James P. Sloan

First Name: James
Middle Name(s): P.
Last Name: Sloan

James P. Sloan Inquests

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Typesort descending Death Method Inquest Finding
Unknown Man on Badgett's Plantation Unknown Man on Badgett's Plantation November 18, 1889 on Badgetts plantation Laurens County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that the said unknown dead man found at Badgetts Xing 2 1/2 miles from Larens C.H. by Charley Robertson M.C. Cassy and Green Cassey came to his death by his neck being broke by some means to us unknown. . .

Martin Wheeler November 3, 1889 on the plantation of Thos L Badgett Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say "that he came to his death from the Explosion of Mr Badgetts Boiler."

Male Child of M.C. & Bella Moody Male Child of M.C. & Bella Moody May 13, 1889 on the plantation of M.B. Pool Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the child died by strangulation accidental.

John Hudson December 3, 1889 at Laurens Court House Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say. That the said John Hudson came to his death, by Accident while drunk in a Scuffle with John Ray.

Handy Papley November 3, 1889 on the plantation of Thos L Badgett Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say - that the said Handy Papley came to his death "by the Explosion of an Engine boiler."

Thomas Bramblet May 28, 1889 at Laurens Court House Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the said Thomas Bramblet came to his death by being accidentally struck by the Hose Reel, near the Greenville Laurens RR trestle on the evening of the 27 of May 1889.

Bluford Papley November 3, 1889 on the plantation of Thos L Badgett Laurens County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that Bluford Paply came to his death ("by the Explosion of Thos L Badgetts Boiler")

George Blakely August 23, 1889 at Tom Youngs Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that George Blakely came to his death "Natural Causes"

Jack Dendy October 25, 1889 at Jack Dendys Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the said Jack Dendy came to his death "From Providential Causes."

Henry Williams October 13, 1889 at the Plantation of C.C. Garlington Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the said Henry Williams came to his death by "Natural Causes."

Charley Martin June 23, 1889 at Lanfords station Laurens County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that the said Charley Martin came to his death by "Heart Failure."

Barnett S. Langston August 8, 1889 at Lanfords station Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say; that the said Barnett S Langston came to his death by Pistol shots in the hands of Jno. W. Lanford

Monroe Nathan June 5, 1889 at Allen Dials Laurens County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say that the said Monroe Nathan came to his death by gun shot wounds by a Pistol in the hands of Constable Jno D Watts he acting in self defence on the 5th day of June 1889.

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