Greenville County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Greenville County, SC Inquests

Displaying 101 - 139 of 139
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Typesort descending Death Method
Henry Blassingham July 10, 1880 at Greenville Homicide
Jasper Deal January 18, 1880 at Greenville Homicide pistol
John Goodlett December 28, 1880 at Greenville CH Homicide
John Pedeu[Peden?] February 11, 1851 at the house of John S. Pedeu[?] Homicide rifle
James Anders November 28, 1881 at M. B. Ander's Homicide pistol
Van Hendrix February 14, 1877 at John Garmany's Homicide
Newton Cox October 30, 1875 at Robert Thomson's Homicide axe
infant female child infant female child March 31, 1857 at Turner Duncan's Homicide
Joe negro man, boy March 5, 1865 Homicide
James Mayes infant March 24, 1870 taken [???] Homicide
James Pinson deserter December 5, 1864 at Greenville CH Homicide
George freedmen October 25, 1865 at John H. Campbell's Homicide
Robert Williams November 4, 1881 at Wilson's Bridge Homicide
Baylis Edwards May 30, 1864 at the residence of Franis Edwards Homicide
negro woman slave negro woman slave July 12, 1851 at Jackson Pattison's Homicide
infant child infant child July 21, 1851 at the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell Homicide
Henry freemen formerly the slave October 30, 1865 at or near Dr. Bery F. Few's Homicide
infant male child infant male child March 27, 1879 at Greenville Homicide
female child, white child female child, white child January 21, 1881 at Greenville Homicide
Perry Cox October 30, 1880 at Mrs. Ellen Goldsmiths Place Homicide pistol
black child black child July 31, 1849 at Morton's old place Homicide
negro woman negro woman January 11, 1867 at David Mill Homicide
John Moore November 19, 1880 Homicide
Reason Collins November 26, 1879 at Greenville CH Suicide pistol
Jacob Pruitt March 15, 1878 at the residence of the late Jacob Pruitts Suicide
Howard Birdsong August 4, 1863 at Greenville Suicide
Samuel Bates July 9, 1851 at McBride's Hotel Suicide laudanum
Elkanon Wells July 20, 1854 taken in Greenville Dist Suicide
Abemolie[?] Gilreath[?] April 20, 1876 at the residence of A. M. Gilreath Suicide
Walter Pegg January 12, 1879 at Greenville Suicide
James Moore September 8, 1881 at Greenville Suicide anodynes
John Autery March 26, 1858 in the district aforesaid Suicide rifle
Allen negro man September 4, 1858 at Mrs. Moor's Suicide rifle
John Stokes May 25, 1856 at [?] Stokes Suicide cotton cord
John Southern February 29, 1880 at Greenville Suicide pistol
Mose negro man August 28, 1851 near Joseph McCullough's Suicide hemp cord
John McDavid April 18, 1854 at the late residence of John McDavid Suicide
William Barrett March 15, 1884 at Telephone Exchange in the City of Greenville Suicide morphine
G. Heath December 14, 1877 at S. G. Chapman's Suicide pistol

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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