Union County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Union County, SC Inquests

Displaying 51 - 100 of 212
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort descending
William Ewbanks October 30, 1841 at the house of Elizerbeth Ewbankses Suicide
negro woman negro woman March 26, 1840 at John Garrotts Homicide
negro child negro child July 13, 1835 at the house or on the plantation of Charles Humphries Natural Causes
negro child negro child February 17, 1850 at the plantation of James Ellises Accident
Starkes Whitlock February 16, 1853 at J P Poters Accident
Fan Negro Woman October 1, 1833 at James [?] Land[?] Suicide
Peter slave February 16, 1865 at the Corman Gaal[?] Unknown
Unknown June 25, 1823 at the Dwelling house of Saml J. Hocy[?] Unknown
July infant slave September 8, 1856 at the House of Mrs Elender[?] Martin Accident
Pulaskey slave, boy March 30, 1848 at the plantation of J. F> Hill Natural Causes
John Gregory September 3, 1862 at John Gregory Natural Causes
Henry Coil man supposed to be Henry Coil December 25, 1824 at the premises of [??] Suicide
Thomas Henry October 20, 1817 at the Dweling Hous of Samuel Accident
Patrick Williams August 23, 1842 at the house of patrick Williams decsd Accident
John Garrett October 22, 1822 at House of John Garrett Accident
Samuel Mitchell April 10, 1837 on the plantation of Robert Glen Natural Causes
Zechariah Tottey December 4, 1806 at the Mill River Accident
Sarah Hardy free girl of color October 4, 1865 at William Page's Homicide
John Findley March 22, 1819 at [??] ferrey Accident
Sharp infant male child June 5, 1861 at Wm Bovels[?] Natural Causes
James Kirkpatrick November 24, 1846 at Union CourtHouse in James C Kitchens Hotel Other
Samuel Culbertson July 1, 1838 at the house of Samuel Colbertson Accident
William male slave, boy March 12, 1857 at Doct Milton [?] Homicide
Mary Tottey January 3, 1814 Accident
Jane Wisher September 30, 1848 at the residence of Mrs. Jane Wisher Natural Causes
Joseph Prince April 13, 1842 Natural Causes
Matt negro man February 9, 1832 on the plantation of Doct. Jas Macham Natural Causes
Franklin Turner son December 26, 1850 at John Turners Accident
Unknown March 3, 1818 near the dweling house of Richard Dumpkins Unknown
James Robison December 17, 1820 at the hous of John Birds Other
Gabriel Gibson April 18, 1819 at Elbethel Meeting house Accident
John Crosley January 11, 1838 at of John W Sartor[?] Natural Causes
Henry male infant slave November 23, 1860 at Berry Shells House Accident
William Giles Capt May 13, 1811 at his own Dweling Accident
James Johnson October 13, 1852 at James Johnson's farm Natural Causes
William Thompson May 5, 1835 at the house of Mrs Rochester Unknown
infant infant December 13, 1851 at A. J. Gregorys Accident
two negro children two negro children June 4, 1824 at Ellis Palmers Homicide
Joseph A. McJunkin March 15, 1858 at Wm Hawkins House Accident
negro child negro child September 23, 1848 at the plantation of Davis Foudalock Natural Causes
Negro child Negro child September 29, 1835 at Robt Beety[?] Natural Causes
George Darby April 20, 1823 at Lores-ford on broad River Accident
Christopher Norral January 5, 1815 at the Dweling house of John Norals Natural Causes
Patrick Keenan June 18, 1869 at Union Court House Natural Causes
Samuel M. McJunkin Capt June 1, 1815 Homicide
Howel slave October 3, 1835 at the house of [?] Polk[?] Homicide
Sax slave, boy March 11, 1865 at UnionVille Homicide
Emaline slave April 4, 1862 at R. G. H. Faws[?] Natural Causes
Jonathan McCulloch January 7, 1840 at the house of Thomas Jefferson[?] Accident
Major negro man the property of no person July 29, 1845 at the plantation of Miss M. J. Rogers Natural Causes

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    University of Georgia
    Athens, GA 30602-1602
  • 706-542-2053
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