Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 51 - 100 of 322
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Typesort descending Death Method
John L. Thorton Smith June 4, 1874 at Spartanburg Accident
infant January 28, 1863 at Cannon's Old Grave yard Accident
Rowland Cash March 11, 1853 at the residence of Ephraim Jackson Accident
William Potter February 14, 1875 in Spartanburg County, Cherokee Township Accident
Rachail Langley December 30, 1878 in Spartanburg Co. Accident
Richard C. Springs October 22, 1877 on the S&U R.R. near Spartanburg C.H. Accident train
A. L. Lattimore July 2, 1883 at Pacolet Cotton Factory Accident
Saul slave January 9, 1833 at Cowpen Furnace Accident
Miles Pryor July 6, 1878 at Hobby's Mill Accident
James McCravy January 4, 1851 at the house of Amos Holmes Accident
Caroline Rhodes April 17, 1865 at Burnt Factory Accident
Leander Pack August 14, 1883 at the residence of Elias Atkins Accident
John T. Wood August 14, 1865 at the house of Dr. B.F. Kilgore Accident
John Hinson July 20, 1882 Accident
Eddie Summer August 6, 1881 Accident
Thomas Richards July 31, 1888 at the Air Line Railroad Bridge on Broad River Accident train
infant November 29, 1860 Accident
Landrum Hopper August 17, 1882 at Truman S. Webber's Accident lightning
Hosea Jackson free person of color July 10, 1863 upon the Rail Road of the Spartanburg & Union Accident train
Lodrick Dobson February 18, 1836 at the dwelling house of John Sarratt Accident
James L. Cathcart February 18, 1889 at Wm. Cathcart's Accident
Thomas Bryant August 16, 1887 at Rich Hill Accident train
Nancy Smith February 10, 1847 at the resident of Elijah Smith Accident lightning
Booker negro March 30, 1823 at the plantation called Flint Hill[?] Accident
George Wilkins January 7, 1886 Accident
Sherman Bowden May 7, 1878 at Spartanburg Accident
James Turner June 27, 1889 at or near Gaffney City Accident train
Bartholomew Darby October 11, 1867 near Emanuel Allen's on the road between Willis Layton's & said Allen's Accident wagon
William Abbott September 26, 1880 on the A&C Air Line R.R. Accident train
James Hindman February 11, 1875 Accident
William Brice July 11, 1830 at the house of Jesse Wakefield Accident lightning
Bailey Redman June 28, 1817 at Brockman's Mill Accident
Edmund Cleveland December 4, 1871 at Spartanburg Court House Accident
slave slave March 10, 1835 at the house of W.W. Dickies Accident
John Baswell February 16, 1860 at the plantation of Abner McVay Accident
Jackson Byars December 13, 1877 at Boiling Springs Accident
Adam Hempley February 1, 1853 near Wilson Wingo's Accident
John Nesbitt March 27, 1821 at Benj. Wofford, Esquire's Accident
Tip Jackson November 29, 1885 near New Prospect Accident
S. F. White November 22, 1889 at or on General Bates Plantation Accident
Asa Lipscomb freedman December 24, 1866 at Mrs. Jinetta Shippy's Accident
John R. Edwards March 24, 1858 Accident
M. E. Mason June 16, 1880 at Cowpens Accident train
colored colored May 9, 1872 at Ja's Turner's Accident
Isaac slave May 16, 1836 near Cowpen Furnace Accident
Caleb Woodruff February 5, 1831 at Bethel Meeting House Accident horse
Spartin L. Gaddis August 30, 1876 near John O. [?] Accident
Ally Pollard February 5, 1868 on the farm of J.G. Mabury Accident
Kinley Green February 2, 1878 at Gaffney City Accident train
Benjamin Freeman June 24, 1833 at the home of Isaac Hill Accident

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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