
Title Inquest Location County Death Type Date COD Inquest Finding COD
The State vs. the Dead Body of H. C. Rudisail
at Campobello
Accident December 31, 1881

upon their oaths do say taht the said H. C. Rudisail deceased came to his death by apoplexy caused from over work by violent exertion of the body

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant
at Isaac Young's on Pacolet River
Homicide March 16, 1870

upon their oath do say that the said child came to its death by some means to the jurors unknown against the peace and dignity of the same state aforesaid

The State vs. the Dead Body of John S. Collins
at Mr. John S. Collin's residence
Natural Causes May 29, 1870

upon their oaths do say that the sd. J.S. Collins came to his death by the hand of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of John T. Wood
at the house of Dr. B.F. Kilgore
Accident August 14, 1865

upon their oaths do say that the aforesaid John T. Wood. . .was drowned in a hole of water near Dr. Kilgore's

The State vs. the Dead Body of Alpha Wingo
on North Pacolet River at Harry Wingo's
Unknown May 7, 1869

upon their oaths do say that the sd. Alpha Wingo came to her death by providential means, unknown to the jury

The State vs. the Dead Body of Edmund Cleveland
at Spartanburg Court House
Accident December 4, 1871

upon their oaths do say that sd. deceased came to his death by the falling of the wall of Duncan's new building in the town of Spartanburg

The State vs. the Dead Body of Betsy Pilgram
at Woodruff
Natural Causes July 2, 1882

upon their oaths do say that the deceased ... came to her death by disease of the heart

The State vs. the Dead Body of Benjamin Clark
at Benjamin Clark's
Suicide April 22, 1872

upon their oaths do say that the sd' Benjamin Clark came to his death by his own hands by hanging himself by the neck in the horse lot to the limb of a white oak

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nelly Grazier
at Enora
Natural Causes July 8, 1888

upon their oaths do say that thy are the believe that the said Nellie Grazier came to her death by the hand of providence

The State vs. the Dead Body of Alexander Martin
at the residence fo B.W. Knight
Accident September 8, 1867

upon their oaths do say that the said Alexander L. Martin came to his death by the falloing of a tree some of the limbs striking dec'd on the back of the head neck and shoulders

Head Trauma
The State vs. the Dead Body of Lucy Gray
in the house of John Brown
Suicide December 27, 1867

upon their oaths do say that the said Lucy Gray came to her death [by] voluntarily & feloniously hanging herself by the neck in the house of John Brown aftoresaid to one of the joist of said house

The State vs. the Dead Body of Isaac Greer
at Vernonville
Natural Causes December 29, 1879

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by cause or causes unknown to them but in their opinion it was an act of God

The State vs. the Dead Body of Martha M. Kerr
at the house of Edward L. Kerr
Natural Causes March 10, 1881

upon their oaths do say that the said Martha M. Kerr came to her death by the act of God: hemorage of the lungs

The State vs. the Dead Body of William Mauldin
at Emoree Factory
Homicide September 15, 1867

upon their oaths do say that the said William Mauldin came to his death. . .from a blow or blows inflicted with a rock or rocks from the hands of John Burgess

Blunt Instrument
The State vs. the Dead Body of Woodward
on the road leading from Dantzler's Bridge on South Tyger River via G. W. Duncan's and R. T. McElvath's to Reidville
Homicide June 9, 1879

upon their oaths do say that ... the deceased came to her death by gunshot wound in the Breast, and incised wound on the neck, which severed the carotid arteries, windpipe, and other vital organs, and that we believe the said wounds were inflicted by weapons in the hands of John J. Moore

The State vs. the Dead Body of Jeremiah Morgan
at or near the residence of
Accident January 12, 1881

upon their oaths do say that the said Jerry Morgan came to his death ... by a fall from his horse

The State vs. the Dead Body of Peter Moore
at the residence of Mrs. Mary Dobson near Cedar Hill
Natural Causes July 3, 1880

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death ... by an act of Almighty God

The State vs. the Dead Body of J. H. McPherson
at Gaffney City
Suicide January 3, 1877

upon their oaths do say that he, the deceased, came to his death from the effects of a pistol shot wound in the head, inflicted by his own hand

The State vs. the Dead Body of Nancy Unknown November 11, 1857

after hearing the evidence do think that the dec'd came to her death by the act of God or mischance

The State vs. the Dead Body of infant Accident November 29, 1860 Other
The State vs. the Dead Body of Bartholomew Darby
near Emanuel Allen's on the road between Willis Layton's & said Allen's
Accident October 11, 1867

upon their oaths do say that his death was caused by his horses running with his waggon & throwing him from his saddle against a stump & the wheel of the waggon running over his head or neck & breaking his neck & deeply cutting him under the right ear

The State vs. the Dead Body of John Baswell
at the plantation of Abner McVay
Accident February 16, 1860

upon their oaths do say that John Baswell came to his death by misfortune or accident

The State vs. the Dead Body of John R. Edwards Accident March 24, 1858

find J.R. Edwards came to his death by fall or drowning

The State vs. the Dead Body of Ally Pollard
on the farm of J.G. Mabury
Accident February 5, 1868

upon their oaths do say that he froze to death while intoxicated in the public road near J.G. Mabury's

The State vs. the Dead Body of London Byard
at [?] Byers[?]
Accident October 8, 1870

upon their oaths do say that he came to his death by the hand of Providence by the falling of the earth on him in a ore[?] bank


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    220 LeConte Hall, Baldwin Street
    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053

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