Title | Inquest Location | County | Death Type | Date | COD Inquest Finding | COD |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Norman Cameron |
at Mr. John McGoogan's
Accident | March 28, 1850 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Norman Cameron came to his death by misfortune or accidentally falling off his horse |
Transportation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John Adamson | Homicide | August 23, 1825 |
do find [that] John Adamson came to his death by a gun shot in the right side before the right rib which shot penetrated the body through the intestines and the shot lodged in the left side of the body . . .but who discharged the gun. . . the jurors. . . cannot report |
Firearm | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of Belfast |
on the plantation of John Damson Esqr
Suicide | January 18, 1813 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Belfast [did] voluntarily & feloniously ... kill and murder himself with a knife by stabbing himself in the neck |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Elizabeth Mathers |
at Mathers' house
Homicide | April 18, 1851 |
upon their oaths do say that they believe Charles Kimball Brewer with a knife or some sharp instrument did feloniously kill the aforesaid Elizabeth Mathers alias Stapleton |
Sharp Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant | Other | November 12, 1811 |
do say upon their oaths that the infant female child came to its death by injury received before its birth. . . and they are of opinion. . . that the injury which said infant child received. . . was done to it by its mother while it was yet in her womb |
Abortion | ||
The State vs. the Dead Body of infant |
house of Jessee Husk
Accident | June 8, 1828 |
do say upon their oaths. . . that after carefully examining the dead body of the s'd male child of the s'd Martha Gibson ... are all agreed that the s'd child died by the visitation of God but by the blood being [?]led in large spots to be seen through the skin all on his left side from his face to his foot they thought it was probable s'd child might have eat some poisonous herbs or berries of the woods as s'd Husk had settled in the woods |
Poison | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas Clark |
at plantation on Little Lynches Creek
Homicide | September 14, 1811 |
do say upon their oaths that the said Thomas Clark came to his death by a blow received with a stick above his left temple struck by the hand of Stephen Carter of which he died in about four hours afterward |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jane Young |
at the late residence of Mrs. Jane D. Young
Homicide | February 11, 1853 |
upon their oaths do say that Mrs. Jane D. Young came her death by [being] shotint he left breast feloniously, wilfully & maliciously by a gun in the hands of Hiram a negro slave the property of L.W.R. Blair |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Hetty McRa |
at L.B. Stephen's plantation
Accident | December 26, 1869 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Hetty McRa came to her death ... from a wound in the left side inflicted by a [?] fired from a gun in the hands of Moses Stephens |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Patt |
at the residence of Mrs. Mary Mathis in Camden
Suicide | October 10, 1825 |
do say upon their oaths that the said negro slave Pat came to her death by voluntarity & feloniously hanging herself by the neck |
Hanging | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Tom |
at the plantation of Mr. Wm. W. Lang
Homicide | July 10, 1824 |
do say upon their oaths that William R. Young . . . did by shooting with buckshot kill the said negro man named Tom and we the jury aforesaid find that the said William R. Young was justifiable in shooting and killing the said negro man Tom |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Wages, Edmond Wages |
two and a half miles from the residence of G .E. Doby
Homicide | March 12, 1863 |
upon their oaths do say that [they] came to [their] death by wounds received upon his person with buck shot discharged from a gun of some sort in the hands of a person or persons unknown |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Wages, Edmond Wages |
two and a half miles from the residence of G .E. Doby
Homicide | March 12, 1863 |
upon their oaths do say that [they] came to [their] death by wounds received upon his person with buck shot discharged from a gun of some sort in the hands of a person or persons unknown |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of John |
on the Bank of the Wateree River at the plantation of Col. James Shesnut
Unknown | November 20, 1829 |
do say that from every information they can obtain the said black or coloured man to have been the slave of a Mr. Chappell of Charleston who was a boat hand in the employ of Mr. Thomas J. Kerr by the name of John and that he came to his death by drowning from cause to them unknown. |
Transportation | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Frank |
[at] Liberty Hill
Accident | December 11, 1866 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Boy Frank came to his death by a shot from a pistol accidentally fired by his brother named Lee |
Firearm | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Margaret Scanlon |
at Margaret Scanlon's residence
Other | April 12, 1872 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Margaret Scanlon came to her death at her residence ... by the excessive use on her part of spiritous liquors |
Alcoholism | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Johnson |
at William Johnson's residence in Camden
Accident | January 20, 1871 |
upon their oaths do say that the said William Johnson came to his death ... from a sudden attack of illness occasioned by his having eaten oysters which were probably tainted |
Poison | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Champion |
at Camden
Natural Causes | November 10, 1870 |
upon their oaths do say that [the] deceased came to her death by a visitation or the act of God |
Unknown | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Eisex Brown |
at John Canty's plantation
Homicide | February 12, 1869 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Eisex Brown came to his death from two blows upon the head inflicted with a stick in the hands of Friendly Gowdin [?] |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph B. Hughes |
at the late residence of Joseph B. Hughes in Flat Rock Township
Accident | August 6, 1869 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph B. Hughes came to his death ... from a wound in the back of the right shoulder ... by a falling tree |
Injuries | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Summer |
at the plantation of Burwell Boykin
Homicide | November 7, 1864 |
do say that the san Summer a slave came to his deth [sic] by blow or blows inflicted over his left temple and over the nasal bone, which caused inflamation of the brain. . .the blow or blows supposed to have been inflicted by Monroe, a slave the property of T.L. Boykin |
Blunt Instrument | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph D. Reasonover |
at a place four miles south of Camden
Accident | January 21, 1871 |
upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph D. Reasonover came to his death from a kick received from a horse on his breast or stomach |
Animal | |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Unknown |
at plantation of Col. James Chesnut
Unknown | February 3, 1827 |
[no finding in file] |
The State vs. the Dead Body of Thomas C. Reaves | Natural Causes | May 25, 1899 | ||||
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry Clarkson |
at Antiark Church
Natural Causes | May 10, 1871 |
upon their oaths do say ... that the aforesaid Henry Clarkson ... came to his death disease of the heart |
Heart |