
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of Jane Soseby
at or near John Soseby's residence
Suicide January 2, 1859

do say that Jane Soseby in manner and form aforesaid then and there voluntarily and feloniously herself did kill against the peace and dignifty of the same state aforesaid by hanging herself by the neck with a rope

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant
at Daniel Oglesby's near Thickety Creek, Limestone[?] Township
Natural Causes November 18, 1869

upon their oaths do say that the said child came to its death by disease

The State vs. the Dead Body of Annie West
at the late residence fo Rob't West
Homicide March 4, 1871

upon their oaths do say that the house in which Mrs. Annie West lived was set on fire by some person or persons unknown & that she perished in the flames

The State vs. the Dead Body of Samuel Kelso
at the plantation of Sam'l Kelso
Natural Causes December 21, 1817

do say upon their oaths that. . .he came to his death by an act of God being subject to something like a apoplexy for some time previous to his death

The State vs. the Dead Body of Patsy Ervin Unknown April 14, 1869

after making all the enquiry. . .come fully to the opinion that she came to her death by the hand of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Cockerham
at the Widow Bea[?]'s
Suicide December 16, 1813

say upon their oaths that the said William Cockerham [did] kill & murder himself against the peace of this state

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant
at Jared[?] Arnold's
Accident September 20, 1857

upon our oaths do say . . .that the child's death came by bleeding at the navel or umbilicus but we think if the child had received proper attention it would have survived

The State vs. the Dead Body of Patsy Cleary
at the house of Lewis [?]
Suicide December 30, 1857

having examined the corpse do decide that the deceased came to her death by the voluntary act of hanging herself with a hank of cotton

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Stone
at James Arnold's
Homicide November 1, 1809

do say upon their oathsthat James Arnold [with] one pine stick [did] kill and murder against the piece [sic] of this state

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of R. W. Foster
at the mill pond near Holly Spring
Suicide September 26, 1859

find that the deceased came to his death by voluntary drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Hosea Jackson
upon the Rail Road of the Spartanburg & Union
Accident July 10, 1863

herewith decide that the said boy Hosea Jackson came to his death by his own carelessness and from no carelessness whatever on the part of the engineer

The State vs. the Dead Body of Andrew Craig
at Cyrus Seay's
Suicide December 1, 1813

do say upon their oaths that the said Andrew Craig did murder himself with a loded [sic] shot Gun

The State vs. the Dead Body of Adam Hempley
near Wilson Wingo's
Accident February 1, 1853

upon their oaths do say that they believe it. . .was caused by the falling of a limb from a tree he cut down himself

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Nesbitt
at Benj. Wofford, Esquire's
Accident March 27, 1821

do say upon their oaths that the said J.T. Nesbitt aforesaid was about to brace the plates of a bark house which was raised & standing on posts at each corner, that the posts gave way & he sliped [sic], fell on his face on the ground, one of the plates fell on the back part of his head, prying him to the ground, that he instantly expired

Head Trauma
The State vs. the Dead Body of William Brotton
at the house of Ely Vice
Homicide October 1, 1820

do say upon thare [sic] oaths . . .that on the 30th of Sep't 1820 we believe that Zury[?] Vice shot him the s'd. Brotton in the neck under the jaw or in his jaw with a shot gun

The State vs. the Dead Body of Joseph Davis
at the house of George Miller
Unknown September 9, 1820

say upon their oaths that the said Joseph Davis. . .was kild [sic] or came to his Death by Misfortune

The State vs. the Dead Body of Obediah Martin
in the road near Hugh Caldwell's
Accident July 21, 1853

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by the accidental turning over of a waggon and a saw log rolling on him

The State vs. the Dead Body of Simon West
near the house of dec'd
Natural Causes March 25, 1857

upon their oaths do say that it is by the visitation of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Woodward King
at Capt. Boles[?] Hamilton's
Accident July 16, 1820

do say upon their oaths that from the examination of the corpse and information received from children they believe that he came to his death. . .by a shot from a pistol in the hands of his brother Mancel King aged ten years accidentally without any intention of killing

The State vs. the Dead Body of Elisha Himbry
at the house of William Himbry
Natural Causes October 11, 1832

do say upon their oaths that he was found on the tenth day of the present month about one mile from this place lying in the woods on his farm and they do believe he came to his death by the act of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Rebecca Crow
on the Howard Gap Road one & a half miles from Spartanburgh, SC
Unknown February 27, 1857

upon their oaths do say that the said Rebecca Crow came to her death from. . .exposure & cold

The State vs. the Dead Body of George Pye Homicide December 13, 1857

upon their oaths do say that they think he came to his death by wounds inflicted on his person; from the evidence we believe that Gilbert Fleming did feloniously kill the said George Pye against the peace and dignity of the state

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Soseby
by the side of the road near Lawson's fork
Other December 22, 1857

upon their oaths do say that the death of the said John Soseby was caused by intoxication

The State vs. the Dead Body of Clarissa Kiericon
at Spartanburg C. House
Unknown August 12, 1866

upon their oaths do say that the woman Clarissa Kiericon (Freedwoman) came to her death by the act of Providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Hezekiah Robbins
at the house of Hezekiah Robbins
Homicide November 5, 1865

upon there [sic] oaths do say that they are satisfied he came to her death. . . by a stab from a knife in the left thigh in the hand of Hubbard Cash

Sharp Instrument

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  • Department of History
    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

eHistory was founded at the University of Georgia in 2011 by historians Claudio Saunt and Stephen Berry

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