Seigler
at Miles Mills
Natural Causes September 20, 1869

upon their oaths do say That the said Dilsey came to her death by an act of Providence after long affliction

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jesse Limbecker
at Hamburg
Accident June 18, 1869

upon their oaths do say That the said Jesse Limbecker here lying dead came to his death by accidental drowning in the Savannah River

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ben Shubrick
at Negro heade Lane
Natural Causes December 24, 1869

upon their oaths do say That they find that the said Ben Shubrick col came to his death by the act of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nancy
at the house of Mrs G. Rily's
Suicide June 19, 1847

do say upon their oaths that the said Nancy, Slave, came to her death by drowning herself in Little Saluda River

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lewis
at & in the Revd Mr. Brooks Plantation
Accident March 20, 1846

upon their Oaths do say, that, he decd . . .the said Boy came to his death by & exposure to extreme hunger & Cold

The State vs. the Dead Body of Blassingame Wise
at or near the Negro quarter of Mrs Wiley Glover, on Savannah River
Suicide April 27, 1848

upon their Oaths do say, that . . .the decd Blassingame Wise, . . .came to his death by voluntarily drowing himself in Savannah River

The State vs. the Dead Body of Kenneth Martor[?]
at Thomas Samar's[?] Mills on horse creek
Accident January 15, 1852

Upon their oaths do say the decd came to his death . . .by becoming accidentaly entangled in, and with the running gear of Mr Thos G. Lamar's circular saw mill

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Rosseter[?]
at Hamburg SC
Accident August 30, 1852

Upon their Oaths do say, that he, said Thos Rosseter came to his death by drowning . . .in the street in the town of Hamburg, during the high water Backed[?] out from the Savannah River

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jacob Long Jr.
at Jacob Longs
Suicide December 19, 1848

upon their Oaths do say that the Decd came to his death by committing Suicide . . .in his own Gin house by cutting the arteries of neck with his own razor, and bled to death

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Minda
at Mr Geo Robinsons
Unknown August 17, 1851

upon their oaths do say that . . .the said negro girl Minda came to her death by congestion of the brain & spine

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Henry King
in Hamburg
Homicide October 29, 1865

upon there oaths do say he was Killed by a Pistol shot from the hands of a colord Soldier belonging to the U S Troops now station in Augusta Ga the name of said Soldier not known

The State vs. the Dead Body of William M. Tredaway
at the house of William M Tredaway at Beach Island
Homicide March 27, 1851

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death from a gun shot fired at him by William Wilson

The State vs. the Dead Body of Richard Stevens
at Johnston S.C.
Natural Causes February 21, 1898

upon their Oaths aforesaid, do say, that the aforesaid Dick Stevens died. . .from visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Prince
at Thos G. Lamars Mills on little horse creek
Homicide December 23, 1849

upon their Oaths do say, by a stab in the breast with a sharp pointed knife, held in the hands of a negro boy named Robert, about nine years old

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Goodman
at or near to William H Adams on little horse Creek
Accident May 4, 1851

upon their Oaths do say that the aforesaid Henry Goodman in manner and form aforesaid came to his death by drowning in said little horse Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of John J. Cobb
at William Elkins Mill Pond
Suicide July 23, 1843

upon their oaths do say, that Doct John S. Cobb, here lyind dead, came to his death by then & there being alone, in William Elkins mill Pond aforesaid, himself voluntarily and feloniously drowned . . . then and there himself, voluntarily & feloniously as a felon of himself Killed and murdered

The State vs. the Dead Body of Stepney
at the Swamp Platation of Wiley Glover, decd on Savannah River
Suicide September 29, 1848

Upon their Oaths do say, that the said negro man Stepney came to his death by cruel treatment inflicted upon him by the hands of his master, Russel Harden

The State vs. the Dead Body of Namro
at the house of Rob King Esqr
Homicide August 11, 1844

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid namro a negro man was murdered near the house of R. Kenny Esqr . . .by Tim the property of L. Gomillion with a club or stick

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Tom
at the late residence of Col Harling Quarles[?] deceased
Natural Causes February 5, 1853

upon their Oaths do say the said negro boy . . .died in some natural way unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Hester
at Hamburg in the shop of J.J. Kenedy
Accident May 13, 1846

Upon their Oaths do say, He died in the said shop . . .while working at the bench in a fit . . .came to his death by misfortune or visitation of God


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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