
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Sax
at UnionVille
Homicide March 11, 1865

do say that the boy Sax was taken out of goal by an armed force unknown to the [?] and hanged

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harris Hotchkiss
at Thomas Hugh's
Accident March 12, 1821 Other
The State vs. the Dead Body of female Infant Slave
at the plantation of J. C. Ison
Accident December 25, 1846

upon their oaths do say that . . .the child was . . .smothered in bed by its mother throuch[?] or by accident without having any intention to do so

The State vs. the Dead Body of Clara
at Thos Bayds[?]
Natural Causes February 18, 1861

uppon there oaths do say. . . the decd came to her death by hand of the Almity

The State vs. the Dead Body of Fany
at Mrs Jane Clowneys
Accident June 11, 1855

upon there Oaths do say that they Believe she Dsed Came to her death . . .by some cause to the Jury unknown think she might have died sadingly from some Lingering diseasas she was very often Complaing . . .or might have Falen in the Beauch & was unable to get out & Drowned as she was found in the Beach

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant slave
at Isaac Gregorys house
Accident December 30, 1857

upon there oaths do say that . . . it came to its death by accidental overLaying or strangling by the mothers breast

The State vs. the Dead Body of Mary Jane Johnson
at Sarah [?] house
Natural Causes September 25, 1856

upon their oaths do say that they believe . . .that it Came to its by the visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Aaron
in J[?] M Gadbury's[?] plantation
Natural Causes February 23, 1858

upon their oaths do say. . . that the said negro came to his death in a manner unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of James Busby
at J[?]essey L. J[?]eter
Homicide June 21, 1860

upon their oaths do say that from wounds on the decsd and the evidence before them they do believe decsd came to his death by the hands of one David E Jeter[?] in the yard of Jessey[?] L Jeter ... [?] shooting him with a shot gun

The State vs. the Dead Body of Charles
at Mrs Margaret Beatys
Suicide June 8, 1840

upon their oaths do say that the said Charles did tye about his neck and to the Rafter of a ginn house a small cord and by his own contrivence[?] did distroy his own life

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. M. Scott
at Tho Bishops hous
Suicide June 12, 1861

uppon there oaths do say that Decsd came to his death by coluntarily jumping into Mr Thomas Bishops well which was beyond Douby from the Testimony of the witness Caused by Insanity which it appears Decsd was subject to at times

The State vs. the Dead Body of Peter
at Mrs Colemans
Accident November 23, 1862

upon there oaths do say that Decsd Came to his by the hand of the Almighty he was Suppond[?] as he was subject to having fits & Falling at any place where he might be. We Conclude that the Decsd fell in the Branch in a Fit on his face & Drownd

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Gregory
at John Gregory
Natural Causes September 3, 1862

do say that the Decd Came to his death by the hand of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of William
at Doct Milton [?]
Homicide March 12, 1857

upon there oaths do say that from what testimony they can get they are together with the wounds & bruises found on the body of the boy both on the head & [?] made by one Lewis Jones . . .came to his death that the said Lewis Jones the said boy William by misfortune & contrary to his will in manner & form afforesaid did Kill & Slay

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Henry
at Berry Shells House
Accident November 23, 1860

uppon their oaths do say that the Decest Came to his death by accidental overlaying of his Mother & smothering to death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Sarah
at or near Thomas Fowlers House
Suicide December 31, 1855

upon there oaths do say that the sd sarah did with her own hands tie a Rope around her own neck & to a chesnut Lim standing on a stum & then stepped off & did her self hang

The State vs. the Dead Body of Major
at the plantation of Miss M. J. Rogers
Natural Causes July 29, 1845

upon their oaths do say, that the above named Major came to his death by the act of God,

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Bradley
at Elizabeth Eubank's
Accident December 29, 1841

upon their oaths do say that. . . drink & ardent spirits to an excess so as to intoxicate him so much as to render him incapible of helping himself to where he could have the benefit of fire, and only reached the edge of the field where in his residence was ... and there fell down and perished with Coald.

The State vs. the Dead Body of female infant Slave
at A. S. Gregorys
Accident May 15, 1847

upon oaths do say that . . .they do believe the child must have been Smothered by its mother in bed

The State vs. the Dead Body of Harcolas
at an old house Standing in the plantation of Mrs. Susannah Turners
Accident November 18, 1842

upon their oaths do say that . . .they do believe that from Exposure age and a burn which he had received some days previous was the cause of his death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Angeyline Hainey
at the dwelling house of Henry Iveys
Suicide May 16, 1847

upon oath do say . . .the said deceased did kill and distroy her own life by means of cutting her own throat with the Raisor of Henry Ivey which was found lying with her dead body

Sharp Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of James
at J. C. Jeter's graveyard
Accident December 4, 1843

upon their oaths do say that . . .he must have come to his death by exposure to cold from being lying out in the woods or some cause to the jury unknown

The State vs. the Dead Body of slave child
at the plantation of Nathan Hawkins
Accident December 31, 1846

upon their oaths do say . . .that it was either Smothered accidentaly or otherwise dyed natrualy

The State vs. the Dead Body of Betsy
at William Eller's house
Accident July 3, 1862

upon their oaths do say dec'd came to her death by an accidental shot from a horsemans[?] Pistole Loaded with buckshot 5 in number openly[?] hitting the Decsd just above the hip passing through inflicting one mortal wound causing her death in the hands of Wm Ellis he shooting at a dog in his yard & Decsd was sitting in the kichin of sd Wm Ellis ... the said Wm Ellis did the said Decsd by accident and Contrary to his will

The State vs. the Dead Body of negro Child
at James C. Mingo
Accident August 27, 1849

upon their oaths do say . . .that the said child was axcidently or negligently Smothered and killed by its mother in her Sleep


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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