John L. Woodard

First Name: John
Middle Name(s): L.
Last Name: Woodard

John L. Woodard Inquests

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
Name Deceased Description Date Inquest Location County Death Type Death Methodsort descending Inquest Finding
Caroline Timons January 10, 1901 at Mount Croghan Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

I have this day held a preliminary examination ovr the dad body of Caroline Timons and from the evidence of witness I do not deam It necary to hold an inqest but form such witness find that the Sed Caroline Timons came to her dath from none other than natural Causes this The 10 day of January 1901

James Nelson November 22, 1903 at E. C. Clark's place Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

We the undersigned juror of inquest over the body of James Nelson find that he Come to his death by being hanged by some unKnown Partyes.

Willie Dunlap September 6, 1904 [in] Chesterfield County, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Accident

We the undersigned jurious find from the evidence given that Willie Dunlap came to his death by poison administered by an unknown person to us.

Pleas Jackson August 6, 1899 at M. E. Tomlinsons Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: That the said Ples Jackson came to his death by natural causes

Laura Doneyhue October 17, 1901 at the Plantation of Geo Gregory, M.D. Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: nothin other than natural causes

C. B. Collins November 4, 1900 at C.B. Collins' Chesterfield County, SC Suicide

upon their oaths, do say: we the Jurors find that the deceased C B Collins came to his death by a gun shot wound inflicted by his own hand

Infant of Peter and Mary Hancock Infant of Peter and Mary Hancock March 1, 1898 at B.C. Moons Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: from natural causes

John Marshell Pages August 9, 1901 at F. Sherrell's place Chesterfield County, SC Accident

upon their oaths do say that John Marshell Pages came to his death by accidental drowning

Angeline Allen February 27, 1899 at A.L. Sims' Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: that we are convinced that the above Angeline Allen came to her death from natural causes

Mittie Mitchell September 19, 1902 at Chesterfield County, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

[No official declaration]

D. M. Pettit December 19, 1899 at G.J. Redfern Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: we the jurors find that D M Pettit came to his death by a wound on left side of his head causing fracture of the skull and depression on the brans in some manner unknown to the jury

Willie Hendrix Stricklin March 23, 1901 [no location given] Chesterfield County, SC Accident

I have this day helt a perliminary examination over the dad body of Willie Hendrix Stricklin and from the evidence of witnesses I do not deam it nesary to hold an inqest but from Such witness find that the sed Willie Hendrix Stricklin came to his dath from none others than natural causes

Infant of J. L. Hancock Infant of J. L. Hancock March 3, 1899 at J.S. Oliver's Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon their oaths, do say: the child come to its death by natural causes

Lester Caute Woodward March 15, 1904 at the residence of A. L. Steen Chesterfield County, SC Accident

[No official declaration]

Della Jenkins February 13, 1904 [no location given] Chesterfield County, SC Accident

[No official declaration]

Col. John Taylor July 8, 1904 at Miden dolph Chesterfield County, SC Homicide

upon their oaths, do say: that the deceast John Taylor came to his death By measures unknown to the Jury.

Arlen Blakney Watson February 2, 1902 at Chesterfield County, South Carolina Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

[No official declaration]

Authur Lee Johnson October 1, 1904 at the place of Mary Cassidy Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

[No official declaration]

Sallie Perdew January 5, 1902 [no location given] Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

I have this day helt a prliminary ex amination over the dad body of Sallie Prdew and from witnesses find that She Came to her dath nothing other than heart faleior or Change of life this the 4 and 5 days of January 1902

Unknown Infant Unknown Infant September 23, 1900 at James Thompson's Chesterfield County, SC Unknown

upon their oaths, do say: That said infant child came to her death by some manner to the Jurors unknown

Sebron Miller June 30, 1903 at Jefferson Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

upon there oaths do say that the said Sebron Miller came to his deth by natural causes

Sarah Ellen Oliver January 2, 1904 at J. W. Crawley's place Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

from the examination and testimony believe that she came to her death from natural causes.

John Brown January 28, 1902 [no location given] Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

[No official declaration]

Robert Jordan December 3, 1900 at Mount Croghan Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

from the verdict of witness I do note deem it necsary to hold an inquest but from such witnesses find that the Sed Robrt Jordan came to his ath from natural causes Decmbr 3 1900

Mary Jane Rivers September 12, 1900 [no location given] Chesterfield County, SC Natural Causes

I do not deem it necessary to hold an inquest but from such evidence find that the said Mrs Jane Rivers came to her death from none other than natural causes.

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