
Unknown Inquests

Displaying 1 - 50 of 196
Namesort descending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Method Inquest Finding
A. P. Shultz January 9, 1850 at or near Solomon Clickleys[?], Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say, that the deceased came to his death by means unknown to us

Abram slave December 26, 1847 at Brewer's Plantation, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death from cause or causes unknown

Abram Baker March 8, 1875 at April Russel's, Fairfield County, SC

upon there oaths do say he came to his death on the knight of the 8th day of march from some cause unknown to the jurors and to the said jurors aforesaid[.]

Aggy Latily[?] negro woman slave June 21, 1848 at the plantation of N L Griffin, Edgefield County, SC

opon their oaths do say, . . .that the said negro woman aggy, came to her death by excessive drafts of cold water that produced cramp in her stomach which was the cause of her death

Alford Pendleton December 14, 1911 Kershaw County, SC
Alpha Wingo May 7, 1869 on North Pacolet River at Harry Wingo's, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the sd. Alpha Wingo came to her death by providential means, unknown to the jury

Anderson B. Branham January 6, 1892 at the plantation of M. C. Parker, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say That the said AB Branham died from Heart failure

Ansabelle Brown October 21, 1866 near the Tambor[?] Soba[?] Rail Road, Edgefield County, SC

upon there oaths do say that the said deceased Ansabelle Brown came to her death by the hands of some person or persons unknown to the Jurors that [? Rest illegible]

Augustus Moore July 16, 1843 at Mary Flemming's, Spartanburg County, SC

do say upon there [sic] oaths that there was a bruse [sic] on his left breast near his hart [sic] and also on the left arm oposit [sic] the bruse [sic] on his breast and also that he came to his death by the bruse [sic] or drowned axidentally [sic]

Bart October 30, 1822 Laurens County, SC

do say upon their oaths, that the aforesaid Negro Bart, was killed, or came to his death, either by an accidential fall from a horse, or some other misfortune.

Bartly negro man January 16, 1846 in the woods near the plantation of Dr Wm M Bent, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the said Bartly came to his death by cause unknown

Ben slave July 7, 1843 at a spring near the plantation fo said Farrow, Spartanburg County, SC
Benjamin Frank April 13, 1943 at Pageland, Chesterfield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that Benjamin Frank Laney received in Chesterfield County a mortal wound by 32 pistol in the hands of Gus Gruggs

Bethel Ogelsby August 21, 1823 cotton fields belonging to John Doby Esq., Kershaw County, SC

do say upon their oaths that they believe he came to his death by the visitation of God, no marks of violence appearing to us upon him

Bill slave September 30, 1860 Greenville County, SC

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by some means to the jurors unknown

Binto July 29, 1872 at William Byrd's, Laurens County, SC

do say upon their oaths that the aforesaid negro fellow Binto in manner and form aforesaid the afsd. Binto then and there did come to his Death by the Act of God upon the best evidence that could be adduced upon the occasions.

black man black man March 13, 1867 at Batesville, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that they found said dead body lying dead near Batesville near the side of the big road within a few yards of the Rail Road supposed to have been dead saveral days [and that] the said dead body came to his death. . .by misfortune or accident or natural death

Bob freedman October 10, 1865 near David Holcomb's, Spartanburg County, SC
Bob Davis Laurens County, SC
Burrel Evins November 23, 1814 at the dwelling house of Daniel Evins, Spartanburg County, SC
Caesar slave August 29, 1861 [at] S. D. Houg['s], Kershaw County, SC
Caroline Free negro August 26, 1858 four miles from Hamburg, Edgefield County, SC

came to her death from a blow from the sweep[?] of a carry[?] log, the property of A J Rambo

Caroline A. Kinnan January 13, 1872 at L. C. Neals[?], Anderson County, SC arsenic

do say that said Caroline A. Kinnon . . .came to her death by the act of God

Charles Manigo at Jackson Duncan's House, Fairfield County, SC

upon their oaths do say that Charles Manigo did come to his death by Reasons unknown to the Jury.

Charlie Woodward November 16, 1896 at Robert Polson's Place, Chesterfield County, SC

upon their oaths, do say: That the Charlie Woodward came to his death from some causes or causes unknown to the Jury

child child November 12, 1824 Union County, SC
Child of Margaret Parker Child of Margaret Parker March 17, 1891 Laurens County, SC
Clarissa Kiericon freedwoman August 12, 1866 at Spartanburg C. House, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the woman Clarissa Kiericon (Freedwoman) came to her death by the act of Providence

Columbus Dempsey August 2, 1858 at the parish, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that the said Columbus Dempsey came to his [death] by cause unknown but suppose from an attack of fits to which he was almost daily subject

David Wilson Union County, SC
E. L. Sellars March 3, 1914 at Snow Hill Church, Chesterfield County, SC

upon their oaths, do say: E L Sellers came to his death by Causes unknown to the Jury.

Ebby September 7, 1867 at Cooperville, Horry County, SC

upon their oaths they say that on the Sixth of Sept 1867 that the deceased came to his death by drown or accident or misfortune

Edmond Price April 30, 1892 at Kennys Graveyard, Edgefield County, SC

upon their Oaths do Say that he Came to his death from Natural Cause

Edward Johnston December 26, 1892 at William Bushes, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say aforesaid do say that the aforesaid Edward Johnston. . .came to his death by a cause unknown

Elizabeth Low June 19, 1828 Spartanburg County, SC
Elliott Allan Walker August 9, 1867 at the home of J.P. May, Laurens County, SC
Emeline Low June 19, 1828 Spartanburg County, SC
Esther slave October 24, 1834 at Camden, Kershaw County, SC

upon inquiry find the decased came to her death by the visitation of God

Fed Martin convict September 1, 1895 at Poor House and CH, Edgefield County, SC

upon their oaths do say the said Fed Martin came to his death. . .working on county chain gang. . .from causes unknown

female child female child July 17, 1881 at Greenville CH, Greenville County, SC

came to her death do say that. . .Sallie Turner was delivered of a female child and that said female child is the one here by us dead. And the Jurors further say that said female child was still born never having having breathed

Fortune slave April 1, 1838 at Col. James Chesnut's plantation, Kershaw County, SC

upon their oaths do say. . .that said Fortune came to his death by drowning at Camden Ferry on the night of the twenty third of December eighteen hundred and thirty seven

Franklin A. Ragsdale July 23, 1867 at the house of Franklin A. Ragsdale, Anderson County, SC
Friday slave September 10, 1840 at Thomas [?] plantation, Kershaw County, SC

we the jurors are of opinoin that the said negro Fry Day came to his Death by Drowning.

George April 21, 1838 Laurens County, SC
Gilderoy Chandler January 27, 1837 at the House of John [?], Union County, SC
Gregory infant child January 28, 1861 at the House of Starkes Gregory farmer, Union County, SC
Griffin Mays November 20, 1897 at W. H. Pordew, Edgefield County, SC pistol

upon their oaths, do Say: That Griffin Mays came to his death by a pistol Shot in the hand of John Mays

Gus West October 11, 1883 at Jack Holms, Edgefield County, SC

upon there oaths do say that said Gus West Came to his death from gun shot wound by the Hands of some unknown party

Hannah Eves colored July 23, 1872 at D.J. Turt[?]'s, Spartanburg County, SC

upon their oaths do say that she came to her death from cause unknown to the jury

Henry Johnson November 6, 1820 at the [?] of John Mavis[?], Spartanburg County, SC

do say upon their oaths that the aforesaid Henry Johnson was killed or came to his death by misfortune

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