Chesterfield County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Chesterfield County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 533
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
Sarah Watson January 31, 1938 at Cheraw Homicide
Harry Horton October 8, 1889 at Harry Hortons Natural Causes
Gilbert Crawford July 22, 1921 at Pageland Natural Causes
James Hammons March 25, 1884 at Andrew Bristers Natural Causes
Infant of G. R. C. Baskins Infant of G. R. C. Baskins February 18, 1905 at E. W. Gulledge's place Natural Causes
Reece Chapman July 26, 1948 at Chesterfield, South Carolina Homicide
Theatus or Theater Williams August 21, 1926 at Mt. Croghan Natural Causes
Massie Robeson June 18, 1919 Chesterfield County, South Carolina Suicide
William Coker June 23, 1876 at Mrs. Sutter Tolbert Homicide
Nettie Mae Bennett November 9, 1937 at Cheraw Accident
G. B. Kelly December 16, 1896 at Chesterfield Court House Homicide
Unknown infant Unknown infant July 14, 1879 at Cheraw Natural Causes
J. B. Deas February 6, 1936 at Cheraw Accident
N. J. Hancock December 4, 1891 at R. F. M. Hancock Suicide
Annie Lowery May 15, 1923 at D.W. Arant Plantation Homicide
Mary Adams September 23, 1885 at Mary Adams Natural Causes
J. W. Hunnicutt December 8, 1896 [no location given] Natural Causes
Younger son of Joe Cunningham Younger son of Joe Cunningham March 26, 1908 [no location given] Accident
William Gathings August 16, 1932 at Pageland Township Homicide
Charles Little June 11, 1934 at Chesterfield Homicide
Infant of Diliar Harrell Infant of Diliar Harrell September 15, 1905 at Mr. Douglass's Mill Natural Causes
Jason Hendrick [no location given] Homicide
Lester Caute Woodward March 15, 1904 at the residence of A. L. Steen Accident
W. Thomas Welsh January 16, 1890 at Sebram Welsh Natural Causes
Prince Crawford November 29, 1916 at Pageland Natural Causes
Isaac F. Swinney March 12, 1875 at Chesterfield C. H. Natural Causes
Earl Rivers October 14, 1909 [no location given] Accident
Samuel Brock Sr. March 23, 1884 at Samuel Brocks Sr Accident
Janice Parsons October 8, 1899 [no location given] Natural Causes
Lillie C. McManus February 10, 1889 at T. M. McManus's Natural Causes
Furman Smith December 16, 1874 at Snow Hill Accident
W. L. Tolson June 22, 1938 [no location given] Unknown
Anna Braboy January 13, 1894 at Cheraw Natural Causes
Farquer Ratliff August 11, 1941 at Chesterfield Homicide
Waterman Fleming August 3, 1925 at Jule Fleming's Natural Causes
Sarah Ratcliff January 3, 1873 at Mr. Isaac Smith's Accident
Infant of C. P. Rushing Infant of C. P. Rushing December 19, 1894 at C. P. Rushing's Place Natural Causes
Blair Massey Alias: Isaac Funderburk May 16, 1896 at Phillip Arrant Natural Causes
Eva Tucker May 29, 1894 at R. P. Tucker's place Accident
Finley Hall November 30, 1912 at Ansleydale Natural Causes
Haup W. Oliver June 9, 1912 [no location given] Homicide
Hannah Lee March 7, 1893 at Moor Church Accident
Della Jenkins February 13, 1904 [no location given] Accident
Walter Brown November 26, 1943 at Cheraw Homicide
Charlotte Johnson July 9, 1906 on the plantation of George Johnson Natural Causes
Charles Flowers June 13, 1906 [no location given] Accident
W. H. H. Richards February 1, 1884 at Cheraw Homicide
Unknown Infant Unknown Infant [no location given] Natural Causes
James Banfield February 27, 1939 near Patrick, S. C. Unknown
Malsey A. Blakeny August 12, 1894 at the house of W. E. Courtney Natural Causes

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    University of Georgia
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