Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 322
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
John Anderson November 18, 1889 at Jonesville School house (col.) Unknown
Rowland Cash March 11, 1853 at the residence of Ephraim Jackson Accident
Elizabeth Rudisail July 14, 1872 at the late residence of John N. Rudisail Suicide
Simon slave December 24, 1830 at the house of Mrs. Mary Moore Accident
Thomas Harrell January 19, 1838 near the Union line south of Tygar River Natural Causes
R. W. Foster September 26, 1859 at the mill pond near Holly Spring Suicide
Hannah Eves colored July 23, 1872 at D.J. Turt[?]'s Unknown
Elijah M. Cooper August 25, 1877 at the residence of Elijah M. Cooper Natural Causes
John S. Collins May 29, 1870 at Mr. John S. Collin's residence Natural Causes
Henry Rush June 22, 1875 Natural Causes
Columbus Dempsey August 2, 1858 at the parish Unknown
Moriah McIntire November 21, 1889 at or on H. Z. Taylor's place Unknown
Willie Sizemore August 7, 1882 Accident
Lewis Jackson July 23, 1889 at Squire Jackson's Accident
Nancy slave November 11, 1857 Unknown
infant November 29, 1860 Accident
Edward Bridges March 19, 1881 Homicide
Caroline Rhodes April 17, 1865 at Burnt Factory Accident
T. G. Cooper June 5, 1886 at the late residence of T. G. Cooper Natural Causes
Jacob Briges September 18, 1832 at the house of Jacob Briges Natural Causes
infant May 7, 1887 near Pelham Unknown
Augustus Moore July 16, 1843 at Mary Flemming's Unknown
Robert E. Tuck December 14, 1879 at the residence of L M. Gentry Accident
John T. Wood August 14, 1865 at the house of Dr. B.F. Kilgore Accident
slave slave March 10, 1835 at the house of W.W. Dickies Accident
James Hindman February 11, 1875 Accident
Nathaniel Miller September 2, 1825 Natural Causes
Alexander Moore May 22, 1889 at Wellford Natural Causes
Dock F. Miller March 16, 1883 Accident
Polly Evins August 18, 1886 at Joe Waters Natural Causes
Bob freedman October 10, 1865 near David Holcomb's Unknown
David Dantzler June 29, 1829 at Nazareth Meeting House Accident
Andrew Craig December 1, 1813 at Cyrus Seay's Suicide
Tip Jackson November 29, 1885 near New Prospect Accident
Samuel Flagg February 18, 1833 near Wilson's old field Natural Causes
Rachail Langley December 30, 1878 in Spartanburg Co. Accident
Alpha Wingo May 7, 1869 on North Pacolet River at Harry Wingo's Unknown
Peggy Walden October 31, 1840 at the house of Joseph Walden Suicide
James M. D'young February 16, 1879 at John J. Moore's Homicide
Mary Lipscomb May 3, 1889 at Cowpens Homicide
A. L. Lattimore July 2, 1883 at Pacolet Cotton Factory Accident
Margret Branan December 15, 1889 at or on Mrs. Alice Taylor's place Natural Causes
Julia Rice June 27, 1887 at Clough Rice's Natural Causes
John Baswell February 16, 1860 at the plantation of Abner McVay Accident
infant April 6, 1865 near Hobbysville Homicide
Spartin L. Gaddis August 30, 1876 near John O. [?] Accident
Roster slave July 27, 1844 at Fielden Clayton's Natural Causes
Alex Black October 27, 1884 at Philadelphia in Spartanburg County Natural Causes
Hiram Linder March 12, 1840 on the premises of Isaac Young's Other
Adam Hempley February 1, 1853 near Wilson Wingo's Accident

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    University of Georgia
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