Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John A. Motz |
at the Brewer Gold Mine
Accident | October 18, 1886 |
upon their oaths do say that John A. Motz came to his death by a falling rock from the east side of the quarry at the Brewer Gold mine where he at that time was turning a drill, 10 minutes till 2 O'clock P.M. the falling rock strick his head, and pushed it against another rock, which crushed his brains out. |
Head Trauma | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Martha McFarlan |
at Robert Mcfarlan
Natural Causes | September 20, 1890 |
upon thire oaths do say that the Said Martha McFarling came to her death from natural causes to the Jury unknown |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Polk |
at Hannah Polks House
Natural Causes | February 27, 1889 |
upon thire oaths do Say Infant child came to his death from natural causes unknown to the Jurors |
Childbirth | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Spencer Knott |
at Spencer Knotts'
Natural Causes | August 9, 1890 |
Jurors aforesaid that said that Spencer Knotts came to his death from some natcherel case or cosses to the jury owns known |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Duncan Fleming |
at Pervis Bridge
Accident | August 6, 1892 |
upon their oaths, do say: Dunkin Fleming came to his death by accidentaly drowning while in washing in Thomson Creek |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Willie Parker |
at S. Parkers
Accident | December 21, 1892 |
upon their oaths, do say: that Willie Parker came to his death by being struck on his head by a falling Tree Accidinetly |
Injuries | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Amy Crawford |
at Neal Crawford
Natural Causes | February 2, 1890 |
upon thire oaths do say that he Said Aimie Crawford came to her death by some cause or causes to this jury unknown |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Sandy Little |
at the Belk Place
Accident | June 18, 1890 |
upon their oaths do Say that the Said W.S. Little came to his death by accient from falling in the well & being drowned |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Hannah White |
near William Pitts' dwelling house
Accident | December 25, 1870 |
upon their oaths do say, That Hannah White in manner and form aforesaid came to her death, by being accidently burnt |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Peggy McLeod |
at George Rorie's dwelling house
Accident | December 25, 1870 |
upon their oaths do say, That the said Peggy McLeod, in manner and form aforesaid came to her death by being accidently burnt |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant Child |
at Ebb Hildreth
Natural Causes | March 12, 1891 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said Infant child came to the death from natural cause or causes |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Andrew Moore |
at Samson Simons'
Homicide | August 10, 1889 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Andrew Moore did come to his death by a Knif in the hand of Robert Moore by inflicting a wound with said Knif in the Regions of the heart |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of A. G. Douglass |
at A. G. Douglass'
Homicide | May 6, 1889 |
upon their oaths do Say that the Said A.G. Douglass came to his death By a gunshot wound in the hands of W. D. Merriman and A. B. Merriman Bill Merriman & James Pegg Being Acessors to the crime |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Ganey |
at E. H. Casons
Natural Causes | February 22, 1889 |
upon their oaths do say That the Said William Ganey came to his death form some natural cause or causes to the jurors unknown |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Christen Turnage |
at Robert Turnage
Natural Causes | August 29, 1892 |
upon their oaths, do say: that Christen Turnage came to her death form some cause or causes to the Jury unknown |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of W. Thomas Welsh |
at Sebram Welsh
Natural Causes | January 16, 1890 |
upon there oaths do Say that the Said W. T. Welsh came to his death from some unknown Cause to the Jury |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Stephen D. Wallace |
at Cheraw
Accident | December 4, 1889 |
upon thire oaths do Say that Stephen Wallace came to his death by being ran over by the Engine on the Palmetto Rail Road. . . while he was lying drunk on the trestle of said Rail Road and we find that the Rail Road Company was without fault |
Transportation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Willie McDuffey |
at W. J. Streaters
Other | December 8, 1892 |
upon their oaths, do say: The Said Willie McDuffey came to his death By Drinking Intoxication Liquors given By Some unknown hands to us |
Alcoholism | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Daisy Polk |
at Chesterfield CH
Accident | May 20, 1889 |
upon thire oaths do Say That the said Daisy Polk came to her death by the accidental burning of the house |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of David Monson |
at Cheraw Bridge
Accident | April 5, 1889 |
upon thire oaths do says that his death was caused by accidental drowning and he died on the 4 day of april 1889 |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of J. H. Collins |
at G.W. Morris' place
Natural Causes | June 30, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the Deceased came to his death from natural causes, from the effects of Rheumatism. |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Scott Infant Child |
at W. A. Buchanan's Place
Natural Causes | July 30, 1891 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Infant child came to its death form natural cause or causes to this Jury unknown |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William A. Jordan |
at William M. Jordan's
Natural Causes | December 12, 1891 |
upon their oaths, do say: that Said Infant came to his death from Some causes or causes to the Jury unknown |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Hillian |
at R.E. River's place
Natural Causes | October 30, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: the said May Hillian came to her death from accidental Hemmorage of the lungs |
Lungs | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Wiley W. Gandy |
at Steer Pen
Natural Causes | November 18, 1912 |
the Said W W Gandy came to his death we find that the deceast W W Gandy came to his death by Natural causes |
Unknown |