
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Robert W. Kincade
at the house of Baley[?] Corley
Natural Causes December 27, 1845

upon their oaths do say, that the said Robert W Kincde came to his death by a Stroke of Appoplexy in the house of Baley Corby

The State vs. the Dead Body of Benjamin F. Jones
at W B Griffins
Homicide March 24, 1845

upon their oaths do say that the said B F Jones was wilfully Killed by one Charles Price in the Store house of the above name W B Griffin . . .by shooting him the said B F Jones with a gun commonly Known as a shot gun in the left side of chest below the left Nipple

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joel Roper Sr.
at the house of Joel Roper Sr
Suicide August 30, 1845

upon their oaths do say the said Joel Roper Sr came to his death by hanging himself by a rope to the cotton beams of his own gin house on his own plantation . . .in a fit of patrial derangement

The State vs. the Dead Body of Robert Neid
at Vaudun[?] Factory
Homicide August 26, 1847

upon their oaths do say that the said Robert Neid Came to his death by a wound inflicted by one Zack Williams with a dirk Knife

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Bartly
in the woods near the plantation of Dr Wm M Bent
Unknown January 16, 1846

upon their oaths do say that the said Bartly came to his death by cause unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lewis
at S. H. Roggers
Suicide May 21, 1861

upon there oaths do say that Lewis came to his death by his own hands. . .then and there voluntarily and feloniously did hang and him self did kill

The State vs. the Dead Body of Uriah Koon
at the house of Col John Hunt
Accident October 16, 1847

upon their oaths do say that the deceased came to his death by a wagon wheel runing over the breast of decd breaking the 6th-7th & 8th ribs of the left side and the probible rupture of some important blood vessels-on the Columbia Road

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joshua Hammond Jr.
at a place belonging to John Bauskett[?] on little horse creek
Homicide September 6, 1849

upon their oaths do say that the said Joshua Hammond Jr came to his death by Sunday[?] blows inflicted by the hands of John Green Jr & Julius Green with a gun[?] & fence rail and that John Green senior was aiding and abetting at the time at a place on the Hamburg Road belonging to John Baushkett[?] on little horse creek now occupied by Benjamin Davis

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Clara Bell, Milledge Denny
at Rev. H.T. Baitleys
Homicide June 23, 1868

upon their oaths do say: . . . the elder Child was conscious before it died and did say that a black man, and others say that she (the child) said that it was a yellow man that set fire to the house which burnt her & the other child to death hence we find that the Children were burnt to death but unknown by whom, and if it shall appear that the deceased were wilfully killed by another

The State vs. the Dead Body of Clara Bell, Milledge Denny
at Rev. H.T. Baitleys
Homicide June 23, 1868

upon their oaths do say:. . .the elder Child was conscious before it died and did say that a black man, and others say that she (the child) said that it was a yellow man that set fire to the house which burnt her & the other child to death hence we find that the Children were burnt to death but unknown by whom, and if it shall appear that the deceased were wilfully killed by another

The State vs. the Dead Body of Simon C. Wood[?]
at Wm Calelaziers[?]
Natural Causes December 26, 1857

upon their oaths do say, that the said Simon C Nood came to his death by some unknown cause or rather by the visitation of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Wilson Griffin
at Luke Rodgers
Homicide February 13, 1867

upon their oaths do say that the said Wilson Griffin freedman came to his death from a gun or pistole shot wound in the hands of some person or persons to the jurors unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Benjamin Cockroft
in the woods near the house of Beryman[?] Bledsoe
Accident March 18, 1847

upon their oats do say that the said Benjamin Cockroft came to his death from the effects of being dissipation and lying on the cold ground

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Miller
at the house of James Miller
Suicide March 29, 1847

upon their oaths do say the said James Miller came to his death by hanging himself by the neck with a rope in his gin house while he was in a state of mental derangement

The State vs. the Dead Body of Apling
in the woods in said district near the Lexington line on a branch of McGier Creek
Homicide April 5, 1849

do say upon their oaths do say that they believe the decd to be the remains of Ap or Apling . . .and that he came to death by a leaden ball shot from a gun[?] or pistol by the hands of some person or persons unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of William L. Russell
in the Hotel of H Jordon
Suicide September 6, 1849

upon their oaths do say the said William L Russell came to his death . . .by cutting his own throat with a Razor while in a temporary state of insanity

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ann
at the house of Benja F Landrum
Suicide December 8, 1848

upon their oaths do say the said Decd came to her death in the Shop of B F Landrum by hanging herself with a rope around her neck

The State vs. the Dead Body of Abram
at Henry L Maysons
Accident August 21, 1850

upon their oaths do say that the negro man Abram came to his death from being accidentally drowned in the savanah river

The State vs. the Dead Body of Tom
at H. L. Maysons in Beach island
Accident August 21, 1850

upon their oaths do say that the negro man Tom came to his death from being accidentally drowned in savanah river

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzy, Riller, Rose
at the house of Philip Brogden
Homicide October 2, 1846

upon their oaths do say the said Riller Lizzy and Rose were feloniously Killed and Murdered in the negro house of said Philip Brogden on the night of the 1st inst by breaking their sculls with an axe and cutting the throats of Riller & Lizza by the hands of their own Mother named Clarisy the property of said Brogden

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzy, Riller, Rose
at the house of Philip Brogden
Homicide October 2, 1846

upon their oaths do say the said Riller Lizzy and Rose were feloniously Killed and Murdered in the negro house of said Philip Brogden on the night of the 1st inst by breaking their sculls with an axe and cutting the throats of Riller & Lizza by the hands of their own Mother named Clarisy the property of said Brogden

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Lizzy, Riller, Rose
at the house of Philip Brogden
Homicide October 2, 1846

upon their oaths do say the said Riller Lizzy and Rose were feloniously Killed and Murdered in the negro house of said Philip Brogden on the night of the 1st inst by breaking their sculls with an axe and cutting the throats of Riller & Lizza by the hands of their own Mother named Clarisy the property of said Brogden

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry
at New Savannah in beach Island
Accident August 21, 1850

upon their oaths Say that the negro man Henry came to his death from being accidentally drowned in the Savannah river

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Butler
at the House of Mr Seth Butler
Homicide October 23, 1850

upon their Oaths do say that the said John A. Butler was killed & murdered by some person or persons to the Jurors unknown

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Lundy
at house of John Rainsford
Accident August 28, 1846

upon their oaths do say that decd came to his death by the accidental discharge of a shot gun that was in his hands the load entering his left temple and passing out of the top of his head carrying part of the brain & skull off


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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