
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of G. W. Knight
at Residence of G. W. Knight
Suicide May 27, 1910

upon their oaths, do say: That G.W. Knight, deceased, came to his death by a gunshot wound by his own hand

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Jane Dunbar
at Cutarrh
Homicide April 21, 1913

upon their oaths, do say: That she came to her death from the blow of an axe inflicted by Isadore Dunbar

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Edgar Kelly
at Colan Herdon's
Homicide December 27, 1913

upon their oaths, do say: Edgar Kelley came to his death by Knife wounds in the hand of Neal Hendrix

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. M. King
at McBee
Homicide September 29, 1913

upon their oaths, do say: Jm King came to his death from pistol shot wounds in the Hands of Jim Davis

The State vs. the Dead Body of J.D. "Doc" Wallace
at Pageland
Homicide March 19, 1915

upon their oaths, do say: Dock Wallace came to his death by pistol shot wound in the hands of Walker Arant.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Houston Taylor
at G. F. Erasmo
Homicide October 6, 1915

upon their oaths, do say: That the aforesaid Houston Taylor came to his death as the result of pistol shot rounds at the hands of Dr. R. L. McManus, a justifiable homicide

The State vs. the Dead Body of Enoch Adams
at Cheraw
Accident November 23, 1916

upon their oaths, do say: that he came to his death by caving in of Cotton Seed upon him at the Cheraw oil mill being smothered.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Huston Griffith
at J. N. Sowell's Place
Natural Causes August 24, 1910

upon their oaths, do say: that the Said Huston Griffith came to Death By natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Wallace
[no location given]

[No official declaration]

The State vs. the Dead Body of W. L. Tolson
[no location given]
Unknown June 22, 1938

[No official declaration]

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charlie Prince
at R. B. Laney's farm
Homicide January 25, 1914

upon their oaths, do say: Charlie Prince came to his death by knife wounds in the hands of Gus. Hubbard and that Charlie Williams is an accessory before and after the fact

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of E. L. Sellars
at Snow Hill Church
Unknown March 3, 1914

upon their oaths, do say: E L Sellers came to his death by Causes unknown to the Jury.

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Smith
at Mr. Geo. Smith's Residence
Suicide December 27, 1914

upon their oaths, do say: That he came to his death by gun shot wounds. Inflicted by his own hands

The State vs. the Dead Body of Lewis Trabough
at Cheraw
Homicide July 14, 1913

upon their oaths, do say: Lewis Trabough came to his death From pistol shot in the hand of Ben Gardner.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Little
at Henry Little's near Pageland
Homicide October 9, 1911

upon their oaths, do say: that the Said Henry Little came to his death By goon Shot wounds in the hands of Parties unknown to the Jury

The State vs. the Dead Body of Wesley Arant
at Pageland
Homicide March 12, 1915

upon their oaths, do say: Wesley Arant came to his death by a Rifle shot in the hands of Shep West.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jim Davis
at K. C. Johnson's
Other September 29, 1913

upon their oaths, do say: that Jim Davis came to his death from wound and burns while resisting a regular and lawful posse lead by the Sheriff of the county who were trying to arrest him.

The State vs. the Dead Body of Catherine Smith
at D. A. Smith's
Natural Causes September 4, 1893

upon their oaths do say that the said Catherine Smith came to her death from some Providential cause unknown to the Jury

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Rick Rogers
at J.B. Buchannon's place
Accident June 11, 1895

upon their oaths, do say: that the said infant child came to its death from being accidently smothered in bed

The State vs. the Dead Body of R. H. Crawford
at Elisha Boans
Natural Causes January 26, 1894

upon their oaths, do say: That the deceased R.H. Crawford came to his death from some natural cause or causes unknown to me

The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Tillman
at Thomas Tillman's place
Natural Causes July 22, 1894

upon their oaths, do say: that the said Tillman came to his death form natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Myers
at Hornsboro
Natural Causes October 21, 1894

upon their oaths, do say: That the deceased Geo Myers came to his death from Heart failure

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah Johnson
at Hebron Church
Natural Causes July 8, 1893

upon their oaths, do say: that the said Sarah Johnson came to her death from natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Mary Sellers
at J. H. Seller's
Natural Causes December 1, 1894

upon their oaths, do say: the infant child came to its death from natural causes

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. W. Hunnicutt
[no location given]
Natural Causes December 8, 1896

[No official declaration]


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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