Kershaw County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Kershaw County, SC Inquests

Displaying 151 - 200 of 233
Namesort descending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Method
negro negro March 26, 1838 at the Camden Ferry, Wateree River Unknown
negro negro March 19, 1838 at Ja's Chesnut's plantation Unknown
negro negro April 5, 1838 at the Camden Ferry Unknown
negro negro February 23, 1838 at Mrs. McRay's plantation Unknown
negro negro March 25, 1838 at Col. Ja's Chesnut plantation Unknown
negro negro February 3, 1838 at Maj. John Whitaker's plantation Accident
negro negro March 16, 1834 at the big Raft, the body lodged in the river Wateree Unknown
negro negro March 25, 1838 at James Chesnut's plantation Unknown
Nelson Pettifoot free black February 11, 1848 at the edge of the town of Camden Accident wagon
Nestor Ellison freedman June 5, 1868 at the house of S.G.W. Dill Homicide
Nicholas Lowery December 28, 1820 on the Ridge Road near John Lowrey's Accident horse
Norman Cameron March 28, 1850 at Mr. John McGoogan's Accident horse
Patt slave October 10, 1825 at the residence of Mrs. Mary Mathis in Camden Suicide
Patterson slave June 2, 1855 Homicide knife
Paul Williams August 23, 1869 Homicide brick
Peggy slave March 28, 1841 at Mr. Adamson's plantation Natural Causes
Pinder slave May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Powell slave August 10, 1851 at Mr. John Whitaker's plantation on Wateree River Unknown
R. J. Lester March 19, 1851 at Camden Homicide pistol
Rachel Evans August 25, 1822 at house of Elias Parish Accident lightning
Redding Summerville January 9, 1826 Unknown
Richard Williams November 23, 1880 Unknown
Robert Anderson January 31, 1825 at the camp near the Wateree Canal Accident
Robert Blair March 25, 1828 at the mill of James Cunningham ... on a branch of Shingeton's[?] Creek Suicide
S. G. W. Dill June 5, 1868 at the house of S.G.W. Dill Homicide
Sam Sinclair slave March 24, 1820 at John Chesnut plantation near Chesnut's Ferry on Wateree River Homicide
Samuel H. Young May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Sarah Ann Howell May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Sarah Arledge April 22, 1812 at Meeting House Branch Accident
Sarah Langley October 27, 1803 Homicide
Scott September 14, 1821 near the mill pond of Duncan McRae, Esquire Other
Selena Crosby May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
slave slave November 1, 1864 at the depot in Camden Unknown
slave slave December 4, 1852 at the plantation known as Stockton's Accident
slave slave January 25, 1836 at the plantation of Daniel L. Desaushore[?] Accident
slave slave July 23, 1820 Homicide
slave slave October 30, 1840 at Wiley Kelly's Accident
slave slave January 17, 1827 near McRae's mills Accident
slave slave May 31, 1832 Natural Causes
slave slave January 8, 1838 at the Wateree River in Camden Unknown
slave slave August 15, 1824 near the head of the Bell Brach within half a mile of the stage road Unknown
slave slave March 12, 1824 on the river bank at the plantation of Edward Brevard Accident boat
slave slave June 24, 1843 at Thomas Holland's Accident
slave slave June 5, 1805 in woods near Camden Suicide check string
Smith T. T. Richboury May 5, 1860 at Boykin's Mill Accident
Soloman Hilliard February 11, 1829 Accident shotgun
Somerset slave March 24, 1824 Accident horse
Stephen slave December 18, 1860 at Mr. M. Mungo Accident
Summer slave November 7, 1864 at the plantation of Burwell Boykin Homicide
Sylvia slave May 21, 1822 at John Brown plantation Homicide switch

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    University of Georgia
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