Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown Infant |
at Daniel McGarland's place
Natural Causes | March 27, 1895 |
upon their oaths, do say: The said infant child was the Child of Caroline Laurean but from being buried such a length of time was in such a state of decomposition, it was impossible from autopsy to find out cause of death, Therefore we find that it came to its death from some cause unknown to it there |
Childbirth | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of G. B. Kelly |
at Chesterfield Court House
Homicide | December 16, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said G.B. Kelly came to his death from a gun shot wound on the 12th day of Dec. 1896 in the hands of W.P. Swinnie and died on the 14th of Dec from the effects |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of C. P. Rushing |
at C. P. Rushing's Place
Natural Causes | December 19, 1894 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said child came to its death from some natural cause or causes |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Susan Oliver |
at W. B. Oliver's
Natural Causes | March 27, 1893 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Susan Oliver came to her death by cause or causes unknown to us |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ellison Blakney |
at Hick's Mine Place
Natural Causes | October 4, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said Ellison Blakney came to his death from heart trouble |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Autry |
at E. W. Gulledge's place
Natural Causes | March 16, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Wm Autry came to his death from natural causes |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Charity Goldplate |
at Dr. McKay's place
Accident | March 9, 1894 |
upon their oaths, do say: that Charity Goldplate came to her death from Stroke of lightning |
Act of God | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Joe Malloy |
at George Lany's
Accident | October 25, 1893 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Joe Malloy came to his death by the accidental discharge fo a gun in his own hands |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of George Blakeney |
at Chesterfield Court House
Homicide | February 12, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said Geo. Blakney came to his death from the rupture of a blood vessel in the abdoman caused by some over exertion in attempting to escape from the chain gang on the 16th of Feb 1896 |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ida Sellers |
at W.K. Sellers' Place
Natural Causes | June 4, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said Ida Sellers came to her death from some causes or cause unknown to them |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Boone |
at the residence of Jno Boone
Natural Causes | July 31, 1893 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the deceased came to his death from heart trouble |
Heart | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Tucker |
at Robert Tucker's place
Accident | January 16, 1893 |
upon their Oaths do say that the aforesaid Henry Tucker came to his death by accident, in being thrown from a wagon. |
Transportation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Dora Jackson |
near Cheraw
Natural Causes | December 26, 1893 |
upon their oaths aforesaid do say that the deceased Dora Jackson came to her death in the manner and from aforesaid that is from natural causes |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Beatrice McGuine |
at W. A. Buchannon's Place
Accident | March 23, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: That the said Beatrice McGuine came to her death from strangulation while sucking its mother |
Suffocation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Martha Boone |
at A. B. Merrimans place
Accident | January 16, 1896 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Martha Boone came to her death by accidental burning |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Austin Dunlap |
at Waterman Robinson's
Accident | April 10, 1894 |
upon their oaths, do say: Austin Dunlap came to his death from the effects of burns received on the 9th of April 1894 |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Chas McQueen |
at Chas. McQueen's place
Accident | February 5, 1895 |
upon their oaths, do say: That Chas McQueen came to his death from some bodily ailment unknown to us and by exposure in the cold |
Exposure | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Diliar Harrell |
at Mr. Douglass's Mill
Natural Causes | September 15, 1905 |
so the said Jurors aforesaid, upon their oaths aforesaid, do say that the aforesaid child came to death by causes unknown to them. |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jason Hendrick |
[no location given]
Homicide |
[No official declaration] |
Firearm | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of Hannah Lee |
at Moor Church
Accident | March 7, 1893 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the deceased came to her death from natural causes |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Infant of Pearl Oliver |
at D. A. Redfearn's Place
Natural Causes | December 26, 1894 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Infant child came to its death from some natural cause unknown to them |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mrs. Sue Rushing |
at C. P. Rushings
Homicide | January 29, 1912 |
upon their oaths, do say: that the said Mrs Sue Rushing come to her death By Pistol shot wounds in the hands of C. P. Rushing |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Charlie Woodard |
at H. L. Woodards
Accident | November 15, 1915 |
upon their oaths, do say: By accidental gunshot from his own hands |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sue Simmons |
[no location given]
Accident | February 18, 1914 |
[No official declaration] |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Ben Harris |
at McBee
Natural Causes | July 8, 1910 |
upon their oaths, do say: that he came to his death form natural causes |
Unknown |