
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of B. C. Bryan
at B C Bryan Residence
Natural Causes March 16, 1884

upon there oaths do say. . .that the said B C Bryan Come to his death. . .from disease of the Heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of Allen Holmes
at Oscar Seigler Residence
Homicide March 4, 1882

upon there oaths do say that the said Allen Holmes Came to His death by a Gun Shot wound in the hands of Gus Settler

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jim Brown
on Jasper Talbert Premises
Unknown April 19, 1882

upon there Oaths do say that the said Jim Brown was Killed and Murdered by some person or persons as by means to the Jurors unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Radford
at the residence of John Radford
Accident April 12, 1860

do say and upon our oaths do find and declare that the said dead boy being that of John Radford. . .did come to his death by accident or mischance in that it was by the accidental runing the waggon of J L Miller over the body of chest of said Radford

The State vs. the Dead Body of John McManas
at the Jail
Accident December 4, 1883

upon there oaths do say that the deceased John McMenas . . .Came to his death by Concussion of the Brain Caused by a fall from the back door of the jail

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Agner
at Mr. John Agner's
Homicide December 26, 1883

upon their oaths do say we find John Agner Jr came to his death by wounds in his body inflicted by a knife. . .By a knife in the hands of one of the following named parties. Washington Hamilton James Hamilton or Perry Hamilton.

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Milledge Stuard
at Mount [??] Yard
Natural Causes October 8, 1881

upon there oths do say the said Milledge Stuard Came to his death from some unknown Cause to us but Suppose from heart Disease

The State vs. the Dead Body of Gus West
at Jack Holms
Unknown October 11, 1883

upon there oaths do say that said Gus West Came to his death from gun shot wound by the Hands of some unknown party

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isah Zimmerman
at the Residence of W F Ste[?]eies
Accident December 26, 1881

upon there oaths do say that He Come to His Death by a Pistol Shot Wound in the hands of Lias Dorn accidently

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joe Elam
at Nicholson premises
Natural Causes February 16, 1882

upon there Oaths do say that Joe Elam Came to his death from Natural Causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ernest Bean
at the Mill of B[?] Hill
Accident April 6, 1884

upon there oaths do say that Ernest Bean Came his death from accidental drowned

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Bright Hanpt[?]
at Bright Hanpt[?]
Unknown October 6, 1881

Came to Her death from accute [?]fermation of the Womb

The State vs. the Dead Body of John H Webb
at James Webb Residence
Accident January 22, 1882

upon there oaths do Say . . .that said John H Webb Came to his Death from Drowning in Sleepy Creek

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Edward Settle
on Henry Hill Plantation
Accident March 9, 1884

do say upon there [?] that said James Edward Settle Came to his death from Epellepcy and Starvation

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lindy Jones
at George Holingsworth House
Accident March 15, 1882

upon there oath do say that Lindy Jones Came to her death from accidental Burning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzie Greeg
at Capt Taliar[?] Hearin[?]
Natural Causes July 4, 1884

upon there oaths aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Lizzie Greeg Came to her death from natural Causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Oliphant
at Ritch Thomson
Accident November 9, 1882

upon there oaths do say the said Isaac Oliphant Came to his death by a Gun Shot Wound unfortunately or accidentally in his own hands

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant child
at Dr. K N Hudsons plantation
Homicide December 14, 1877

upon their Oaths do say that. . .Ella Talbert did murder her own child with some instrument unknown then burned it

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant Boy Child Colored
at the residence of Charles Coleman
Unknown February 15, 1883

upon there oaths do say the Child Come its death from natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Rufus Russell
at John L Russell House
Accident October 10, 1884

upon there oaths do say that the said John Rufus Russell come to his death by suffocation Caused by accidentally falling with head downward into a hole in a pile of seed Cotton

The State vs. the Dead Body of Moses Blalock
on the Plantation of W G McDavid
Homicide May 19, 1882

upon there oaths do say that Moses Blalock Death was Caused by a Gun Shot Wound the gun was in the hands of Mose Lackhart and in our opinion it is wilful Murder

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mingo Mosley
at Samuel[?] Corley's
Accident January 13, 1883

upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Mindo Mosley came to his death by accidental burning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Samuel Harrison
at [inelligible - faded]
Accident February 18, 1881

upon there oaths do say they Believe that . . .Samme Harison Came to his death by the Carlesnes of his Mother Milley Worthington

The State vs. the Dead Body of Elmira Jackson
at George Holingsworths House
Accident May 18, 1884

upon there oaths do say that Elmira Jackson Come to her death from accidental Burning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Elick Youngblood
at S[?] R Warren
Homicide March 21, 1881

upon their oathes do say that the said Elick Youngblood come to his death near S R Warren water gin on Polys[?] Branch ... from Exposure Caused by the wilfull Neglect and cruel treatment of Eliza Hunt[?]


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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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