Chesterfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Chesterfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 301 - 350 of 533
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Hannah Lee March 7, 1893 at Moor Church Accident
Claud Thompson December 4, 1932 [no location given] Homicide
Eddie Sellers November 2, 1899 at Cheraw Homicide
W. G. Rivers June 15, 1888 at F. W. Rivers Natural Causes
Charles Flowers June 13, 1906 [no location given] Accident
Robert Jordan December 3, 1900 at Mount Croghan Natural Causes
Malsey A. Blakeny August 12, 1894 at the house of W. E. Courtney Natural Causes
Washington Cash March 8, 1873 at Cash's Depot Accident
Billie Laney December 15, 1940 at Pageland Suicide
Benjamin Grady August 28, 1886 at Brocks Mill Accident
Charlie Prince January 25, 1914 at R. B. Laney's farm Homicide
E. L. Sellars March 3, 1914 at Snow Hill Church Unknown
Charley Turner February 8, 1922 at J W Patsobe Natural Causes
Benjamin Franklin Zimmerman June 18, 1932 near Patrick Accident
John Brown January 28, 1902 [no location given] Natural Causes
George Bracy August 19, 1871 the plantation of Wm Cassady Natural Causes
Ellison Blakney October 4, 1896 at Hick's Mine Place Natural Causes
Martha McFarlan September 20, 1890 at Robert Mcfarlan Natural Causes
Wiliam Clinton May 11, 1928 at Wiliam Clinton's place Natural Causes
Unknown Unknown [no location given] Unknown
Willis Arther Jenkins February 4, 1888 at J. C. Jenkins Natural Causes
J. F. Hunter August 22, 1917 at Will Hunter's Unknown
Annie Streeter July 12, 1919 at a House in Chesterfield County, South Carolina Homicide
Sylvester Streater August 18, 1947 at Chesterfield, S. C. Homicide
Ann Eliza Loid June 29, 1891 at William Loid's Natural Causes
Thomas Hoiston August 13, 1907 at Bethel Homicide
Infant of Pearl Oliver Infant of Pearl Oliver December 26, 1894 at D. A. Redfearn's Place Natural Causes
Willie McDuffey December 8, 1892 at W. J. Streaters Other
John Harrington February 25, 1896 at Dr. J. W. McKay's Plantation on the Pee Dee River Accident
John Campbell September 26, 1883 at Chesterfield C. H. Natural Causes
Simney Harrington August 7, 1868 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Elsie Williams June 28, 1886 at Cheraw Accident
Robert Inglish April 25, 1891 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Evans Gulledge November 23, 1940 at Chesterfield Homicide
Chasey Futrul May 4, 1888 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Edward Bownes April 30, 1874 at Cheraw, S. C. Natural Causes
George Smith December 27, 1914 at Mr. Geo. Smith's Residence Suicide
Mary Jane Rivers September 12, 1900 [no location given] Natural Causes
W. H. Davis November 1, 1940 at Chesterfield Accident
Nathan Moore April 1, 1870 at Cheraw Natural Causes
William Autry March 16, 1896 at E. W. Gulledge's place Natural Causes
John Polk February 27, 1889 at Hannah Polks House Natural Causes
Richard Lewis January 4, 1910 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Joe Alexander Ryan October 24, 1912 at Cheraw Accident
Jack Odom August 26, 1911 at B. J. Douglass Place Natural Causes
Laura Doneyhue October 17, 1901 at the Plantation of Geo Gregory, M.D. Natural Causes
Claude McKenzie February 1, 1935 at McBee Homicide
Basil Vick March 12, 1941 at Pageland Accident
Sandy McNair December 14, 1878 at Peter Ingrahams Accident
Mrs. Sue Rushing January 29, 1912 at C. P. Rushings Homicide

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    University of Georgia
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