Isaac Gregory

First Name: Isaac
Last Name: Gregory

Isaac Gregory Inquests

Displaying 1 - 38 of 38
Namesort descending Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Method Inquest Finding
Adam Davis February 5, 1841 at or near John B. Bailey's Union County, SC Accident

uppon our oaths do say that we think the said Adam Davis came to his death by accidently falling into the fire when intoxicated

Angeyline Hainey May 16, 1847 at the dwelling house of Henry Iveys Union County, SC Suicide razor

upon oath do say . . .the said deceased did kill and distroy her own life by means of cutting her own throat with the Raisor of Henry Ivey which was found lying with her dead body

Chaney female slave June 15, 1841 at Mrs. Catherin Bateses Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say. . .a certain negro boy the property of the Sd Mrs Bates was handling a shot gun being loaded without his knowledge which went off by accident and blew the contents into the forehead of the said Chaney

Charles slave June 8, 1840 at Mrs Margaret Beatys Union County, SC Suicide small cord

upon their oaths do say that the said Charles did tye about his neck and to the Rafter of a ginn house a small cord and by his own contrivence[?] did distroy his own life

Elizabeth Greer lunatic February 7, 1845 at the dwelling House of Mrs. Mary Greer Union County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say, that from every circumstance shown to them that it must have originated from a former attact of lunacy, which had for a time appearently Subsided, they do believe that She did Shoot and kill herself through a partial derangement from the former disease

Elizabeth Mitchel October 12, 1845 at the dwelling house of David Mitchel Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that . . .the deceased went to bed in the house of David Mitchel . . .in good health, and was found a corps on the morning of the twelfth, and do believe that She came to her death by a visitation of god

Elizer slave June 13, 1845 at the plantation of Mrs S. C. Sims Union County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths do say . . .the death was occasioned by the violent abuse given her by the hands of David R. Henderson the overseer of [??] Sims by beating her with such weapons as was calculated to destroy life

Elizer female slave February 26, 1845 at John Forbise's Union County, SC Suicide rope

upon their oaths do say that the said Eliza did voluntarily and feloniously herself Kill by means of tying a Rope around the Neck and hanging herself to a Joice[?] in an out house

female Infant Slave female Infant Slave May 30, 1847 at the house of Mrs Sarow Brandons Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say . . .the child dyed by the visitation of god or [?] have been axcidently Smothered by its mother

female Infant Slave female Infant Slave December 25, 1846 at the plantation of J. C. Ison Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that . . .the child was . . .smothered in bed by its mother throuch[?] or by accident without having any intention to do so

female infant Slave female infant Slave May 15, 1847 at A. S. Gregorys Union County, SC Accident

upon oaths do say that . . .they do believe the child must have been Smothered by its mother in bed

G. Gallman February 26, 1842 at John H Galmons Union County, SC Suicide rifle

upon their oaths do say that in the house of the abovesaid John H Gallman the said G W Gallman did Shoot himself in the left temple with a rifle gun

George slave September 1, 1841 at the plantation of Wm. K. Clowney Union County, SC Homicide shotgun

upon their oaths do say . . .the above named slave was Shot with a Shot gun in the plantation of Wm. K. Clowney by Charles Ming the overseer of the above name plantation

George Prisock June 11, 1840 at E. P. Porters Union County, SC Homicide hoe

upon their oaths do say that the said George Prisock, was Struck one violent blow with a weading[?] hoe on the head which broke his skill, the above blow was Struck by a negro man Slave name James, the property of E. P. Porter

Harcolas slave, negro man November 18, 1842 at an old house Standing in the plantation of Mrs. Susannah Turners Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that . . .they do believe that from Exposure age and a burn which he had received some days previous was the cause of his death

infant Child infant Child August 22, 1842 at or near Mrs Marium Kershaw plantation Union County, SC Homicide

do say that the bones shown to them at the Stump was the bones of an infant [?] Child and it appeared that they had been put there for the purpose of Consealing them [??] they war put thare in the flesh or cleand of flesh is to us unknown

infant negro child infant negro child October 18, 1845 at the plantation of John Gregory Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that . . .they do belive that the child was Smothered to death accidently by its mother in her Sleap

