Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 322
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort ascending
William Davis January 16, 1841 at or near the residence of Alex. McMakin Accident
Spartin L. Gaddis August 30, 1876 near John O. [?] Accident
Patsy Ervin April 14, 1869 Unknown
Leanora M. Cannon February 25, 1879 Natural Causes
David Weatherspoon April 5, 1827 at the dwelling house of Thomas Davis Suicide
colored colored May 9, 1872 at Ja's Turner's Accident
Harriet Hill May 27, 1884 Natural Causes
Wilson Sosbee June 19, 1845 near G.B. Bishop's Homicide
James Robertson September 13, 1885 at Calvin Brewton's Natural Causes
Rebecca Crow February 27, 1857 on the Howard Gap Road one & a half miles from Spartanburgh, SC Unknown
Samuel Kilpatrick July 28, 1882 at Jackson Grove Church Unknown
Kent slave January 12, 1845 at the house of David Maberry Natural Causes
S. F. White November 22, 1889 at or on General Bates Plantation Accident
William Blanton January 14, 1884 at the house of Langdon Blanton Natural Causes
Woodward June 9, 1879 on the road leading from Dantzler's Bridge on South Tyger River via G. W. Duncan's and R. T. McElvath's to Reidville Homicide
Nancy Montjoy October 13, 1889 Natural Causes
Nancy Crawford August 9, 1876 at Cooly's Grave Yard Accident
S. B. Layton March 11, 1885 at S. B. Layton's Store near S. S. Johnson's residence Suicide
Lou Terry November 25, 1884 Natural Causes
William Cockerham December 16, 1813 at the Widow Bea[?]'s Suicide
Elijah M. Cooper August 25, 1877 at the residence of Elijah M. Cooper Natural Causes
Peter C. Oclan January 7, 1850 at C. Burch's Natural Causes
Silas McKinney July 8, 1871 at the Parrish Suicide
Daniel W. Willis September 27, 1887 at the residence of the deceased Daniel Willis Natural Causes
George Pye December 13, 1857 Homicide
Willie Sizemore August 7, 1882 Accident
James Cook June 3, 1845 in the old field near the still house of James Cook Natural Causes
Obadiah Thomson March 1, 1886 Unknown
Joshua Clark January 26, 1885 on a rode leading from B. B. Martin's to John Champions Natural Causes
Wyatt Harris April 22, 1887 at Limestone Springs Accident
Augustus Moore July 16, 1843 at Mary Flemming's Unknown
William H. Lancaster September 19, 1883 at the residence of Jas. Giddes Natural Causes
infant September 20, 1857 at Jared[?] Arnold's Accident
Robert E. Tuck December 14, 1879 at the residence of L M. Gentry Accident
infant April 21, 1869 Unknown
Sylvester Robins September 20, 1883 Accident
Nathaniel Miller September 2, 1825 Natural Causes
John Soseby December 22, 1857 by the side of the road near Lawson's fork Other
Dock F. Miller March 16, 1883 Accident
M. N. Chapman February 20, 1840 at or near Mt. Zion Accident
D. Searey November 17, 1882 near Martinsville Natural Causes
Peter Moore July 3, 1880 at the residence of Mrs. Mary Dobson near Cedar Hill Natural Causes
Clarissa Couch September 17, 1887 near Hobbysville Suicide
Justin Turner April 9, 1868 Accident
Mary Hicks May 10, 1881 at the residence of Widow Lucy Clements Homicide
Samuel Flagg February 18, 1833 near Wilson's old field Natural Causes
Willie Senteel August 9, 1885 at Clifton Accident
Lewis Denham December 6, 1883 Natural Causes
Rachail Langley December 30, 1878 in Spartanburg Co. Accident
George W. Moose June 7, 1882 at Spartanburg Accident

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    University of Georgia
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