David Schrock

First Name: David
Last Name: Schrock

David Schrock Inquests

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort descending Death Method Inquest Finding
John D. Player February 24, 1870 at Camden, Camden, S.C. Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid John D. Player came to his death from [?] of the Glottis

Hetty McRa December 26, 1869 at L.B. Stephen's plantation Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Hetty McRa came to her death ... from a wound in the left side inflicted by a [?] fired from a gun in the hands of Moses Stephens

William Johnson January 20, 1871 at William Johnson's residence in Camden Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said William Johnson came to his death ... from a sudden attack of illness occasioned by his having eaten oysters which were probably tainted

Joseph B. Hughes August 6, 1869 at the late residence of Joseph B. Hughes in Flat Rock Township, Flat Rock, S.C. Kershaw County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph B. Hughes came to his death ... from a wound in the back of the right shoulder ... by a falling tree

Joseph D. Reasonover January 21, 1871 at a place four miles south of Camden Kershaw County, SC Accident horse

upon their oaths do say that the said Joseph D. Reasonover came to his death from a kick received from a horse on his breast or stomach

John Love August 3, 1871 at Camden, Camden, S.C. Kershaw County, SC Accident lightning

upon their oaths do say that ... the aforesaid John Lowe came to his death from a stroke on lightning

Margaret Scanlon April 12, 1872 at Margaret Scanlon's residence Kershaw County, SC Other

upon their oaths do say that the said Margaret Scanlon came to her death at her residence ... by the excessive use on her part of spiritous liquors

Mary Champion November 10, 1870 at Camden, Camden, S.C. Kershaw County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that [the] deceased came to her death by a visitation or the act of God

Eisex Brown February 12, 1869 at John Canty's plantation Kershaw County, SC Homicide stick

upon their oaths do say that the said Eisex Brown came to his death from two blows upon the head inflicted with a stick in the hands of Friendly Gowdin [?]

Mack Kirkland colored man October 31, 1868 at Camden, Camden, S.C. Kershaw County, SC Homicide pistol

upon their oaths do say that the said Mac Kirkland came to his death on Main Street in the town of Camden ... from wounds in the breast from a pistol fired ... by one William Killz

infant April 14, 1869 at Capt. J.D. Jakell's plantation Kershaw County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that the said male infant child was killed by its mother Peggy Bedenbaugh [and] after she was delivered of it ... that she buried it about thirty yards back of the house in which she resides on Capt. J.D. Jakell's plantation

Wesley Murrell colored January 6, 1869 at Col. W. J. Reynolds plantation Kershaw County, SC Homicide spade

upon their oaths do say that said Wesley Murrell came to his death by [?] spade inflicted by the hands of Morris[?] Corbert[?]

Tamar Clark November 9, 1871 at Henry L. Hunter's resident at Liberty Hill Kershaw County, SC Homicide shotgun

upon their oaths do say that ... Tamar Clark came to her death from gun shot wounds, the said gun having been fired from the hands of Henry L. Hunter and having inflicted between ninety and one hundred wounds on the right breast, right shoulder and right fore arm ... with squirrel shot

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