James slave December 4, 1843 at J. C. Jeter's graveyard Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that . . .he must have come to his death by exposure to cold from being lying out in the woods or some cause to the jury unknown

James Kirkpatrick November 24, 1846 at Union CourtHouse in James C Kitchens Hotel Union County, SC Other

upon their oaths do say that . . .the deceased was put to bed . . .in a state of intoxication and . . .must have come to his death by a fit of appoplexy or some other natural cause

Jane infant negro December 31, 1840 at E. M. Gregory's Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the child was accidently overlayed by its mother

Jane Wisher September 30, 1848 at the residence of Mrs. Jane Wisher Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say from the widow of Elisabeth Wisher that the deceased was an oald person and had for some years past been afflicted with what had been cauled palpitation of the heart and [?] and was complaining . . .came to her death by a visitation of god

Major negro man the property of no person July 29, 1845 at the plantation of Miss M. J. Rogers Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say, that the above named Major came to his death by the act of God,

negro boy child negro boy child December 25, 1845 at Wm H. askews Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that . . .it was brot to its death by mischance or neglect of its mother by Smothering it in her Sleap

negro child negro child September 23, 1848 at the plantation of Davis Foudalock Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that . . .it must have dyed by the visitation of god

negro Child negro Child August 27, 1849 at James C. Mingo Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say . . .that the said child was axcidently or negligently Smothered and killed by its mother in her Sleep

negro child negro child February 17, 1850 at the plantation of James Ellises Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that the Female child came to its death by mischance being accidentally smothered

Nelson slave March 4, 1846 at a plantation of Col Wm H Gist Union County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths do say that they believe he the said Nelson came to his death by first drinking too much whiskey and being out on Sunday night or that his being out from whatever cause produced his death

Patrick Williams August 23, 1842 at the house of patrick Williams decsd Union County, SC Accident

do say that . . .Patrick Willaims came to his death by the fall of a certain oak tree which we found lying upon his Mangled body

Pulaskey slave, boy March 30, 1848 at the plantation of J. F> Hill Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that we believe the boy died of disease (Influenza) from the history of the Case

slave child slave child December 31, 1846 at the plantation of Nathan Hawkins Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say . . .that it was either Smothered accidentaly or otherwise dyed natrualy

Venus female slave November 9, 1848 at John Harrises Union County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths do say that . . .the disceased was a person advanced in life, and had at time been complaining of a Smothering Sensation at night and . . .Came to her death by a visitation of god

William negro January 13, 1847 at Robert Smiths Union County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that . . .the said negro bill did by tying a small Rope a Round his neck and to the Rafter of the house by Standing on the wall plate, and then steping off hang and choak him self to death

William Bradley December 29, 1841 at Elizabeth Eubank's Union County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that. . . drink & ardent spirits to an excess so as to intoxicate him so much as to render him incapible of helping himself to where he could have the benefit of fire, and only reached the edge of the field where in his residence was ... and there fell down and perished with Coald.

William Butler stage driver August 2, 1842 at the house of Joseph Hughes Union County, SC Accident horse

upon their oaths do say . . .do believe the said William Butler did come to his death by a fall from his seat on the back which he was driving near the dwelling house of Joseph Hughs . . .by misfortune or accident

William Ewbanks October 30, 1841 at the house of Elizerbeth Ewbankses Union County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths do say that the said William Eubanks did commit suicide by hanging himself to a line[?] by the neck

William Malone June 6, 1844 at the residence of Wm. Malone Union County, SC Suicide pocket knife

upon their oaths do say that the said Wm Malone came to his death by cutting his own throat with a pocket knife in a state of mortal derangement near his own house

William McLure December 7, 1844 at or near the plantation of John Gage Union County, SC Natural Causes

do say that the said William McLure . . .was found lying dead near a small path leading from Union Ville to the plantation of John Gage . . .we therefore do believe that he died from some providential cause to us unknown

William Vaugh August 28, 1842 at the dweling house of Patrick Williams Union County, SC Accident

adduced that William Vaughn came to his death by the fawling of a certain oak tree a part of which was found [?] his mangled limbs which had [?] shattered his Skull

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