Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 322
Namesort ascending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
Johnathon Crow August 25, 1840 over Johnathon Crow at his own residence Natural Causes
John Westmorland August 1, 1847 at James Hopkins's Unknown
John Webster November 21, 1885 at Gaffney City Suicide pistol
John T. Wood August 14, 1865 at the house of Dr. B.F. Kilgore Accident
John Stafford December 16, 1831 Accident
John Soseby December 22, 1857 by the side of the road near Lawson's fork Other
John S. Collins May 29, 1870 at Mr. John S. Collin's residence Natural Causes
John R. Edwards March 24, 1858 Accident
John Nesbitt March 27, 1821 at Benj. Wofford, Esquire's Accident
John Love June 24, 1832 Other
John L. Thorton Smith June 4, 1874 at Spartanburg Accident
John Jones December 16, 1817 at John Jones's Natural Causes
John Inlow October 1, 1852 at Hill's Factory Homicide stick
John Hinson July 20, 1882 Accident
John H. Kelley December 21, 1882 on the [?] Road near the city of Spartanburg Homicide knife
John Flommett March 22, 1841 at John Hammett's Suicide
John Covington October 26, 1849 at the house of John Covington Unknown
John Baswell February 16, 1860 at the plantation of Abner McVay Accident
John Anderson November 18, 1889 at Jonesville School house (col.) Unknown
Joel W. Miller February 2, 1874 at Gen'l J.W. Miller's Suicide pistol
Jesse Wood April 13, 1829 Unknown
Jerry slave July 15, 1832 at Spartanburgh Courthouse Suicide
Jeremiah Morgan January 12, 1881 at or near the residence of Accident horse
Jane Soseby January 2, 1859 at or near John Soseby's residence Suicide rope
James Turner June 27, 1889 at or near Gaffney City Accident train
James Robertson September 13, 1885 at Calvin Brewton's Natural Causes
James Owens March 13, 1885 at James Owens's house Accident
James McCravy January 4, 1851 at the house of Amos Holmes Accident
James M. Rhodes August 27, 1862 at the residence of James M. Rhodes Homicide
James M. D'young February 16, 1879 at John J. Moore's Homicide
James L. Cathcart February 18, 1889 at Wm. Cathcart's Accident
James Hindman February 11, 1875 Accident
James Gregory August 28, 1880 at Geo. W. Turner's Accident horse
James Cook June 3, 1845 in the old field near the still house of James Cook Natural Causes
James Brooks March 28, 1884 near where Ferguson Creek enters South Tyger River Accident
James Boiter May 20, 1887 near Wakefield Bridge Natural Causes
James B. Brawly November 2, 1842 at Spartanburgh Court House Homicide pocket knife
Jame N. Coleman May 17, 1879 at the house of James N. Coleman Suicide rope
Jacob Scott January 21, 1882 Unknown
Jacob Briges September 18, 1832 at the house of Jacob Briges Natural Causes
Jackson Byars December 13, 1877 at Boiling Springs Accident
J. Mand Elford September 25, 1877 at Spartanburg Court House Suicide pistol
J. M. Higgins March 16, 1889 at Clifton Accident train
J. H. Vandike May 20, 1877 at Crawfordville Natural Causes
J. H. McPherson January 3, 1877 at Gaffney City Suicide pistol
Isaac Montgomery March 23, 1886 at Spartanburg C.H. Suicide
Isaac Greer December 29, 1879 at Vernonville Natural Causes
Isaac slave May 16, 1836 near Cowpen Furnace Accident
infant August 23, 1888 at Spartanburg Homicide
infant November 20, 1844 at the house of Henry Alley Unknown

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    University of Georgia
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