Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Elizabeth Belk |
near the Door house
Accident | April 20, 1828 |
do say upon their oaths that in traveling to a neighboring house she fell down and being old & infirm was unable to rise & so perished |
Fall | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Powell |
at Mr. John Whitaker's plantation on Wateree River
Unknown | August 10, 1851 |
on their oaths say ... that Powell in manner and form aforesaid came to his death by some misfortune or accident |
The State vs. the Dead Body of slave |
near McRae's mills
Accident | January 17, 1827 |
do say upon their oaths that he came to it by intemperate drinking & exposure to the cold in an open field |
Exposure | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of slave |
near the head of the Bell Brach within half a mile of the stage road
Unknown | August 15, 1824 |
do say upon their oaths. . . that we suppose that he was a negro fellow belonging to Thomas Stephens of Chesterfield District and that the sd. Negro has been dead nearly two months, which does appear that he has died immediately after he left his master and he has died a natural death without something occurr[ing] before he came there |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Nelson |
in the house of John Nelson Sen'r on Grannie's Quarter
Natural Causes | June 5, 1826 |
do say upon their oaths that he came to his death by the visitation of God |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Thompson |
in town of Camden
Accident | May 26, 1826 |
do say upon their oaths that it was by taking a dose of saltpetre though mistake |
Poison | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown |
in a ditch
Unknown | May 1, 1826 |
do say upon their oaths that the cause of the death is to them unknown |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Captain |
at plantation of Captain John Boykin
Homicide | January 24, 1824 |
do say upon their oaths that they are of opinion that the deceased was killed on the morning fo the 21st January 1824 between daylight and sun rise with a knife being cut upon the chin and stabbed in the upper part of the right breast near the collar bone and so jurors conclude that the deceased was feloniously killed by some person unknown |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Adam |
at Camden
Suicide | August 22, 1828 |
do say upon their oaths that the said negro man Adam the property of Solomon Legare died by his own act, having hung himself |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac | Unknown | February 2, 1829 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Isaac came to his death by some cause to the jury unknown. They have made all due examination which they could make from the testimony presented to them, and they could not come to any other determination. The surgeon who examined the body gave in evidence that a chemical examination was made of the contents of the stomach and bowels and no traces of mineral or vegetable poison could be found. |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Micajah Hilliard |
in the house of Joseph Ward
Homicide | November 28, 1829 |
do say upon their oaths that he came to his death by an affray with Joseph Ward & John Ballard at the residence of Joseph Ward on the 27th Inst. |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Carey |
at the house of John Williams
Accident | February 1, 1831 |
do say upon their oaths We the Jurors . . .believe he got his Death accidentally by fire to the best of our knowledges and the evidence given by Mary Carraway and Nathan Waters before us proves nothing more |
Burns | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Andrew Hunter | Accident | August 26, 1827 |
do say upon their oaths that he was going from mill and his cart wheel struck on a shim and overset and caught him under the cart. . . on his right shoulder and across his neck and the fore gate across his right arm about the elbow |
Transportation | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of George Watts | Accident | December 2, 1811 |
[do say] the said George Watts came to his death . . .by falling out of the flat of Camden Ferry. . . on the evening of Friday, the twenty-second day of November last past while intoxicated |
Transportation | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of Daniel Gallis |
at house of Daniel Gillis
Accident | January 31, 1819 |
do say upon their oaths that . . . by cutting down a oak he was accidentally struck by a limb of the said tree and instantly killed |
Injuries | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sam Sinclair |
at John Chesnut plantation near Chesnut's Ferry on Wateree River
Homicide | March 24, 1820 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Negro man slave the property of John Chesnut son of James Chesnut Esquire was violantly [sic] Murdered |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William I. Graham |
at the Camden Hotel kep by William M. Watson in the Town of Camden
Homicide | September 13, 1854 |
upon their oaths do say that the said William I. Graham came to his death from a wound in the left breast inflicted by a bowie knife in the hands of John Lee Dixon |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of slave | Homicide | July 23, 1820 |
do say upon their oaths [that] the said Henry [Schrock] fired at him [unknown African American] with an intention of shooting him in the legs but by chance seventeen low mold shot took him in the body of which wound he instantly died. |
Firearm | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of slave | Natural Causes | May 31, 1832 |
do unanimously believed that the said negro woman deceased formerly the property of Isaac Mothershed now lying Dead came to her death by an act of God |
Unknown | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of Josiah Parker |
at the plantation of Josiah Parker
Suicide | August 24, 1829 |
do say upon their oaths . . . that on the night of the 23rd of August 1829 . . .the said Josiah Parker. . . did wllfully throw himself in a well and then and there did drown himself against the peace of this state. |
Drowning | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Rachel Evans |
at house of Elias Parish
Accident | August 25, 1822 |
are unanimously agreed that the said Rachel who is now lying dead at the house of Elias Parish came to her death by the visitation of God on the 24 Instant by lightning [and] was struck dead |
Act of God | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant | Unknown | May 26, 1829 |
do say upon their oaths . . .that upon the examination of the dead body [it] was found in such decayed state that nothing could be seen to satisfy us. |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Edward |
on the main Charleston Road five miles below Camden
Homicide | August 3, 1824 |
are of the opinion that the fellow Edward has come to his death by causes unknown to them |
Other | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Muse |
at the resident of Roger Parish
Accident | September 18, 1831 |
do upon their oaths sayeth that the sd. Slave above mentioned died by the visitation of God a natural death on the 18 Instant. . .by lying in the open air the weather being very cool and he being very old and very thin clothed |
Exposure | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Brice |
at the residence of Joseph Murphy
Accident | February 19, 1859 |
upon their oaths do say that the said negro slave came to his death by the. . .striking of the head upon the stump of a tree while running through the woods |
Head Trauma |