Spartanburg County, SC

County Name: 
South Carolina

Spartanburg County, SC Inquests

Displaying 51 - 100 of 322
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location Death Type Death Methodsort ascending
Nancy Smith February 10, 1847 at the resident of Elijah Smith Accident lightning
Broderick Mason April 3, 1834 at the house of Broderick Mason Accident lightning
Cinthy April 3, 1834 at the house of Broderick Mason Accident lightning
T. Clark Singleton August 27, 1841 at Spartanburgh Court House Accident laudanum
Coleman slave September 30, 1849 at the house of A.M. Smith Homicide large stick
Adam slave December 29, 1828 at the house of Jesse Crook Homicide large stick
William Byers December 30, 1837 at William Z. Ford's blacksmith's shop Homicide large knife
Hezekiah Robbins November 5, 1865 at the house of Hezekiah Robbins Homicide knife
John H. Kelley December 21, 1882 on the [?] Road near the city of Spartanburg Homicide knife
Thomas Smith January 16, 1838 at George Born's[?] Homicide knife
James Gregory August 28, 1880 at Geo. W. Turner's Accident horse
Jeremiah Morgan January 12, 1881 at or near the residence of Accident horse
Caleb Woodruff February 5, 1831 at Bethel Meeting House Accident horse
William Boken April 17, 1841 at Flint Mill Accident horse
William Lindsey January 10, 1840 at Isaac Lindsey's Accident horse
Edward Simpson January 9, 1836 at William Simpson's Accident horse
Wilson Harris February 12, 1876 at Gaffney City Accident horse
Allen slave September 19, 1843 at Samson Bobo's Homicide hickory clubs
Bill slave May 14, 1848 at John H. Wofford's Suicide hickory bark
Judy Cook August 9, 1861 at or near the residence of Mary Ann Cook Suicide hank of yarn
Nancy Hawkins March 13, 1864 near the residence of Wm. Hawking Suicide hank of cotton thread
Patsy Cleary December 30, 1857 at the house of Lewis [?] Suicide hank of cotton
Sarah Shacleford September 3, 1849 at the house of Richard Shacleford Suicide handkerchief
Sarah Ray May 3, 1850 at William P. Ray's Suicide case knife
Carna Blackwood June 23, 1879 at the residence of William Blackwood Suicide bridle
Henry Heavener March 5, 1853 at Thomas Lynch's Homicide axe
Holman Smith May 28, 1855 at the late residence of Holman Smith Homicide ax
Elisha Himbry October 11, 1832 at the house of William Himbry Natural Causes
James L. Cathcart February 18, 1889 at Wm. Cathcart's Accident
William Potter February 14, 1875 in Spartanburg County, Cherokee Township Accident
A. L. Lattimore July 2, 1883 at Pacolet Cotton Factory Accident
John L. Thorton Smith June 4, 1874 at Spartanburg Accident
Martha M. Kerr March 10, 1881 at the house of Edward L. Kerr Natural Causes
Mary George November 1, 1857 at the late residence of Mary George Unknown
Booker negro March 30, 1823 at the plantation called Flint Hill[?] Accident
Liberty slave August 1, 1843 at John Murph's Natural Causes
Samuel Flagg February 18, 1833 near Wilson's old field Natural Causes
Samuel Kelso December 21, 1817 at the plantation of Sam'l Kelso Natural Causes
Rachail Langley December 30, 1878 in Spartanburg Co. Accident
George Wilkins January 7, 1886 Accident
Will Smith December 9, 1882 at Reidville, Reidville, S.C. Accident
James Brooks March 28, 1884 near where Ferguson Creek enters South Tyger River Accident
James McCravy January 4, 1851 at the house of Amos Holmes Accident
Rebecca Crow February 27, 1857 on the Howard Gap Road one & a half miles from Spartanburgh, SC Unknown
infant September 19, 1833 at the home of William Griffin Homicide
John Hinson July 20, 1882 Accident
Edward Fuller July 30, 1880 at Spartanburg C.H. Natural Causes
Nicholas Gibson June 26, 1884 at the residence of Nicholas Gibson Natural Causes
Miles Pryor July 6, 1878 at Hobby's Mill Accident
Roster slave July 27, 1844 at Fielden Clayton's Natural Causes

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    University of Georgia
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  • 706-542-2053

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