
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of James L. Hill
at James L Hills
Accident January 10, 1867

upon there oaths do say that the said James L Hill came to his death by Mischance or accident

The State vs. the Dead Body of Billy
at the South Carolina Rail Road
Accident November 28, 1857

came to his death by being thrown from a two horse waggon

The State vs. the Dead Body of Caroline
four miles from Hamburg
Unknown August 26, 1858

came to her death from a blow from the sweep[?] of a carry[?] log, the property of A J Rambo

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam
at Henry Spiers[?]
Accident June 14, 1858

who came to his death by drowning in Butlers Mill Pond

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bob
in the District
Natural Causes September 23, 1864

upon there oaths do say and dclare that the said Bob came to his death by the Visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Watkins
at George Watkins
Homicide October 10, 1866

upon there oaths do say that George Watkins came to his death by a Gun shot wound in the hands of Newton Corley

The State vs. the Dead Body of Wesley Weaver[?]
at Mrs Lydia Nevus[?]
Suicide June 15, 1858

upon their oaths do say that Wesley Weaver by the discharge of a double barreled gun, held in his own hands,. . .then and there voluntarily and feloniously himself did Kill

The State vs. the Dead Body of Edward
at the residence of Wm Miller
Natural Causes October 22, 1857

came to his death by the act of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Padget
at Wm Padgets premises on Clouds Creek
Homicide November 14, 1866

upon there oaths do say that. . .he came to his death by a Gun shot wound . . . in the hands of Job McGee

The State vs. the Dead Body of Edward
at the residence of Wm Miller
Natural Causes October 22, 1858

the said Boy Came to his death by the act of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joe
at John Huiets
Accident August 26, 1860

upon there oaths do say that the child was over laid by his Farther dick

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charles
at Elijah Watson
Homicide September 25, 1861

upon there oaths do say that the said Charles came to his death. . .from the affects of a gun shot in the hands of Z.[?] P. Claxton the shot taken affect in the samll of the back

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nelson Smith
at Andrew Warts
Homicide October 4, 1866

upon there oaths do say that Nelson Smith freedman came to his death from being shot with some kind of fire arms in the hands of two persons from the way he was shot by persons unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam Howard
at L. L. Halls
Homicide August 6, 1866

upon there oaths do say that Sam Howard Freedman Came to his death. . .by a stab with a knife or some sharp pointed instrument in the hands of John Daniel Freedman

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Samuel Posey
at P. B. McDaniels
Homicide October 21, 1860

upon there oath do say that the said Sam Posey came to his death by a Pistol shots in the hand of Henry Williams. . .four balls taken affect

The State vs. the Dead Body of Daniel
at John H. Fair
Homicide May 27, 1862

upon there oaths do say that Daniel came to his death by a wound in the hipp receive at Edgefield Court House in B. C. Bryant store from a Double Barrel shot gun in the hands of James Bryant

The State vs. the Dead Body of Perry Rook
in Clinton, Laurens Co
Homicide May 28, 1894

we the jury find that the deceased Perry Rook came to his death from the effects of a gun shot wound, said gun being in the hands of Dennis Rook.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Bob Davis Unknown
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ralph R. Deming Suicide April 16, 1825

upon their oath do say that we believe he killed himself with a dirk supposed to be his own, or by a stab in the throat and breast, on Thirsday [sic] night last on the plantation of Wm More near the road leading from Laurens Court house to Newberry court house.

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Washington
at William Washingtons
Suicide August 11, 1813

Do say upon their Oaths that they have carefully Examined the body; which they believe to be the Body of Wm Washington Deceasd. And have also Examined Seven witnesses on the occasion [sic] and from the greatest Discovery which they are capable of making, Do believe that Wm Washington on Sunday the 8th of this inst left his family in the morning and at sometime of that day; after putting fourteen sttones in His... pockets; which would weigh About 20 weight; and tying of a plow hoe about His neck; threw himself into ready river and their by Drowning of himself - near to a place known By the name of the Flat Shoal.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Drusilla Philips
at Abram Philips
Natural Causes June 18, 1840

do Say upon their oaths that; the said Drusilla Philips on the 17th day of June in the year one thousand Eight Hundred and forty one at Abram Philips her husbands own House, in the distrct afore said was found dead that she had no Marks of violence upon her and died by the visitation of God in a natural way and not otherwise.

The State vs. the Dead Body of John South
at Allen Clarks
Homicide September 30, 1818

doth say on their oathes - after the Exammination of the body of said John South they found the head of the said John South cut and his mouth mashd. Or broken by a stroke made their on - and from Information the said stroke was made by Richard Manning with a stone which we believe to be the Cause of Death of said John South deceased.

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Hon. Joseph Crews
at Laurens C.H.
Homicide September 14, 1875

upon their oaths do say, that the said Joseph Crews came to his Death by means certain gun shot wounds inflicted by person or persons to the jurors unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of Littleberry Sullivan Homicide July 28, 1808 Firearm
The State vs. the Dead Body of Male Child
at David Cowens
Homicide January 30, 1809

do believe upon their oathes that. . . by some means unknown to the Jurors and so these Jurors upon their oathes aforesaid Doth say the Jurors also believe that Jane Cowan was accessory to the sd. Murder. . .

Blunt Instrument

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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