Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 201 - 250 of 322
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort ascending
Elizabeth Low June 19, 1828 Unknown
William Gowan December 12, 1880 Homicide
Woodward King July 16, 1820 at Capt. Boles[?] Hamilton's Accident
Obadiah Thomson March 1, 1886 Unknown
Maty slave December 10, 1833 at the dwelling house of Jesse Hammet Accident
Angus Jefferson Smith June 4, 1874 at Spartanburg Accident
Clarissa Couch September 17, 1887 near Hobbysville Suicide
Martha M. Kerr March 10, 1881 at the house of Edward L. Kerr Natural Causes
Mary George November 1, 1857 at the late residence of Mary George Unknown
Willie Senteel August 9, 1885 at Clifton Accident
Samuel Kelso December 21, 1817 at the plantation of Sam'l Kelso Natural Causes
Sallie McDowell August 12, 1882 Natural Causes
infant March 16, 1883 at Martha J. Adkins Natural Causes
Johnathon Crow August 25, 1840 over Johnathon Crow at his own residence Natural Causes
Will Smith December 9, 1882 at Reidville, Reidville, S.C. Accident
Betsey Wingo June 9, 1886 Natural Causes
James Brooks March 28, 1884 near where Ferguson Creek enters South Tyger River Accident
Emeline Low June 19, 1828 Unknown
William Potter February 14, 1875 in Spartanburg County, Cherokee Township Accident
Elisha Himbry October 11, 1832 at the house of William Himbry Natural Causes
Edmund Chambers November 18, 1819 at the house of Edmund Chambers Natural Causes
John L. Thorton Smith June 4, 1874 at Spartanburg Accident
Miles Pryor July 6, 1878 at Hobby's Mill Accident
Edgar Daniel July 26, 1886 at Jack Daniel's residence Accident
Jacob Scott January 21, 1882 Unknown
negro negro February 27, 1868 at or near Pacolet Springs Homicide
Laban Johnson May 15, 1889 at Clifton Natural Causes
Moses free person of color December 8, 1850 at the house of Robert McCurley[?] Unknown
Leander Pack August 14, 1883 at the residence of Elias Atkins Accident
Dorcas Crossly December 4, 1857 at the house of John Wofford Accident
Patsy Ervin April 14, 1869 Unknown
Maggie Brown September 8, 1885 at Mr. Louis Johnson's Accident
Hezehiah Gulledge January 14, 1889 at Clifton Natural Causes
Harriet Hill May 27, 1884 Natural Causes
Dave slave February 6, 1830 at James Brockman's Mill Accident
John Hinson July 20, 1882 Accident
Rebecca Crow February 27, 1857 on the Howard Gap Road one & a half miles from Spartanburgh, SC Unknown
W. C. Benson October 25, 1889 at the police station in Spartanburg City Homicide
Woodward June 9, 1879 on the road leading from Dantzler's Bridge on South Tyger River via G. W. Duncan's and R. T. McElvath's to Reidville Homicide
Violet Gray February 25, 1877 at the house of Violet Gray Accident
Noah Wesley Dawkins June 18, 1888 at home of John Dawkins Accident
Elizabeth Rudisail July 14, 1872 at the late residence of John N. Rudisail Suicide
William Cockerham December 16, 1813 at the Widow Bea[?]'s Suicide
Henry Johnson November 6, 1820 at the [?] of John Mavis[?] Unknown
John Flommett March 22, 1841 at John Hammett's Suicide
Hannah Eves colored July 23, 1872 at D.J. Turt[?]'s Unknown
twin infants September 15, 1889 at Rosa Foster's Natural Causes
Henry Rush June 22, 1875 Natural Causes
George Pye December 13, 1857 Homicide
Jerry slave July 15, 1832 at Spartanburgh Courthouse Suicide

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    University of Georgia
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